Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Mar 1, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 73 by Sam

I thought about what he said. I tried to picture Todd as my husband but couldn't. This could only mean one thing. I sat up and looked at Ty.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing baby, I swear." Ty looked scared. "This was all Todd. He programmed you to think I was your husband."

"Why is he not here to take me back?"

"It is a long story baby."

"Well I want to hear it. But not until my mind is clear. Get on top of me."

Ty got on top of me and I felt him enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me. It felt good.

"Ty is not my husband, Todd is. When I cum, I will listen patiently as Ty explains to me why I think he is my husband... Ok Ty, make me cum."

Ty thrust faster in and out of me and in 5 minutes I came on us as he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me. I cleaned off then waited. Ty told me the story about me being accidentally programmed by the billboard. Then about how he tested the reading program by making me have two husbands, then how I cried when Todd was going to remove Ty as my husband. He also explained how Todd was upset that week about me having two husbands and how he explained to Todd how much I loved him. Then how Todd programmed me to think he was my husband. I asked Ty if it was supposed to be only for a week why I still believed it. He told me he confronted Todd when he didn't fix the program on that first Saturday and Todd said that Danny came to his room on Wednesday night as he was horny and Todd fucked him. Danny apparently liked it as he continued to come back. Even though Danny doesn't like to bottom, he does for Todd's cock. Ty told him when I first started to cry when they were riding home from school, but Todd said he wanted to see where the relationship with Danny was going to go so he was going to leave me with Ty. This pissed me off.

I got out of bed and went to Todd's room. I slammed the door open and turned on the light. Danny was cuddled up to Todd but both were awake.

"Danny, get out."

Danny got up and left the room. I slammed the door shut and went up to Todd.

"Why didn't you come back for me Todd?"

"Babe... um... so you know?"

"Yes Todd, I know, Ty told me. Why didn't you come back for me? Why did you leave me with Ty?"

"You were so happy with Ty."

"I was crying for you Todd. Ty told you."

Todd hung his head. "I'm sorry babe. But Danny and I were having fun. He likes my cock and I make him cum over and over again. And he is fun to be around."

I sat down on the bed. "Do you love Danny?"

"I think I do."

"How does he feel about you?"

"I don't know, but I think he loves me too."

I sat and thought for a few minutes.

"I've been a horrible wife for you haven't I?"

"No babe, I love you."

"I know you do Todd, but I've still been bad for you. I have sex with anyone that pays and I enjoy it as it excites me. I make you be around when I do it because otherwise I don't feel safe."

"Babe, I don't mind being there to keep you safe."

"But you would rather we both not be there at all. You deserve better. You deserve a wife who doesn't get turned on by having anonymous sex with a bunch of guys. But I can't change who I am Todd. I'm always going to have a need for that thrill. You need someone that will want to just be with you. Someone like Danny."

"But babe, I love you."

"I love you too Todd. But I've been killing you. Not physically, but on the inside. I want you to be happy Todd. I want that more than anything. But I know that can't be with me."

"So what do you want to do?"

"I want you to be with Danny. You two are good together. Todd... I want a divorce."

"Are you sure babe?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Ok, I'll look into it." I started to cry.

"I have to go." I went out of the room and over to Ty's room and got in bed with him. I cuddled up to him and cried on his chest. He held me tight.

In the morning I was not feeling better. I had asked Todd for a divorce. The man I loved more than anything was not going to be mine anymore. Ty held me tight to him and that made me feel a little better. When it was time to get up we took a shower then sat down to breakfast. I didn't talk to Todd. After breakfast they headed to school. I went to the couch and just laid down. I had a lot to think about.

