Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Mar 12, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 79 by Sam

When we were in bed Ty made love to me. After I came he pushed all the way in me and came inside me. After we came down he asked me a question.

"Baby, this cock control thing. Your body has to do what I say right?"

"I guess. What do you mean?"

"Well when I tell you to cum, even though nothing is happening, you cum. So can I make your body do anything?"

"Maybe. I don't know really as me and Todd never used it much except for him to make me drink his pee."

"Wow, so that is what he likes? Weird. Anyway, I want to give you a command and see if it works. Would that be ok?"

"I gave you the power to use it however you want. So go ahead."

"Ok. Sam, grow your penis to 7 inches."

I thought Ty was crazy. Penis size is not controlled by your mind. But I did get hard. Very hard in fact. It started to hurt it was so hard. I looked down and my dick was... growing? This didn't make much sense as it isn't possible but it looked like it was getting longer. It was really hurting. After 10 minutes my dick looked like it was 7 inches (17.8 cm) long. It was thin though.

"Wow. I cannot believe that worked. Sam, make your cock thick like Danny's."

I was in pain again. This time though it wasn't getting longer, it was getting fatter. After 5 minutes it looked to be the same thickness as Danny's cock.

"This is so awesome. Sam, fuck me with your big cock."

Ty pulled out of me and I lubed up and got behind him. I fucked him hard doggy style. Now I am not a top and this big dick felt very unusual to me as I'm used to my small one. But fucking Ty felt good on my now big dick. Ty was moaning as I pounded his ass. After 15 minutes Ty moaned loud as he started to cum onto his bed. His ass muscles contracted around my cock and the extra stimulation took me over the edge as I pushed all the way inside him and pumped my load into him. When we came down I pulled out of him. I then cleaned us off and cuddled up to him.

"That felt so good baby. I'm so glad I was finally able to have you inside me."

"I liked it too. But I'm not a top Ty."

"I know baby. But I still enjoyed it."

I held onto Ty as I fell asleep.

When I woke up I was feeling a new sensation. I opened my eyes and I saw Ty above me and he was riding my cock. I placed my hands on his hips and held on as he rode me. It wasn't long before he started to shoot his cum onto me. I thrust my hips up into him a few more times before I came depositing my seed deep inside him. When we came down he got off of me. We then got up and went to take a shower. When we were clean I looked down and my cock was still just as big.

"Yeah baby, I found it big and hard when I woke up, that is why I rode you. I'm sorry, I guess it can't shrink back to your small size now that it is big."

"It's ok I guess. It just looks strange to have a big cock like this on my small body."

"Baby, come here. I know we just took a shower, but I think I need to do something now."

We went to the bed and I laid down and he got on top of me. He put his cock inside me and started to thrust in and out of me. It felt so good.

"Sam, you are a bottom but you love to top me. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ty."

"Sam, your cock is 7 inches long and thick and it is perfect for you as it makes me happy. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ty."

"Sam, cum"

I came hard and blew my load on top of us. This took Ty over and he thrust into me as he pumped his load inside me.

"Ty, I think we need another shower."

"Yeah baby, come on."

We went back to the shower. As we were getting clean again Ty started to stroke my cock. I got hard and he turned around so he was facing the wall then bent his knees so he was lower. I got behind him and pushed my cock inside him. I started thrusting in and out of him hard. He was moaning as I fucked him. I continued to thrust my cock in and out of him until he screamed out my name as he shot his load onto the wall. His ass contracted around my cock and I pushed all the way into him as I unloaded inside him. When we had calmed down I pulled out of him and he turned back around and we finished cleaning off.

After we were dressed we went to breakfast. After we ate we went to the lounge and when everyone joined us we opened presents. We were all a little shocked when we opened the ones from Liz and Rick. They were very small boxes but inside them were keys.

"We got you all new cars. Well trucks for Ty and Todd, but cars for Sam, Danny and Laura. Uh, Danny does have a license right?"

