Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Nov 9, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 8 by Sam

"Are you ok?"

"Oh babe, I'm so sorry, your truck is all banged up."

"I don't give a shit about that truck, are you ok?"

"I got a bruised rib from the airbag hitting me and a shattered knee from it hitting the console and my phone got destroyed but I'm ok other than that."

"What happened?"

"A car ran me off the road and I hit this tree."

"Did you recognize the car?"

"Yeah, it was Paula's, the supervisor that got fired Wednesday. I've already told the cops and they are looking into it."

"Ok, well you need to get to the hospital to get checked out and get that knee worked on."

"What about your truck?"

"The cops will have it towed and I'll file an insurance claim when I get home."

Todd got in the ambulance and was taken to the hospital. I waited around for the tow truck and asked where it was being taken to. He told me and I wrote it down to give to the insurance people. After the truck was hauled off I went to the hospital to check on Todd.

The lady in reception didn't want to give me any information on Todd as I wasn't family. I hate this crap. I started to wonder what would happen if I was injured. Todd wouldn't be allowed in. Would anyone be able to see me? My mom lives in Wisconsin. We only see each other on Thanksgiving and Christmas. She sure as hell wouldn't come up to see me just because I was in the hospital. I asked the lady if I could designate someone to come in that isn't family if I was hurt as I don't have any family close by. She said yes, just fill out this medical power of attorney and the person you designate will be allowed in. I filled it out and put Todd's name on it then handed it back. She asked for ID and then stamped the form. After that I just went and sat down. Half an hour later I get a call on my phone and it is from an unknown number. I answer it and it is Todd. He is using the hospital phone to let me know he is ready to be picked up. I ask where he is and he says the hospital. I ask where in the hospital and he says the ER. I'm looking around and don't see him. I ask where in the ER. He tells me and I walk around and eventually find him. He is on crutches and has a big black thing on his leg.

"Oh, you are here. Why didn't you come in while I was in the treatment room?"

"They wouldn't let me in, I'm not family."

"Oh, but you are my boyfriend."

"That isn't family."

I got him in my car which wasn't easy with that thing on his leg. We got home and I helped him get out and into the house. I then stripped him naked and put him to bed. I handed him a sandwich, then went online and filled out the claim form for the truck and uploaded the police report and photos I took. I then went in and cuddled up to Todd.

When we woke up we had a dilemma. Todd always makes love to me in the morning, but with his leg in that thing he can't do it. I lube him up and sit on him. I move up and down on him. I'm going at it for 15 minutes before my legs give out.

"I'm sorry Todd, my legs can't keep going."

"It's ok babe. This is my fault for getting in an accident. I can just suck you off."

"It is nobody's fault except that bitch that ran you off the road. I guess it will be ok, but I like feeling you inside me."

"Well, just sit there."

Todd started to stroke me. It felt good as his big cock was still inside me. Soon I was blowing my load onto him. I got off of him and started to jack him off. It took a bit of time but he then came on his chest.

I got up and filled the bathtub. I helped him get out of bed and he used his crutches to get to the bathroom. He then got in the bath, making sure his injured leg stayed out of it. I proceeded to wash him. When he was clean I helped him get up and he used his crutches to get back to bed. I then took a shower.

At about 11 am I got a call from my insurance company. It was the adjuster assigned to my claim on the truck. She wanted to know what happened. I told her I wasn't driving and gave the phone to Todd so he could tell her what happened. When he was done he gave the phone back to me and I told her where the truck was so she could send someone to look at it. After I ended the call I started on lunch.

I took lunch into the bedroom so Todd could eat without having to get up. The less he moved that leg the better. When lunch was cleaned up I just cuddled up to Todd as we watched TV. At dinnertime I did the same then we cuddled up and went to sleep.

In the morning when we woke up I cuddled up to Todd and he held me tight to him. Eventually he let go but then turned me around so I was facing away from him. He moved up behind me and lifted my leg. I felt his cock enter me. When he was all the way in he wrapped his other arm around me and held me tight to him then started to thrust in and out of me. I looked back and his bad leg was on top and not moving so he wasn't hurting his recovery. He continued to thrust in and out of me for a half hour before I got my second orgasm and he pushed all the way in and pumped his load inside me. When we both came down he pulled out of me and got back on his back. I got up and filled the tub. When it was ready I helped him get in and washed him, then back to bed so I could take my shower.

We had lunch and dinner in bed again and I cuddled up to him as we watched TV. When it was time for bed I cuddled up to him and we went to sleep.