This divorce would be good for Todd. I really have been hurting him with my prostitution. Yes we make a lot of money from it but Todd isn't a money grubber. He would have been fine with the money I made from the call center. Todd has told me he hated the idea of people fucking me through the hole, but I loved it so I did it anyway. He told me he hated the idea of people fucking me in person one on one, but I wanted to do it so I do. Todd has put up with my nonsense because he loves me. I really love him too and it is time to let him be happy for once. Danny and him are good together. I have noticed how happy they are when they are around each other. Heck, I was planning on pushing them more together because I didn't know Todd was my husband. Thing with the divorce is that I can't see the upside to me. I want Todd to be happy so I'm going to let him go to be with Danny. But what do I get? I'm losing the love of my life. I guess I get Ty, and I do love him. But do I love him as much as Todd? I don't know, maybe. I like to be with him. When I'm with him he makes me happy and I like to just be close to him alone in his room. When I thought we were married I was happy, other than when I cried for Todd. Well I'm done crying for Todd. He is happy with Danny and I should be happy for him. I need to move on and I'll start with Ty.

When I finished thinking I got up and watched TV. They got home later than normal. When they came in, Ty sat on the couch with me and held my shoulders. Todd sat in a chair.

"Babe, I mean Sam, I went to the student legal aid and talked to someone about getting a divorce. They said if it wasn't contested they could easily do it in a week. They asked that we list all our assets then how we want them divided and they can draw up the paperwork and we sign it and they submit it to the court. Then it is just a few minutes with a judge and we are divorced. So, would that be ok with you?"

"Yeah Todd, that would be fine. You know more about this stuff so can you list the assets then we go over them afterward?"

"Yeah Sam, I can get it done right after I finish my homework."


I went with Ty to his room. I got undressed and laid on his bed. He seemed hesitant.

"Ty. I know things are different now but my love for you hasn't changed. If you don't want to be with me I will understand."

"Baby, that isn't it. I just thought you would still be upset about Todd."

"Well I worked that out. Now I want to just be with you."

"Ok, what would you like to do?"

"Make love to me Ty. Make me feel like you always do."

Ty got undressed and got on top of me. He kissed me passionately and I felt him enter me. He thrust in and out of me gently. I could feel the love he was giving me and it paired with mine. When I came I shot my load between us and he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me and I cleaned us off then cuddled up to him. After he did his homework we cuddled up together until Danny announced dinner. After we ate Todd wanted to show me what he came up with.

We went to the desk and he had a piece of paper with two columns on it. One said what Todd gets and the other said what Sam gets. He then had everything we owned listed in the what Sam gets column.

"Todd, what are you getting?"

"Nothing. I brought nothing in so I'll take nothing out. Me and Danny will move in with my mom so we will be out of your house in a week."

"Todd, stop being so noble. We are married and half of everything I own is yours and I will not hear of any argument unless you want me to drag you to court and make you take it from me."

I started to go down my list. I added half of the house to Todd's list and changed it on mine to half instead of all. I then put half of the money listed as in our accounts on his side and changed the amount on mine to match.

"You didn't put the business on here."

"That isn't an asset. It is just a name. The money from it just goes into your account."

"It is an asset, it makes money."

I listed the business and put half on Todd's column and half on mine.

"Todd, I made you a promise before we got married that I would support you through college and I will keep that promise. You have half the company and half the house so you will always have income and a place to live. I want you here Todd. You may feel differently. I really hope you don't though."

"I don't mind staying. I just figured you wouldn't want to see me anymore."

"Of course I want to see you Todd. And I want you to stay here with Danny. We can make it work. But I really need to have you at the store. I don't think I can work there without you, even if we aren't together."

"I'll be there. Even though we are not together I want you to be safe."

"Ok, well fix this then I'll look at it again in the morning."

I headed to Ty's room with him. We got undressed and he made love to me before I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up he made love to me then we took a shower. After our shower we went to breakfast and I checked what Todd came up with to divide our assets. It was much better so I let it go with that and they headed to school. While they were at school I tidied the house.

When they got home Todd told me he turned the list of assets in to the legal aid office and they would draw up the divorce papers. I said ok and went to Ty's room and we made love. He did his homework and we cuddled together until dinner. After dinner me and Ty watched TV while Danny and Todd turned in. We then turned in and made love before cuddling up and going to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 74

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