Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Mar 5, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 75 by Sam

In the morning, Ty made love to me before we took a shower and had breakfast. We then all headed to the store. Danny helped me into the sling then went to work the line while the first customer entered me. At the end of the day Danny got me out of the sling and cleaned me off then while I got dressed he and Ty cleaned the room up. When we got home, Todd went to count the money and Danny went to the kitchen. Ty took me to our room. After we made love we got a shower. When he had cleaned all the cum out of my ass he turned me toward the wall and pushed me up against it. I then felt his body behind me and his cock enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me as he kissed the back of my neck. He always knows how to make me feel good. It wasn't long before I came on the wall as he pumped another load into me. When we came down we finished cleaning ourselves then got out and got dressed to see what Todd had.

When we got to Todd he gave us the number. I paid Ty and Danny then looked at Todd.

"How does this work now?"

"I'll deposit half of what is left in my account and the other half in yours. I'm handling the accounting to reflect that too so we pay the right amount in taxes."

"Ok. Let me know when I'm supposed to do something as far as taxes and other stuff goes."

"I will ba... Sam."

"You save that word for Danny now. I care about Danny still so treat him right."

"I will Sam. And Ty better treat you right."

We then all sat down to dinner. When dinner was over we turned in. Me and Ty got undressed and laid next to each other on the bed. Todd got on top of Ty and Danny got on top of me. Todd pushed his huge cock into Ty and Danny pushed his fat one into me. Once they were all the way in they started to thrust in and out of us hard. I held onto Ty's hand as multiple orgasms came over me during the hour Danny was fucking me. After my fifth climax Danny slammed into me and filled my insides. Todd grunted loud as he pushed all the way into Ty. When we had all calmed down Danny and Todd pulled out of us and helped us up so we could shower. When we were clean I grabbed Ty and laid him on the other side of the bed from Todd. I cuddled up to him. Danny cuddled up to Todd and we all went to sleep.

At Halloween, Ty was invited to a costume party. We invited Todd and Danny. We all went to the costume store to find something to wear. We came across the Harry Potter section and I thought Ty would look great as Ron. He asked what I would go as. I thought about it and Harry didn't fit me. Maybe Colin Creevey. Todd and Danny were with us and Todd said he could go as Harry. I then looked at Danny.

"We need a Hermione."

"But I'm not a girl."

"That doesn't matter. I'm not tall enough and I'm going as Colin. Don't worry, you will look fine."

"I'm not sure."

"Ok, just try it on."

Danny took the Hermione costume to the changing room and put it on. He looked fine. Well, ok, he is cute as a boy but with a girl wig on he looked like a cute boy in a wig. But I don't think anyone will care. We got the costumes and headed home.

On the night of the party we got changed into our costumes. Ty looked really good. We didn't need the red wig. The robes fit really well and he had a wand. My robes fit good too and I had a fake camera that went around my neck. When we were dressed we went out to meet up with the others. Todd's robes fit good. He had a wand and there was a fake lighting scar on his forehead. Danny still looked like a boy in a wig but everything looked fine on him. We got in Todd's truck and headed to the party. At the party Ty introduced us to some of his friends. I recognized some of them as ones that fucked me when I lived in the dorms with Ty. I had fun meeting them again. Some were a little flustered and some looked me up and down I bet hoping Ty was going to give them another turn. Some of them eyed Danny but it was ok as Todd kept Danny close to him. When the party was over we went back home and turned in as we had the store in the morning. After we were undressed Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When it got close to Thanksgiving I told Ty I wanted to take that weekend off. Yes we could make a lot of money but I wanted to just spend time with family. Ty agreed and made up a sign to announce we would be closed that weekend.

The day before Thanksgiving, Laura came over and Danny and her worked to make the pies and get everything ready for the next day. When they were done she left and said she would return early in the morning. We all sat to watch 'A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving'. It may be massively old, but is still fun to watch. When it was over we all turned in. Ty made love to me before I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

The next morning, Ty made love to me then we got a shower and got dressed. When we went out to get breakfast, Laura was already in the kitchen with Danny. Danny gave us some eggs and bacon then continued to help Laura with the big meal. At about 10am there was a knock on the door. I went to get it and it was Ty's parents.

"Rick, Liz, I didn't know you were coming. Ty, why didn't you tell me your parents were coming?"

"Because I didn't know it myself baby. Mom, Dad, please come in."

"Sorry to drop in unannounced Sam. It was last minute. We just felt you were all here and it was just us two at home so I thought we should all be together."

"Well, no harm done as there is always way more food than we can eat. Do you want anything to drink?"

"No we are fine sweetie."

I introduced Laura to them as well as Danny. We all sat and chatted then watched the parade on the TV. When it was time to eat we all sat down and had a great meal together. When we were all stuffed we went to the living room to let our food digest and watched some Christmas movies. At dinner time we had leftovers. When it was getting late I offered Liz and Rick the use of the vacant spare room. They said they didn't want to put us out. I was not going to hear any arguments and insisted on them staying here. I told Ty to go get their bags. He got them and put them in the room. I showed them where the extra towels are and bid them goodnight. Me and Ty then went to our room. After Ty made love to me I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up the next morning, Ty made love to me. After we came we got a shower then got dressed and went to breakfast. When we sat down Danny gave us some French toast. We then went to sit on the couch and wait for the others to get up. Laura came over mid- morning to help decorate the house. Me and Danny helped her with the tree. Todd, Ty and Rick went outside to handle the lights on the house. Liz handled the village scene. We had everything done just as Danny started on lunch. After lunch Rick and Liz asked if they could see the store and how we did everything there. I said we could, but not today as Dave was closed for Black Friday. I told them we could go over tomorrow. They said that would be fine and we watched some Christmas movies and Liz asked me questions about what different things I wanted for the wedding until it was time to turn in. We said goodnight to everyone and Ty took me to our room and made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 76

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