Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Mar 13, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 80 by Sam

When we woke up I was super nervous. I hadn't slept much and I was tired but I was also nervous about how the afternoon would go. Liz said she had it all under control and I like Liz so I believe her. But that didn't stop me from worrying. I was so nervous I was not in the mood for Ty to make love to me. So we just got up and took a shower. We went to breakfast but I couldn't eat much. Danny also looked like he didn't sleep much.

"How's it going Tiger?"

"Sam, I'm so worried about this afternoon. What if it doesn't go right? What if I slip and fall on my face in front of everyone?"

"Don't worry Danny, I'll be right there with you."

"I know Sam, but things keep going through my head. What if I pass out while I'm in the middle of saying I do? And what if Todd says he doesn't?"

"Keep your knees unlocked and you won't pass out. And Todd loves you and will definitely say he does."

"How do you not worry though? How do I get these things to stop popping into my head?"

"If you find out let me know as they keep popping into mine too."

"Oh Sam by the time we get to this afternoon I'm going to be a nervous wreck."

"Don't worry Danny, I will be right there with you every step of the way. We can be nervous wrecks together." That caused Danny to giggle. "That's better. Now let's take our mind off of this afternoon and watch some TV."

We went to the lounge and watched TV. Saturday morning cartoons. I guess Danny is still young enough to enjoy them. That is good as it keeps his mind off of what is coming. After lunch we headed down to the ballroom. Liz had rented the casino ballroom for the wedding and reception. This was used for weddings a lot and they had bride and groom dressing rooms. I gave Ty his tux and Danny gave Todd his then we went to the bride changing room. Me and Danny got dressed and I checked to make sure he was perfect. He then checked me. When we were ready we sat and waited for the usher to come get us.

When there was a knock on the door we answered it. We were told everyone was ready when we were. I gave Danny one last check and he did the same to me. I then took his hand in mine and he gave me a squeeze. We walked out and over to the entrance. When we got to the door we saw Ty and Todd standing on either side of the minister. I took a deep breath. I told Danny not to trip or he would be taking me down with him. This caused him to giggle. When the music started everyone stood up and we began to walk up the aisle. When we got to the front I looked at Danny and released his hand then went and stood next to Ty. Danny went and stood next to Todd.

I'm not sure if I just didn't notice last time because it was Elvis and I was having fun, but this minister went on for a long time. Eventually he did the 'does anyone object' thing. Nobody said anything. Well my guests wouldn't as they know exactly what I would do if they did. But none of Liz's did either. Yes, my soon to be mother-in-law invited a lot of guests to my wedding. Oh well, they are paying for it so I can't really complain.

The minister then turned to us and asked Ty if he would take me in holy matrimony, blah, blah, blah. When he finished his spiel Ty said 'I do'. He then turned to me and asked the same question just with my name. I said I do and then he had us put on the rings. These were very nice rings. Liz has a real eye for rings. Ty put my ring on my finger next to his engagement ring. I then put his on.

The minister then turned his attention to Todd and Danny. He asked Todd if he would take Danny blah, blah, blah. I was going to beat the crap out of him if he didn't say yes. Luckily for him he did. The minister then asked Danny and he managed to get out his I do without fainting. They then put on the rings. Hang on. Those are our old rings Todd was supposed to put in the safe. Why did he bring them? Did he plan on proposing to Danny on the trip? Did he plan on us having a double wedding? Well played Todd. But I don't care because being married to you will be good for Danny and I care about him.

When they had their rings on the minister turned to all four of us and pronounced us partners for life and told us to kiss. Ty leaned down and we kissed. When we broke the kiss all four of us held hands as we walked to the reception area for the party.

It was a nice party. There was dancing, which I had to participate in as the couples have to do the first dance. But after that we stayed off the dance floor. Me and Ty cut a piece of the cake and Todd and Danny cut one together too, then the caterers handled the rest. It was a really good cake. I did have to slap Danny's hand when he reached for a champagne glass on a tray a waiter was carrying around. After the stinging stopped he apologized.

