Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Mar 8, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 77 by Sam

When we got into December I started thinking about Ty's birthday. It was on a Thursday so I figured we would have his party on the Friday after it. Ty agreed but said he had a lot of people he wanted to invite so asked if we could rent the party hall out of town. I said that would be fine.

On Ty's birthday after dinner we turned in. When we got in our room I had Ty sit on the bed with his back against the headboard. I then lubed him up and sat down on him. I started to move up and down on him. He put his hands on my hips as I rode him.

"Honey I know your party is tomorrow but it is your birthday today so I want to give you your big present now."

"Ok baby. I'm enjoying my present."

"No, this isn't it but is required for it. Also I like to be on you."

"Oh, ok. What is it then?"

"I give Ty all the powers over my body and mind that Todd has with the same rules in place."

"Are you sure about that?"

"You are going to be my husband, so you might as well have the keys to your wife."

"Ok baby."

I continued to bounce up and down on him until I was pushed over the edge and came on him. He thrust into me a few more times before he filled my insides.

"So what does that give me?"

"What does what give you?"

"Oh right. Baby you programmed yourself to give me all the same powers over you that Todd has."

"Oh. I'm not sure of all of them as I forget every time but of course there is the programming but also the cock control."

"What is cock control?"

"When his cock is inside me I will follow all commands given to me without the ability to stop myself."

"Wow, why would he have that power?"

"Um, I like being dominated and being forced to do what he says is total domination. I guess you have it too."

"Oh, how do we check?"

"Well you are still inside me. Tell me to cum."

"Ok, Sam, cum."

I came hard and blew my load on Ty.

"Wow. So you have to do anything?"

"Anything you say, or someone else says as we couldn't fix that as long as it doesn't cause harm and isn't illegal."

"Well, I'll have to think about this."

"Ok, but don't make me regret giving it to you Ty."

"You won't baby, I swear. I will use it to make you happy."

"Ok, let's go to sleep as you have school in the morning."

I got up off of him and cleaned us up then cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

In the morning, Ty made love to me then we got a shower and ate breakfast before they headed to school. In the afternoon I went to the party hall and started setting up for the party. They provide the music through their loudspeakers. They had some buffet tables and I set them up and put chips and other snacks on them. I had a bunch of drinks in my car and put them in the hall's large fridge to get cold. When that was all done I went home. After dinner we all went to the hall and we brought out the drinks and set them out.

When Ty's guests started to arrive we turned on the music and the party started getting underway. About an hour into it Ty took me over to another room.

"Baby, I'm horny, can I get a quick blowjob?"

"Of course."

I got on my knees and Ty took out his cock and I sucked on it. I worked my mouth up and down on it giving him a good blowjob. He was moaning. When he came in my mouth I sucked on him until he was dry.

"Baby, go work the party and let my friends have sex with you."

I took Ty's cock out of my mouth and got up. I went out to the party and Ty followed. The first guy we came to Ty whispered to him and he took out his cock. I got on my knees and took him into my mouth. As I sucked on this guy's cock, Ty went around to his other guests. Soon there was a guy behind me rubbing my butt. I took the guy out of my mouth and got undressed then bent over and took the guy back into my mouth. The guy behind me entered me and started fucking me. I felt nothing. I took the guy out of my mouth and stood up to call Ty. When he came over I pointed at his phone. He looked confused, but then got it and took out his phone. I worked on the cock in my mouth as suddenly the cock in my ass started to feel good. When the guy I was sucking blew his load in my mouth he took it out of my mouth and another replaced it. The same happened when the guy behind me pumped his load into me. He pulled out and another was pushed in.

This went on for a while until a very large cock was pushed into me. I looked back and it was Todd. I didn't want Todd inside me anymore as I didn't want any feelings for him to come up. But I was powerless to stop him or myself from doing it. He started thrusting in and out of me and I pushed back into him matching him. I blew my load on the floor after 10 minutes. Todd kept going. The guy in my mouth gave me his load and was replaced. I came again after 15 minutes. I was now outside the 30 minute barrier but I was having fun so I took another cock as Todd fucked me. When I came again he thrust into me and pumped his load inside me. When he came down he whispered in my ear.

"You will continue to let Ty's friends have sex with you."

He then pulled out of me and another took his place. This went on for hours. Even Danny took a turn and Todd took another one. When the party was over I was a mess of cum. It was all over my legs and coming out of my ass. Ty got some towels from the bathroom and cleaned me up.

"You owe me Ty."

"I know baby. It's $750 per hour right?"

"No." I went over to him and pulled his head down to me and gave him a kiss. When we broke the kiss I smiled at him. "Paid in full."


"I love you Ty. And I love to be used. You gave me both at the same time as I was used by you. I don't have a problem with that. If I did it would have stopped after 30 minutes."

"What do you mean?"

"There is a time limit on how long I have to obey a command from your cock being in me. After the time is up I have the power to stop. But I was having fun so I didn't. But you Todd. I didn't want your cock in me and you know it."

"Sorry Sam, but I overheard Ty and figured it was cock control and I haven't had you in a long time and wanted to feel it again."

"Well no more Todd. I don't want to go down that path again. I'm with Ty now and that is where I want to be."

"I know and I'm with Danny now. I just wanted to feel it again. I'll respect your wishes and not do it again."

We got the hall cleaned up and then we headed home. It was late and I just cuddled up to Ty and went to sleep.

When we got up in the morning I was so tired. We were up way too late last night. I was having a hard time getting going. But I managed to get Ty up. He was still tired too. We got up and took a shower then went to breakfast. I grabbed a diet soda to get some caffeine in me to help wake me up. We headed to the store. I told Ty to put up the signs saying we are closed during the Christmas break. I got in the sling and against the wall just as the first customer entered me. This was a hard day. I don't mind being fucked all day. In fact I enjoy it most of the time. But I was so tired I just wanted to sleep. When the day was over Danny got me down and cleaned up then when everything was done we headed home. Me and Ty crashed on the couch as Todd counted the money and Danny made dinner. Ty woke me up when Todd had the figures. I paid Ty and Danny then we sat down to eat. After dinner we turned in. We went to Todd and Danny's room as it was Saturday. It was a short session as we all just wanted some sleep. But Ty's and Danny's needs did get filled. Todd fucked Ty and Danny fucked me for a half hour before we got up and showered. I cuddled up to Ty as Danny cuddled up to Todd and we all went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 78

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