Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Feb 27, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 72 by Sam

On Friday morning when I woke up, Ty made love to me then we got our shower. After breakfast they headed to school. I went to tidy up the rooms. Danny's room was still clean and looked unused. I found his clothes on Todd's floor again. I wonder if it is just a sex thing or if they are starting a relationship. I don't know, but I do know that they have both said they are tops so I'm not sure how that works. They only top me and Ty on Saturdays. But then again, I don't top and Ty being versatile, the only time he can get topped is by them on our Saturdays together. I wish I could top Ty for him as I know he enjoys it, but it isn't my thing and I'm so small he probably wouldn't even feel it. So maybe they both top for our sake. I don't know but I'm not going to pry. If they want to tell us they can, otherwise I'm going to let them enjoy themselves in private.

After I finished cleaning I sat and watched TV until they got home. Todd and Danny went to do their homework and I followed Ty to our room. After he made love to me we cuddled together for a few minutes to enjoy our after sex emotions then he got up and did his homework before coming back to bed.

"They slept together again."

"Really? Do you think they are becoming an item?"

"Oh I don't know. It might be just sex. And two nights doesn't make an item. Though it would be nice if they found what we have. I think everyone should be just as in love as we are."

"Oh baby I don't think it is possible for anyone to be in love as much as we are. We break the scales."

"Oh Ty. If dinner wasn't almost ready I'd take you again."

"There is always tonight baby."

After dinner we watched some TV then turned in. I had Ty make love to me and it was amazing. We then cuddled up and went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me. He fucked me faster than usual as we had the store this morning. After we came we got a shower and got dressed before sitting down to breakfast. After breakfast we went to the store. Danny got me in the sling and against the wall then checked the line. The day ran like normal with only a few minutes between customers. When the day was over Danny got me down and cleaned me up so I could get dressed. He and Ty cleaned the room as Todd collected the money. When we got home, Todd went to the desk and Danny went to the kitchen. Ty took me to our room so we could make love. After we came we took a shower and he cleaned all the cum out of my ass before putting another load into it. After we were clean we went to Todd to get our numbers. After Todd gave me the numbers I paid Ty and Danny and we sat down to eat.

After dinner we turned in. We all headed for Todd's room. When we got there, me and Ty got undressed and laid next to each other on the bed. I started to kiss him while the other two got ready. When they got in bed Ty seemed confused when Todd got on top of him. I'm not sure why as Todd usually is the one that tops him. Todd pushed his big cock into Ty and Danny entered me. They then started thrusting in unison. Danny's fat cock felt good going in and out of me. Ty was moaning next to me as Todd pounded his ass so I knew my husband was getting what he needed. I can't top him and I know he enjoys it so it is good we have friends like Todd and Danny to help us out once a week. Once we reached the hour mark Todd and Danny thrust into us hard and pumped their loads into us. When we had all calmed down they pulled out and we all took a shower. When we headed to bed, Todd laid down and me and Ty cuddled up on either side of him then Danny spooned up behind me.

When we woke up Danny got on top of me and Todd got on top of Ty and they fucked us hard. They didn't hold back as we have the store today so they only lasted half an hour before cumming inside us. When they pulled out we got up.

"Baby, go get your shower with Danny, I need to talk to Todd for a minute."

"Ok honey."

Me and Danny went to the shower and we cleaned each other. We then got out and dried off. Ty came in just as I was finishing getting dried off. He seemed upset about something. He took the trimmers and cleaned up my pubes then got in to take a shower. When I asked where Todd was he told me he was in the other shower. I hope they aren't fighting again. Me and Danny went to our rooms to get dressed then I went to sit and wait for breakfast. After we all ate, we headed to the store.

At the store I got undressed and put on my robe. While I was doing that, Ty and Danny set up the other booth. I sat and waited for my signal. When I got it I headed to the other booth and Todd was outside the door. It always makes me calm to know Todd is by the door. I entered the booth and hung up my robe and went to the customer.

At the end of the day we headed home. Ty made love to me then we took a shower and went to see Todd. After he gave us the number I paid Ty and Danny and we sat down to eat. After dinner we watched some TV before turning in. Ty made love to me before we cuddled up together and went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me then we got breakfast after our shower. After we ate they headed off to school and I started my cleaning. I took our hampers and washed our clothes. After I had them put away I went and got Danny's hamper. It had hardly anything in it. I think only what he wore Monday and Tuesday of last week. I went to Todd's room and found Danny's clothes mixed in with Todd's in his hamper. I took them both after cleaning the clothes off of Todd's floor. I separated out Danny's clothes and washed them. When they were drying I washed Todd's clothes. After I had them all put away I put Danny's hamper in Todd's room so I wouldn't have to sort clothing next week. I then sat and watched some TV until they got home.

When they got home Todd and Danny went to do their homework. Danny seemed to smile every time Todd looked at him. Ty took me to our room. After we made love and cuddled he started on his homework. I laid in bed and waited for him. When he finished we cuddled until dinner. At dinner I spotted Todd playing footsie with Danny. I think it is cute how they act around each other. When dinner was over we all sat and watched a movie. Todd and Danny sat next to each other and I saw Todd put his hand on Danny's thigh. We then turned in. After we got in the room I peeked out the door and Todd and Danny both went into his room. I then went over to the bed and Ty made love to me before we went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me. After we came I cuddled up to him.

