Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Feb 26, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 71 by Sam

When we woke up, Ty made love to me then we went and took a shower. After we got dressed we went and sat down to wait for breakfast. After breakfast we headed to the store. When we got there, Danny strapped me into the sling and locked it to the wall. Todd made his rounds of the line just as the first cock entered me.

At the end of the day, Danny got me down and cleaned up and I got dressed as he and Ty cleaned up the room. Todd went to collect the money then we headed home. When we got home, Todd went to count the money and Danny went to the kitchen. Ty took me to our room and made love to me before we got a shower. When we were clean and dressed we went out to talk to Todd. He gave us the number and I paid Ty and Danny, but not Todd? I thought about it and cannot remember ever paying Todd. He does a lot of work at the store and handles the books but I don't pay him? Maybe he takes his pay after he finishes counting the money. And why do I pay my husband? My money is already his. Maybe it is his fun money that he gets to spend on himself. Why can't I remember why this arrangement exists? Before I can dwell on it further, dinner is ready and we sit down to eat. After dinner we head to Todd's room and me and Ty get on our backs next to each other. Todd then gets on top of Ty and Danny gets on top of me. They fuck us until we get 4 orgasms each then thrust all the way inside us and pump their cum into us. It is fun living with two tops as me and Ty can get fucked next to each other. It is a bonding moment that brings us together. After we take a shower Todd lays down and I cuddle up to him opposite of Ty so I can look into his eyes. Danny spoons up behind me.

The next morning Todd gets on top of me and Danny gets on Ty. After we all cum we take a shower and eat breakfast. After breakfast we head to the store. While I'm getting undressed, Ty and Danny are setting up the other booth. I then sit in my robe and wait for my signal to go over. When Ty is seated and all is good he gives it to me and I walk to the other booth. Todd is standing outside the door. Knowing he is there and ready to protect me, I go into the room. And I turn around and leave the room and head for the other booth.

"Sam? Is that you?"

Fuck! I turn around.

"Yes Gus it is me. But why are you here? Your name is not on my appointment calendar."

Todd was standing right behind Gus and Ty and Danny had come from the booth and were next to me.

"Oh, well, I'm not going to use my real name for this stuff."

"Baby, who is this?"

"Ty, this is Gus. We dated in college and he dumped me because I wouldn't put out."

"Sam, it wasn't like that. I just wanted to focus on my studies."

"Sure, but it doesn't matter. Todd give him back his money because I'm not putting out for him now either."

"No wait, come on, I paid my money, why can't I have my time?"

"It isn't your time, it is Danny Nichol's time. That is who has the appointment."

"Come on Sam, I scheduled it and I paid. I have a right to service."

"I think he might be right baby. But I can add a clause to the rules that allows us to cancel if we discover they used a fake name."

"Are you saying I have to have sex with him?"

"I think so baby. He paid the fee and hasn't broken the rules yet."

"Fuck. Well add that clause now and make sure it goes out to everyone. I'm not putting up with this shit again."

I went back into the booth with Gus and took off my robe.

"Ok, how do you want me."

"On your knees for a start."

I got on my knees in front of him. He took out his cock and I put it in my mouth. I sucked on it as I moved up and down. My heart was not in this blowjob but I had professional pride so I was going to make it good. After 10 minutes he pulled his cock out of my mouth. I looked up at him and my hearing returned and he said he wanted me on the bed. I asked what position and he said on my back. He got on top of me and pushed into me. He fucked me hard. When his time was up he pushed all the way into me and unloaded. I then got up and put on my robe.

"Hey Sam. Thanks. I wish I hadn't dumped you because that was really good."

I didn't say anything and just went to take my shower.

At the end of the day I got dressed as Ty and Danny got everything put away and cleaned up. We then headed home and Todd went to count the money and Danny went to the kitchen. Me and Ty headed for our room so we could make love. I like Ty making love to me after we get back from the store. At least I know that the last guy that was with me was one that I loved. After we clean up and cuddle for a while we go out to talk to Todd. He gives us the figures and I pay Ty and Danny. I'll eventually ask someone why I don't pay Todd. We then all sit down to eat and then turn in. Ty makes love to me then I cuddle up to him and go to sleep.

When I wake up, Ty makes love to me. He was so passionate this morning. I love it when he gets in this type of mood, it make the sex feel so much better and really makes it feel like we are one. After we cuddle together we get up and get a shower. We then get dressed and I make sure the others are up. Danny was already in the kitchen working on breakfast and I woke up Todd. We then all sat down to breakfast and then they headed to school.