"Yeah I got one. But I never had a car of my own before."

"Well now you do sweetie. We had them shipped to your house so they will be there when you get back."

"That is very generous Liz. And not really necessary. Our cars worked."

"Oh Sam sweetie who said presents needed to be necessary. We want to spoil you and your friends. And we have to include Ty or he'll mope about." I started to giggle. Ty swatted my thigh but that didn't stop me.

When it was time for lunch we all sat at the table. It was a big feast of ham and mashed potatoes and stuffing. It was all great. After we had all eaten more than we should we went to the lounge to try to digest it. We watched some Christmas movies until dinner. We could either have leftovers or their cook could make anything. I didn't want him to have to work too hard on my account so I had leftovers. It was just as good. When it was time to turn in we said goodnight to everyone and went to our room. Ty started to kiss me as he laid on top of me. I felt him enter me and start thrusting in and out of me gently. It always feels so good with Ty. He made love to me for a long time. As I was getting close Ty spoke.

"Sam, when you are on top of me you can control your orgasm and will hold off until I say you can cum. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ty."

I was then pushed over the edge and came on us as Ty pushed all the way inside me and pumped his load in me. When we came down he pulled out of me almost. But when just the tip was in me he said, "Sam, get hard." then pulled all the way out. My dick was hard again. Ty started to kiss me again as he rolled over so I was on top of him. I reached over and lubed up my cock and pushed it into him. He was bent up in order for me to be inside him and kissing him but he wasn't complaining. I started thrusting in and out of him hard. After 10 minutes Ty moaned loud as he shot his load all over us. His ass clamped down on my cock but I just kept thrusting. After another 15 minutes he came again but I kept going. I was getting tired as I'm not used to being on top. When Ty came again he told me I could cum and I was pushed over the edge and thrust hard into him as I pumped my load inside him. When we came down I pulled out of him. We got up and took a shower to wash off his cum and my sweat. We then went back to bed and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me. After we came he rolled over and pulled me on top of him and I made love to him. After he came twice he let me cum, then we got up and got a shower. When we were dressed we went to breakfast. After we ate we waited for the others. When they had eaten the four of us went out to get our marriage licenses. Even after Christmas there was a line. When we got to the front we gave them our IDs and my divorce decree from Todd to prove I wasn't married anymore. I brought it with me because I knew I would need it to get my new marriage license. I was not aware I would also need it to get Todd his. When they had everything processed they gave me back the divorce decree and our new marriage license. I then turned around and handed the divorce decree to Todd as he was behind us to go next. We then stepped aside while he and Danny got their marriage license. When they were done Todd handed me back the divorce decree and we went to get our tuxes.

We were in the store for more than an hour getting our tuxes. I'm so small they had a hard time finding one that fit me. Well until the guy finally decided to go to the kids section. When we finally got out of there we headed back to Ty's place. We gave the tuxes to Wadsworth to be sent out to be cleaned and pressed and had a late lunch before going to the lounge to watch TV.

After we had dinner with Ty's parents we all watched TV together then turned in. When we got to our room Ty got on top of me and made love to me. After we came he pulled out of me and we got cleaned up. I then cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me then we got up and took a shower. After breakfast I spent time with Liz making sure everything was perfect for tomorrow. I was so nervous. From the looks of it so was Danny. Liz assured both of us that everything was under control and we didn't need to worry. That afternoon the tuxes came back from the cleaners. I hung up mine and Ty's so they wouldn't get wrinkled. Danny took his and Todd's to their room. When it was time to turn in Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him.

"You ok baby? You look worried."

"Just nervous about tomorrow."

"Everything will go fine. This time tomorrow we will be husband and wife."


"For real this time."

"I know you are right but I can't help it. Let's just try to get some sleep."

I closed my eyes but sleep didn't come easy. I must have passed out at some point though.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 80

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