When it was time for the speeches I had to tell Todd off. He wanted to tell the story of how me and Ty met. Now don't get me wrong. I don't have a problem with the story. But I didn't know who all these people Liz invited were. If they were people Ty needed to network with later when he was moving up in his career, I didn't want them to think of him as the guy that got his dick bit off by his future wife when they met. I doubted that would help him move up the corporate ladder. So I nixed that story.

I also nixed the story of how me and Danny met. This was on two fronts. I didn't want anyone to know Danny paid to have sex with a prostitute, and I didn't want them to know I was a prostitute. Don't get me wrong. I am not ashamed of selling my body. I have fun when I'm doing it. But again, I didn't know who these people were and so I didn't want them to know Ty's wife was a prostitute. I also nixed the story of how Ty and Todd met. This was on legal grounds. Ty was only 16 when Todd was sucking his dick and I didn't want anyone to know that. So pretty much no stories of how we all met got told.

When the party was over we went up to the top floor in the elevator. When the door opened, Ty picked me up and carried me to his room. I saw Danny being carried by Todd to their room. Ty laid me on the bed then shut the door. We got undressed and Ty got on top of me. He started kissing me and soon I felt him enter me. He thrust in and out of me gently. It felt wonderful to finally have Ty make love to me as my real husband. We were at it for 20 minutes before I was pushed over the edge and came on us and that took Ty over too and he pushed into me as he pumped his load inside me. When we came down Ty told me to get hard and fuck him. My dick got hard and he pulled out of me. I positioned myself on top of him and sunk my cock into him. I then started rocking my hips in and out of him. Fucking isn't really my thing as I'm a bottom, but I love to fuck Ty. Soon I picked up the pace and started slamming into him hard. Ty was moaning his head off. It didn't take him long before his body stiffened up and he shot his cum on us. I felt his ass muscles contract around my cock but I kept fucking. I managed to keep it up for an hour, but I was getting tired. I told Ty I couldn't go much longer and he understood and told me I could cum. When Ty shot his next load I thrust deep into him and pumped my massive load inside him. It took awhile for me to recover. When I did I pulled out of him. We then took a shower as we were covered in his cum and I was sweating so much. When we were clean I cuddled up to him. I was worn out from everything so I fell asleep.

In the morning when I woke up I was cuddled up to Ty. He was still sleeping. I got up and straddled him and sat down on him. I started bouncing up and down on his pole. After a while he woke up and put his hands on his hips as I continued to ride him. Soon I was pushed over the edge and came on him and he thrust a few more times up into me then pumped his load inside me. When we came back down I got off of him and we went to take a shower. When we were clean we went out to eat breakfast. After we ate we went to the lounge to watch TV.

When we turned in that night I got on top of Ty and made love to him for half an hour before he told me I was allowed to cum. We then took a shower and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

On New Year's Eve we didn't want to get involved in the crazy going on outside so we just stayed inside and watched the celebrations on TV. After midnight I gave Ty a kiss then when he was done with Todd I gave Danny a kiss too. We then all said goodnight and turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

The next day we got packed up to head back home. I wanted to get back as we had the store on Saturday and the boys went back to school on Monday and they still needed to get their new books. Once we were ready to go we said goodbye to Rick and Liz and Wadsworth gave us a lift to the airport. When we got home we saw the new cars. I rummaged in my bag to find the keys they gave me and tried to figure out which car was mine. It was a blue BMW. Danny got a white one. Ty got a red RAM truck and Todd got a black one. Laura got a silver SUV. I'm going to be spending next week trying to sell our old cars. Danny looked a little nervous about his new car.

"Sam, what if I crash it? This car is expensive."

"Then you crash it. It is your car. But don't drive it until I can get it on our insurance."

"Ok. I'll just continue to ride with Todd."

We got unpacked and Danny made dinner. After we ate we watched some TV to relax then turned in. Ty made love to me then we got cleaned up and went to sleep.

In the morning after Ty made love to me and had me make love to him for a half hour we took a shower. We then ate breakfast before they went to the school to get their books. I did a little tidying while they were out. When they got back they took their books to their rooms. We then had lunch. After lunch I sat and watched TV. After dinner we turned in. Ty wanted me on him so I got on top of him and fucked him for an hour before I got too tired and he let me cum. We then took a shower to clean up. I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 81

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