Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Mar 3, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 74 by Sam

When we woke up, Ty made love to me quickly then we got a shower and went to eat. After breakfast we headed to the store. At the store I got undressed and Danny helped me strap in then went to check the line. At the end of the day Danny got me down and cleaned me up then he and Ty cleaned the room as I got dressed. When we got home Todd went to count the money and Danny went to the kitchen. Me and Ty went to our room and he made love to me then we took a shower. After he cleaned out all the cum from my ass he fucked me against the wall. When we were clean we got out and went to Todd to get the figures. When he gave us the number I paid Ty and Danny then we sat down to eat. After we ate I talked to Todd.

"I know you probably don't want to be with me. But Ty needs these Saturdays with you and Danny so he can be topped as I'm not able to do it."

"Sam. I never said I don't want to be with you. We are getting the divorce for you. If you want to continue the Saturdays we can."

"I don't want to come between you and Danny."

"You won't Sam, and Danny likes being with you. He can't top with me and enjoys it with you. So I want to keep doing the Saturdays for him."

"Ok we will do it for our boyfriends."

We all went into Todd's and Danny's room and me and Ty got undressed and laid down on the bed next to each other. I held his hand as the others got ready. Todd got on top of Ty and Danny got on me. They entered us and started thrusting in unison. They lasted an hour before pushing all the way inside us and giving us their loads. When we had all calmed down they pulled out of us and we headed to the shower. When we were clean we headed back to the bedroom. Ty cuddled up to Todd, but I didn't want to as I felt it might bring up feelings I didn't want to feel anymore. So I had Danny lay down and I cuddled up to him.

When we woke up I lubed up Danny and got on top of him and started to ride him. I looked over at the other two and Ty had woken up and was getting onto Todd's cock. When he was situated I stopped bouncing on Danny and took Ty's hand and we started to raise and lower ourselves in unison. They woke up after a few minutes and we rode them to two cums before they unloaded into us. After we all calmed down I got off Danny and helped Ty get off Todd then we all took a shower. When we were clean, me and Ty headed to our room to get dressed. We then all ate breakfast together before heading to the store. When we got to the store I got undressed and put on my robe as Ty and Danny fixed up the other room. I sat on the couch as I waited for Ty to get back and give me my signal. When I got my signal I went to the other booth. Todd was at the door and I went in and hung up my robe.

At the end of the day I took a shower as Ty and Danny put everything away and cleaned up. When I was clean I got dressed then we headed out. When we got home Ty took me to our room to make love. After we cuddled for a bit we got dressed and went to get the figures from Todd. I paid Ty and Danny then we sat down to eat. After we ate we watched some TV before turning in. Ty made love to me again then I cuddled up to him and we went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me then we took a shower and ate breakfast. After we ate they headed to school. I started on laundry. I washed me and Ty's clothes and put them away. I then went to Todd and Danny's room and got their clothes and washed them. When they were done I put Danny's clothes in Todd's dresser. I then changed all the sheets and washed them. I had just finished when they got home. Todd handed me some documents. I read them over and they were the divorce documents. I went and sat down to read through them while they worked on their homework. It was very simple. It listed all our assets and divided them evenly between the both of us. Well except for the cars. It gave Todd his truck and me my car. Other than that it was an even split of everything, the house, business and money in the bank accounts. I was fine with this and looked to see if it needed to be notarized. It didn't so I signed on my line and I placed them on Todd's desk as I walked to Ty's room.

When I got to Ty's room I got undressed and laid on his bed while he did his homework. When he finished he got undressed and joined me in bed. He got on top of me and made love to me then we cuddled together until dinner. After dinner we watched a movie then turned in. After Ty made love to me we cleaned up and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me before we got our shower. We then got dressed and ate breakfast with everyone. After breakfast they headed to school. I went to work tidying up. Around lunchtime there was a knock on the door. It was a delivery for Ty. I signed for it and took it to our room and put it on his desk, then continued to clean. When they got off school I told Ty about the package. Todd wanted to talk to me.

"I turned in the documents and they submitted them. They said we have a court date for Friday at 1pm. I talked to Ty and he will take his car to school so he and Danny can ride home together when they get out of their classes. I'll take the afternoon classes off and come by here to pick you up at lunchtime so we can make it to court on time. Does that work for you?"

"Yeah, that should work."

