Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Mar 17, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 82 by Sam

When we woke up the next morning, Ty made love to me then we took a shower. I made sure he wore nice clothes as this is the first day of school for the semester. We then went to eat breakfast. After breakfast they all headed to school. I called my insurance company and gave them the information on the 4 new cars so they could be added. It really increased my rate but I made so much now it didn't matter. Also, when I sell the 3 old cars I can take them off and it will go down some. They emailed me the new cards and I printed them out and put them in the glove boxes of the cars. After I had that done I went and did me and Ty's laundry. When I had our clothes put away I went to Todd and Danny's room. After I picked all the clothing up off the floor I took their clothes to the laundry. I then put their stuff away and did the sheets. I had it all done before they got home.

When they got home Todd and Danny started on their homework. I followed Ty to our room. He wanted me on top this time so I got on top of him and pushed my cock into him. I started to thrust in and out of him. Ty was moaning as I made love to him. When Ty came for the second time I decided to cum too and pushed all the way into him and pumped my load inside him. When we came down I got us cleaned off and I cuddled up to him.

"So how did school go?"

"It seemed to go well. The classes are getting hard but it is my last semester so I figured it would."

"Do you still have time to eat with Danny?"

"Yeah, me and Todd still have a lot of time to go to his side of the campus to eat with him."

"Good. I want to make sure he has people to hang out with."

"Don't worry baby, we will keep a close eye on your pet."

"My pet? Todd tell you about that did he?"

"Yeah. I thought it was cute. My wife's pet is married to my wife's ex. Now there is a Jerry Springer episode for you."

I giggled and just cuddled up to him. After a while he got up so he could do his homework. I just laid in bed and waited for him. When he finished he got back in bed so I could cuddle up to him again until dinner. After dinner we watched some TV then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cleaned us off and cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

The rest of January went by uneventfully. I got the three old cars sold and got them removed from my insurance. I still am paying more but it is better. Yes, I gave Todd the money I got for his truck. He then gave it to the finance company as it was only enough to pay it off. But don't go crying for Todd. Remember, he got half my money in the divorce so he will be fine.

For Valentine's Day, Ty made a reservation at a fancy restaurant for us. After we were ready we said goodbye to Todd and Danny who were going to have a quiet night at home. Well they said that. I didn't say I believed them. After all, I have no idea what they did after we left. Ty drove us over to the restaurant and we were taken to a table. This place was very fancy and I was a little uncomfortable in it. Expensive places are really not my thing. I've been middle class my whole life so I'm used to eating at home or at a cheap restaurant. This place really screamed that it cost a lot to eat here. I realize that I might have to start getting used to places like this as Ty's family is rich, but I'm not all that sure that I can.

At the table, Ty pulled my seat out for me and pushed it in as I sat down. Then he took his seat and the waiter gave us the menus and asked what we wanted to drink. I wasn't sure what to order to drink in a place like this. I really do not drink alcohol, but on TV in a fancy place like this it is always wine people are ordering. Ty saw me struggling then told the waiter we would both have Coke. The waiter then left.

"Baby, you seem really uncomfortable."

"Sorry Ty, I'm just not used to places like this."

"No I'm sorry, I should have taken you somewhere more your style. This night is about you and I brought you somewhere that you can't relax. We can leave if you want."

"No Ty. If I'm going to be with you then I'm going to have to get used to places like this. I can manage."

"Baby, you don't have to do anything to be with me. If you want to eat at Ron's every night then we will. We don't have to eat fancy. I just wanted to show you a good time and I like this place. I keep forgetting that you didn't grow up on this stuff like I did."

"It will be ok Ty. I'll try and ignore all the expensive stuff and well dressed people and focus on just having a good time with you."

"Ok baby, but next time we go to Ron's."

I looked at the menu. I tried to ignore the prices but that was very difficult to do. I found the stuff I recognized and ordered a steak with a baked potato. Ty got shrimp and lobster. After our meal we went to a movie. We got popcorn and nachos along with our huge sodas and watched a movie. Now this is more my speed. After the movie we headed home.