"Todd and Danny are really starting to get close. What can we do to push them along?"

"Now baby, don't start meddling. If they are meant for each other it will happen on its own."

"Oh I know. But they are so cute together. I don't understand how it works with two tops but they really do look like they are falling in love."

"Well let's keep out of it and let love run its course. If it is meant to be then it will be. You might screw it up if you start messing around."

"You're right. I'm glad I have such a level headed husband."

We got up and took a shower then had breakfast before they headed to school. I went around and tidied up. Danny's room was untouched. I cleaned up Todd's room and ours then ran a vacuum over all the carpets. When I was finished I watched TV.

When they got home I went with Ty to our room. He made love to me before giving me some cuddle time, then he started his homework. When he was done we cuddled until dinner. After dinner we watched a movie then turned in. After Ty made love to me we cleaned up and I cuddled up to him. I started to cry as a weird sadness came over me. I wasn't able to pinpoint the cause as I'm in bed with Ty and we just made love so I should be happy, but this sadness was overpowering. Ty saw me crying and held me tighter. I eventually fell asleep.

When I woke up I was feeling better and Ty made love to me then we took a shower. After breakfast they went to school. I tidied up then watched TV. When they got home Ty didn't look at Todd, he just grabbed me and dragged me to our room. He was upset as he fucked me harder than normal. I didn't want to make it worse so I just took it until he finished. Then I cuddled up to him.

"Is something wrong between you and Todd?"

"It's nothing baby. Just a little disagreement. We will get it worked out."

"I hope so. I don't like it when you two fight."

"It will be ok. I promise."

After our cuddle time he worked on his homework then gave me more attention before dinner. After dinner we watched some TV together then turned in. After we made love I cuddled up to Ty and went to sleep.

Saturday morning I woke up next to Ty. I cried myself to sleep last night. I still can't figure out what is causing these sadness spells but I hope they stop. Ty makes love to me before we get a shower so we can eat. After breakfast we head to the store. At the end of the day we head home and Ty takes me to our room so we can make love. We then shower and head out to see Todd. When we get our numbers I pay Ty and Danny then we sit down to eat. After dinner we turn in.

When we get to Todd's room me and Ty lay down next to each other. I hold his hand as the other two get ready. Todd gets on top of Ty and Danny gets on me. They fuck us long and hard for an hour before giving us their loads. When we all come down they pull out of us and we take a shower. After our shower we cuddle up to Todd and Danny spoons up behind me.

In the morning Todd gets on top of me and Danny takes Ty. Todd has a nice big cock that makes me feel good. After we all cum they pull out of us and Ty again sends me to the shower with Danny so he can talk to Todd. After me and Danny get cleaned up we head to our rooms as the others take separate showers. After breakfast we head to the store.

When we got home I told Ty I was going to take a bath. I'm not sure if the AC was broken in the front of the store or what, but all my one on ones were very sweaty and I needed to soak them out of me. After a long, relaxing bath I got out and got dressed and we talked to Todd. I paid Ty and Danny then we ate dinner. After dinner we watched some TV then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we got up Ty made love to me and we went to breakfast after our shower. When we were done eating they headed off to school. I started on the laundry. I did our clothes first then Danny's and Todd's. Danny was using his hamper in Todd's room so I didn't have to separate out clothes. I also did the bedding in our room and in Todd's. There was no need to do Danny's as it was obvious his bed hasn't been used. When I was done I sat to watch TV.

When they got home I went with Ty to our room so we could make love and cuddle before he started his homework. After he finished his homework he gave me some attention until dinnertime. After dinner we all sat to watch TV then turned in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him. A deep sadness came over me and it made me cry. It was getting worse but I still couldn't figure it out. Ty held me tight and told me everything would be ok. I eventually fell asleep.

When I woke up Ty made love to me then we got our shower and went to breakfast. After we ate they headed to school and I tidied up. When they got home I had my Ty time then we ate dinner and watched some TV before turning in. Ty made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

On Wednesday when we woke up Ty got on top of me and thrust gently in and out of me as he made love to me. After we came we got our shower and got dressed. We then sat down to breakfast then they headed to school. I tidied up the house before sitting and watching TV. When they got home, Ty took me to our room and made love to me before our cuddle. He then did his homework and gave me some more attention before dinner. After we ate we watched some TV before turning in. After Ty made love to me I cuddled up to him. The deep sadness overtook me and I started to cry. Ty held me tight to him.

"Baby I don't like to see you cry like this."

"I'm sorry Ty but I just feel so sad, but I don't know why."

"Do you want to know why?"

"Wait. Do you know why I'm sad?"

"Yes baby I do. And I'm done watching you be sad and keeping my mouth shut about it. All I ask is that you don't kill me when I tell you."

"Ok Ty."

"Ok... Um... The reason you are crying is because... I'm not your husband. Todd is."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 73

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