In the morning when we woke up he fucked me on our sides then I gave him a bath. When he was back in bed I took a shower and made breakfast. I took him breakfast in bed then brought him his school books so he could keep up with his studies. I then left for work.

At work I got a call from the insurance adjuster. They looked at the truck and determined it was going to be a total loss. That sucks. She asked for my loan information, as I have gap insurance, so they can determine how much I still owed on it and then they would pay it off and send me the rest, if any. I gave it to her. After I got off the phone with her I called my cell phone company and got a new phone for Todd and told them to transfer his number to it. Then I called Troy and told him about the accident and that Todd would be out for a while. He said he understood. I then got back to work.

When I got home I made dinner then took it into the bedroom so me and Todd could eat together. I told him what the insurance adjuster said and he apologized for destroying my truck. I told him I don't give a shit about that truck, I'm just glad he didn't get hurt any worse than he did. After dinner I cleaned up and put his books away and we cuddled together and watched TV until bedtime.

On Wednesday when I got home from work there was a box by the door. I picked it up and it was Todd's new phone. I gave it to him then went to start dinner. When I had that done he was just finishing setting up his phone and connected it to the wifi so he could download his backup data. While it did that we ate. After we finished I cleaned up then put his books away as we cuddled up together until bedtime.

On Friday when I got home there was a FedEx envelope between the screen door and front door. I picked it up and opened it. There was a form releasing the title of my truck to the insurance company and a check for $7,000. The letter said my loan had been paid off and the check was what was left of the amount they were giving me for the truck. I signed the form and put it in the return envelope and sealed it up. I would take it to work as FedEx always comes by to pick up there so I can drop it off and they will get it. I took out my phone and deposited the check using my bank's app. I know I paid more than this in payments but that is depreciation for you. But I can use it as a down payment for Todd's next vehicle.

I made dinner then brought it into the bedroom so me and Todd could eat together. I told him we would need to get him a new vehicle and I asked what he wanted. He said I didn't need to get him a car as he could just ride his bike. I told him that wasn't going to happen. If he had been on his bike that night he would be dead, he will get a car. He said ok, and he liked the way that truck drove so asked if we could just get another one. I said ok then cleaned up the dishes. I then put away his books and we cuddled together until bedtime.

In the morning after Todd fucked me on my side and I gave him a bath and got my shower I went online and started looking for trucks. I found a few that were the same make and model as my old one. I found one a few years newer and the price would keep my payments the same as what I was paying.

I told Todd what I found and he wanted to go with me to check it out. I wasn't sure that was a good idea but he insisted so I helped him get dressed even though I hated to cover up his beautiful body. I then got him in my car and we went to the dealership. When we got there a salesman came out and I told him which truck I was looking for. He checked inside to see where it was then took us over to it. I looked it over and there wasn't any damage and the inside was in good condition. It had everything the old truck had but also had push button ignition.

The salesman asked if we wanted to take it for a test drive. I said sure. We got Todd in the passenger seat then I took it for a drive. It handled fine and I couldn't feel any issues. When we got back to the dealer I asked Todd what he thought. He liked it so I talked to the salesman and started the paperwork. We waited an hour (god I hate dealerships) before they came back with a payment amount and interest rate. It was just a little less than what I was paying so it was fine. We then waited another half hour before we could get in with the finance guy to finalize the paperwork. Once it was all done I gave them a check for the down payment and asked if they could deliver it. He said they could and would bring it Monday after they got the plates put on it. We then went home and Todd was so excited that I got him a new truck that he took me to the bedroom and fucked me on my side again.

Sunday was uneventful as instead of when I was making meals, I stayed cuddled up to Todd the whole time.

Monday morning Todd fucks me on my side. I can't wait for him to get better so he can make love to me again. Don't get me wrong, it feels good when he fucks me no matter how he does it, and this morning I came twice before he pumped his load inside me. But when he makes love to me it is so much more powerful. It is like our hearts connect during it. I can't really explain it, but I can say that I want him to make love to me for the rest of my life.

I gave Todd a bath then took a shower and made breakfast for us. After that I took Todd his books and grabbed the FedEx envelope and headed to work. I dropped the envelope off at reception so they could give it to FedEx. During lunch the dealership called and I scheduled for them to drop off the truck after I got off work.

When I got home from work the truck was just pulling into my driveway. I talked to the salesman and took the keys then he got in the other car and they drove off. When I got inside I went to check on Todd and gave him his truck keys before going to make dinner.

After dinner I cleaned up and put away his books and cuddled up to him and we watched TV until it was time to go to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 9

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