Todd and Danny had already turned in. Ty took me to our room and he undressed me. I then undressed him. He took me over to the bed and laid me down on my back. He got on top of me and started to kiss me. He then moved down and kissed my neck then down my chest to my navel. He went down farther and took my cock into his mouth and started to suck on it. After a few minutes he pulled off my cock and lifted my legs and ran his tongue around my hole and pushed in and out of it. When he got tired he came back up and kissed me again as I felt his cock enter me. He thrust in and out of me slowly. As he made love to me he kissed me passionately. Our souls touched as our bodies became one. When I was pushed over the edge I screamed out as I came on us. Ty thrust into me a few more times until he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me. I cleaned us off then cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When it started getting closer to spring break, Ty said he wanted me to work the store the entire week. They were off so they could be there. He said we could get the college guys that couldn't afford to go out of town. He worked up a schedule. We would have one on ones for the afternoons on Tuesday and Thursday and have wall time the rest of the time. I asked why no one on ones for the other days. He said the reason guys are staying is they have little money, so no money to pay for a one on one session. Also he thinks I'm getting tired of old guys climbing all over me. He has a point. I've only had a handful of college age guys in my one on ones, the rest of them have been guys in their 30's, 40's and yes 50's. I'm not knocking them. Everyone needs to get off and they can pay so they do. And they aren't all bad. Some are very good fuckers. But I keep my prices low for the college kids and they aren't the ones I get. So he is limiting the one on ones for that week and mainly having the $20 wall time that I do get a lot of college kids for according to Todd who checks the line.

Right before spring break I give Ty a check for $1,000 so he can renew my prostitution license. He heads over to the license place after school and gets me a new one. I replace the one in my wallet then he drags me to our room to make love.

Spring break goes off without a hitch. Even on a weekday I have a lot of customers. But the one on ones are not college age. I may raise that price as I'm not getting the customers I expected and Ty says the waiting list every week keeps getting longer.

When May rolls around the guys start thinking of finals. I start thinking of Danny's birthday. I got him a bunch of professional cookware. I had Ty ask his parents to ask their chef for a recommendation and we got them. They do look nice. He invited some of his friends from his class. It was warm enough so Todd already had the pool set up so they could all play in it. Everyone seemed to have a fun time. After the party Todd and Danny turned in and I'm sure sleep was not on the agenda.

Finals are here and all are stressed out. Well not me of course but the others are. Even Danny as he has finals too.

On Wednesday of finals week Danny comes into our room in a panic.

"Sam, I don't know what to do."

"What is it Tiger?"

"I'm so going to fail my final."

"Why? I've seen you studying."

"No. It isn't that. All I can think of is sex. Todd hasn't touched me all week and I'm so fucking horny. If I can't concentrate I'll screw up."

"So you need to fuck one of us?"

"No, I need a lot of orgasms. I need to be fucked."

"Ok Danny lay down then."

I took Ty to the side and told him to tell me not to cum. I got on my knees in front of him and took him into my mouth. Ty told me to fuck Danny but not cum. I stood back up and got on top of Danny and entered him. I started thrusting in and out of him. He started to moan. Since I knew I couldn't cum I pounded him hard and fast. He came 4 times until the time limit on cock control was up and I was able to cum. He came one more time and I pushed my cock into him and came inside him. When we came down I pulled out of him and he thanked me as he headed to take a shower.

"If I had made you able to control your cumming with anyone we wouldn't have had to use cock control there."

"Well, you are right. Do you want to fix it?"


Ty got on top of me and started kissing me as I felt him enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me as he made love to me. It felt so good having him inside me.

"Sam, you are a bottom, but you love to fuck anyone, not just me. When you are fucking anyone you can control your cum and will not cum unless you want to. When you are fucking you will not get tried. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ty."

Ty continued to make love to me and when we came we got up and took a shower before they headed off to their finals.

When their finals were over on Friday, Todd took Danny to their bedroom. I went in with Ty. I knew we had a lot of time tonight before dinner. I got on the bed and Ty got on top of me and made love to me. When we came he told me to get hard before he pulled out of me. I was hard again and he pulled me on top of him. I started to make love to him. I was at it for an hour before I decided to cum and I pushed all the way into Ty and pumped my load inside him. After we came down we headed for the shower as Ty was covered in his cum. After our shower we went out to check on dinner. I still didn't see Danny so I decided to make it myself and if they ever came out they could eat with us. After I had dinner made, me and Ty ate and I put the leftovers away then we watched some TV. When it was time to turn in, since I hadn't seen Todd or Danny yet, I put a note on the fridge that leftovers were in the fridge and they just needed to heat them up and we headed to bed. Ty made love to me then we got cleaned up and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 83

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