Todd then headed for the desk to do his homework and I went to our room. Ty was at his desk doing his homework. The package was opened and the box was in the trash, but I didn't see what he took out of it. I got undressed and laid on the bed while I waited for him to finish his homework. When he was done he got undressed and got in with me. He got on top of me and started to kiss me as he entered me. He thrust in and out of me slowly. He is always so gentle and caring. It feels so good to be with him. After 15 minutes I was pushed over the edge and came on us. This took Ty over the edge too and he pumped his load inside me. When we had calmed down he pulled out of me and I cleaned us up and cuddled up to him. We stayed like that until dinner was announced. After dinner we watched TV then headed for bed. Ty made love to me then I cleaned us up and cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

On Friday when we woke up, Ty made love to me. We then got a shower and went to breakfast. When they left for school, Todd reminded me about the court appointment and I told him I'd be ready. I spent the morning tidying up the house. I was a little nervous about the court appointment. I know divorces are now simple procedures to the court, but the formality of court always makes me nervous. It is why I hate doing jury duty. I made an early lunch and when Todd got here I asked if he ate. He hadn't so he ate a little bit before we left. He was nervous too.

When we got to the courthouse we went in and found the room. We met up with Todd's lawyer and he told us how it worked. There were a bunch of cases all scheduled for the same time and we would be called up when it was our turn. After an hour of watching the fastest court trials ever, this was nothing like the ones on Law and Order, we were eventually called up. The judge asked who was representing us and our lawyer said he represented both of us. The judge then asked if we wanted to get a divorce and we both said yes then asked if we agreed with the conditions in the divorce filing and we both said we did. He then banged his gavel and signed something and the bailiff handed it to our lawyer then our lawyer escorted us out. He took us over to his office and we sat down. He looked over the order the judge gave him and said if I wrote a check to Todd for half of the amount in our bank account he would take care of the paperwork for the house, cars and business. I wrote the check and the lawyer verified it before handing it to Todd. Todd handed me his Discover and debit cards. I took off my wedding ring and handed it to him.

"Sam, you paid for the rings. You can keep them."

"I don't want to keep them Todd. You keep them and if you and Danny hit it off you can use them again with him."

"What about you and Ty?"

"OK, well, why don't you hold on to them and we will talk about them again if either of us ever gets married again. You can put them in the safe when we get home."

"Ok, that's fair."

We left the courthouse and Todd drove us home. We were there for a long time. When we got home Ty and Danny were already home. They were waiting for us in the living room.

"Hey baby, how did it go?"

"We are single again."

"That is great. Can I ask you something?"


Ty got up off the couch and came over to where we were. He got down on his knees and took something out of his pocket. He opened it up and there was a gold ring that had a band of diamonds running all the way around the center of it. It was beautiful. He held it up to me.

"Sam, will you marry me?"

I was in shock. I just got out of a marriage and here was Ty asking me to marry him. Now I love Ty a lot and would love to marry him. But the question is, was it too soon to marry him... or anyone? I wasn't sure. The real question was did it matter how soon? I don't think it did. Ty was a great guy and I loved him and did want to marry him. Here he is asking me so what is the problem?

"Yes Ty, I will marry you."

He got a big grin on his face and took the ring and put it on my finger before standing back up. Todd congratulated us. It was weird being congratulated on getting engaged by the guy I just divorced. Danny was happy too. After they stopped hugging us, me and Ty went to our room. We undressed and got on the bed. Ty got on top of me and started to kiss me as he entered me and started thrusting in and out of me gently. He was giving it his all and I was moaning into his mouth as we made love. When we came I blew my load all over us as he pumped his inside me. When we calmed down he pulled out and I cleaned us up and cuddled up to him. I had my hand on his chest and with my head laid on his chest I looked at the ring he just gave me. It was stunningly beautiful. It wasn't a woman's ring with just the gold band and post with one diamond. This had the diamonds running all around the center. This must have cost a lot.

"Ty, I love this ring, but how could you afford it? It must have cost a lot."

"I didn't buy it baby. I told my mom you and Todd were getting a divorce. She was sad to hear that. But when I told her I wanted to marry you she perked up and asked for your ring size. So, when you were sleeping I took off your wedding ring and measured it then sent it to her. She then sent me that ring to give to you when I proposed."

"Oh. But I thought your parents didn't give you money or stuff like that?"

"My dad doesn't. He wants me to earn what I have. My mom however loves you and couldn't wait to spend money to help me get you."

"Oh... Ty is it possible that our wedding is already planned out by your mother?"

"My guess is she already has it all done and is just waiting for our tux sizes."

Well, I guess I'll have to deal with that. But it is ok. I like Liz and if she is managing the wedding that will take a load off of me. I just hope she lets us invite at least some of our friends.

When dinner was announced we got up and went out to eat with the others. After dinner we watched some TV. Danny asked to look at my ring and held my hand as he looked at it closely. We eventually turned in. Ty made love to me then I cleaned us off and cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 75

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