Since I had the weekdays off now I decided to do laundry. I went to our room and got our hampers and put our clothes in to wash. When they were done I put them away and decided to get the others too. They are busy at school and I have so much time off it makes sense for me to help out. I took the hampers from Todd's room and noticed I have so many clothes here. I know I keep some clothes in his room so on Sunday mornings after we all stay together I can get dressed in here, but this is way more than necessary. I have totally filled half of his dresser. I can't believe I let it get this out of hand. And Todd is so sweet that he hasn't even complained that I am almost taking over his room. Well I have time now so I'm going to get this under control. I start the wash then start to move my clothes back over to my room. Our dresser is really full now. I guess I need to cut back on my clothing shopping. But it all fits. After Todd's clothes are done I put them away and then handle Danny's. After the laundry is all done I take a break and wait for them to get off school.

When they get home Todd and Danny start on their homework. I go with Ty to our room and we get undressed and get on the bed and he makes love to me. After we clean up I cuddle up to him for a few minutes enjoying my time with my husband before he has to start on his homework. Ty gets up and goes to his desk to do his homework and I just stay in bed and watch him. When he is done we cuddle together until Danny announces dinner. After dinner we watch a movie together and then we turn in. Ty makes love to me then I cuddle up to him and go to sleep.

When we wake up Ty makes love to me then we take a shower. After our shower we get dressed and head to breakfast. I check on the others and wake up Todd then we sit down to breakfast. After breakfast they headed to school. I decided to clean the house. Danny's room was a mess but I got it all cleaned up and made his bed then got the others done. I finished right before they got home.

When they got home me and Ty went to our room for our after school love making and cuddling. Then he got up and did his homework as I stayed in bed. When he was done we cuddled in bed together until dinner. After dinner we watched some TV then turned in. Ty made love to me before we cuddled up and went to sleep.

When we woke up I pulled the sheets off and lubed up Ty and sat on him. I then started to move up and down on him. It feels so good. His cock just feels so perfect in me. As I'm bouncing up and down on him he wakes up and puts his hands on my hips and hangs on as I fuck myself on him. When I shoot my load onto him he thrusts into me a few more times then pumps his load inside me. When we calm down I get off of him and we take a shower. After we get dressed I go and wake up Todd and we all have breakfast then they head off to school.

While they are at school I tidy up the house. I make the beds and clean up Danny's floor. After that I watch TV until they get home. When they get home, Todd and Danny do their homework and I go with Ty to our room. After we get undressed he gets on top of me and starts to kiss me. After some very passionate kissing I feel him enter me. He thrusts in and out of me slowly and gently. Ty knows how to make me feel so good. Our souls touch as he makes love to me. When he takes me over the edge I cum on us and he pumps his load inside me. When we come down I clean us up then cuddle up to him. After a few minutes he gets up so he can get his homework done and I stay in bed. When he finishes his homework he comes back to the bed and I cuddle up to him and enjoy being close to him until dinner is announced. We then get dressed and join the others to eat. After dinner we watch some TV together then turn in. After Ty makes love to me we cuddle up together and go to sleep.

The next day when we get up, Ty makes love to me then we shower and get dressed. We then go out and both of them are already up. We sit down to eat then they head to school. I go to tidy up the house and after doing our room I go to Danny's. His is clean and the bed is made. I go over to Todd's and find Danny's clothes on his floor. Did Todd and Danny sleep together? I thought they were both tops? I clean up the room and make the bed then run a vacuum around the whole house before sitting and watching TV until they get home.

When they get home I watch Todd and Danny. They are friendly to each other but not more so than normal. I follow Ty into our room. He gets on top of me and kisses me as he thrusts in and out of me gently. I really like how loving and sensual Ty makes sex. He is really good at making me feel connected to him. After we cum we cuddle up for a few minutes then he does his homework. When he is done we cuddle up together.

"I think Todd and Danny slept together last night."

"Really? What makes you think that?"

"Danny's room looked like it wasn't used and I found his clothes on Todd's floor."

"But I thought they were both tops."

"So did I. Maybe we were wrong."

"Should we ask them?"

"Oh gosh no. We shouldn't pry into our friends' sex lives. If they want to tell us they will."

"Ok baby, we'll drop it then."

We cuddled until Danny told us dinner was ready then we got dressed and went to eat. I watched Todd and Danny but didn't notice anything unusual. After we ate we watched TV then went to bed. After Ty made love to me we cuddled up together and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 72

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