Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Mar 11, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 78 by Sam

The next week was finals and everyone was on edge. Well not me or Danny. Since Danny's program is a year long he doesn't have finals right now and well, I'm not in school. I did however see some stress in Danny's face as the week went on, but knowing from experience I would say that was just him not getting any from Todd. Ty however is a trooper and made love to me every day. On Friday when their finals were over and they came home, Todd took Danny into their room. I went with Ty to ours knowing dinner would be late tonight.

We did our time in the store over the weekend to get those that need release after finals. On Monday we went to the airport and got on the private jet and headed for Vegas. When we got there we were met by Wadsworth with the limo. He took our bags and we got in and were driven to the casino. When we got there we took the private elevator up to the top floor and got out. Ty took us to the dining room so we could have lunch. I'm still not used to this and don't want to make them do too much work just for me so I just ordered the same as Ty. The rest of us did as well. After lunch we went to the game room. I just hung around while Ty and Todd challenged each other. When Wadsworth said our bags were in our rooms, Ty said for us to change for dinner. My bags were put in Ty's room. Danny's and Todd's were put in a room and Laura's was put in another room.

Me and Ty changed and he showed me an empty drawer of his dresser to put the rest of my things in. When we were ready we headed out to meet up with the others. When we were all together we went to the dining room. Ty's parents sat at the ends of the table. I sat next to Ty and Todd and Danny sat on the other side together and Laura was next to Todd and close to Liz. We all chatted during dinner then we all sat in the lounge and watched some TV before bed. When it was time to turn in we all said goodnight and went to our rooms. Ty made love to me before I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

The next day was Christmas eve. When we woke up, Ty made love to me then we took a shower and got dressed. After breakfast, Todd said he wanted to talk to Ty alone. So they headed off to be alone. I talked to Danny.

"What does Todd want to talk to Ty about?"

"I don't know, he didn't tell me."

"Oh, maybe he just wanted a quick fuck."

"No, that can't be it. We just fucked for an hour."

"Well then I'm stumped."

Me and Danny waited for their secret meeting to be over. When they finally came back Ty said he and Todd were running out to the store.


"It's Christmas tomorrow."

"I know, but we brought all of our presents with us."

"It is ok baby, we just need one more. You and Danny can hang out here until we get back."

"But what will we do while you are gone?"

"You can do anything babe. Sam knows where most stuff is. You two just hang and we will be back before you know it."

Ty and Todd left and I got an idea. We went in search of Liz or Rick. We found Liz and Laura in the lounge.

"Liz, can I ask a favor?"

"Sure sweetie."

"Danny here is learning to be a professional chef and I wanted to know if he could go into your kitchen and watch your cook work so he could see a chef in action."

"Well Danny sweetie, I will do you one better. How would you like to see our chefs at work in the kitchen of the 5 star restaurant downstairs?"

"Wow, Really? That would be awesome Mrs. Lennox."

"Please sweetie, call my Liz"

"Ok Liz, that would be really great."

Liz took us downstairs in the elevator. We went to the second floor as that is where the restaurants were. Liz took us right in and to the kitchen. It was a madhouse. We moved to a spot where we could see what was going on but were not in the way. They had four cooks working. Some were cutting stuff up and others had pans on the stoves they were stirring. Also servers were going in and out grabbing plates and leaving slips of paper on hooks. It looked so hectic that I would hate to work here. But Danny's eyes were sparkling as he watched it all. He paid more attention to the cooks working the pans on the stoves than to the servers running in and out. After twenty minutes we dragged Danny out of the kitchen and went back up to the top floor. We then sat in the lounge with Liz and Laura and watched TV.

When Ty and Todd got back they came to the lounge to join us. Todd came over to Danny and got down on his knees in front of him. I was sitting next to him so I had a front row seat to this. Todd pulled a ring box out of his pocket and opened it and showed it to Danny. This wasn't like my ring. It was just a thin gold band, but it still was nice. Todd then asked Danny to marry him. I was having such a hard time staying seated. I wanted to jump up and down with Danny. But I had to wait for him to answer the question first. I didn't have to wait long though as he said yes quickly. Once Todd put the ring on Danny's finger all bets were off and I grabbed Danny in a hug as I was bouncing around I was so happy. Danny joined me as we bounced while hugging.

Eventually we managed to calm down and stopped hugging. Then an idea hit me like a freight train.

"Oh my god Danny, we have to have a double wedding."

"What Sam?"

"Our wedding on Saturday. You have to get married at the same time. It will be so great."

"But Sam sweetie, there is no time to invite their guests."

"What guests? Laura is already here and she would be the one Todd would invite and Danny... sorry Danny."

"It's ok Sam. I wouldn't have anyone to invite Liz other than Sam and Ty as they are my family now."

"Well sweetie if that is what you all want then I can tell the minister there will be one more group getting married."

"Oh my gosh this is going to be so good. I get to marry Ty then watch Todd marry Danny. Now I'm looking forward to Saturday."

"You weren't looking forward to it before baby?"

"Oh you know what I mean Ty. Anyway, take me to the bedroom. I'm too worked up right now to wait for tonight."

Ty picked me up and carried me to his room. Todd carried Danny to theirs. Ty fucked me hard doggy style for a half hour before I came on his bed and he pumped his load inside me. He pulled out of me when we had come down. I then cuddled up to him.

"You aren't mad I want a double wedding are you?"

"Of course not baby. As long as I get to marry you, I don't care about anything else."

"Good. I really want Danny to be happy and being married to Todd would be really good for both of them."

"Even though it didn't work between him and you?"

"That wasn't about him. I just wasn't right for him. He needs someone like Danny not someone like me."

"There is nothing wrong with you baby."

"I didn't say there was. I just meant I'm not right for him."

"Well I know you are right for me."

I smiled and cuddled up to him more. When it was time for lunch we went out and ate. Afterward Liz wanted to talk to Danny. I figured it was getting details for him and Todd joining our wedding. He went off with her and me, Ty and Todd joined Laura in the lounge to watch TV. I didn't see Danny again until dinner. He came in right before the meals were served. Rick commented on how good it was. Liz told him that the chef had to take the night off to be with family but she found a replacement. Rick told her to keep the name of the replacement she found in case they need him again. She said she would have no problem finding him and winked at Danny. When dinner was over we went to the lounge and watched TV until time to turn in.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 79

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