Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Feb 25, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 70 by Sam

"Sam it is ok. I like being your boyfriend."

I looked at him but couldn't stop crying.

"Sam, Ty is not leaving. But he isn't your husband. Only I am."

I understood Todd, but it didn't help. I love Ty so much and I like him being my husband. I love Todd too and I like him being my husband. I couldn't understand why I couldn't have both. But it is what Todd wants.

"Todd... it is ok... just program me and I'll forget."

"Um, babe, I need a minute."

Todd pulled out of me and went to the bathroom. Ty was here so I pulled him to me. After I held him for a while I had him lay down so I could cuddle with him. I was going to lose husband Ty soon and wanted as much time with him as possible.

After twenty minutes Todd comes back out of the bathroom. Ty gets up and I lay on my back and Todd enters me. He starts thrusting in and out of me. It feels really good.

"Sam, the size of the dick of your partner does not change the amount of pleasure you would normally feel from having sex with them. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

"Sam, when you have sex with me, Ty or Danny it will be the best sex of your life. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

"Sam, when you are having sex you will not read anything even if it is right in front of you. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

Todd paused for a minute but kept thrusting in me. He took a deep breath.

"Sam, me and Ty are your husbands and you are our wife. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

"Sam cum."

I came hard as I blew my load onto us. Todd kept thrusting until he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out. Ty came over to us.

"Are you sure about that Todd?"

"It is what Sam wanted. I want him to be happy."

I wasn't sure what they were talking about but I did just have amazing sex with one of my husbands so I was happy. Todd however seemed a little unhappy. I got up and gave him a hug.

"I love you Todd, what is wrong?"

He looked into my eyes and ran his hand on my cheek. "Babe, who are your husbands?"

"You and Ty of course. Why do you ask?"

"No reason babe. No reason."

Todd seemed to be really sad. I gave him a hug and so did Ty. It was getting late and they had school tomorrow so I told Ty to go back to his room so I could try and cheer up Todd. We laid together and I rubbed his chest. It didn't seem to work but he eventually fell asleep.

When we woke up Todd was still in an unhappy mood. He didn't want to have sex so we just got up and took a shower. After breakfast they headed to school. I decided to do laundry since I had all day off. I started in me and Todd's room and took our hampers to the laundry room and washed them. When they were done I put them away in our room. I then went to me and Ty's room and took our hampers to wash them. I had lunch while they were in the dryer. When they were done I put them away in our room then went to Danny's room. After I picked all his clothes up off the floor I took his stuff to the laundry room. I had just finished putting them away and making Danny's bed when they came home from school.

Todd went to the desk and Danny to the couch. Todd still seemed sad. I followed Ty to his and my room. After we had the greatest sex ever we cuddled up together. After a long cuddle I got up and got dressed and went to be with Todd. He is so sad. I sat in his lap and held him to try and cheer him up but it didn't seem to work. I let him get back to his homework and sat on the couch as Danny worked on his. When Danny was done he started on dinner. After dinner we watched a movie. After the movie we turned in. I gave Todd and Ty a kiss but they started for their own rooms.

"Wait guys. Aren't you going to have sex together like always?"

"No babe, I just don't feel like it tonight."

"Todd what is going on? You have been so unhappy since yesterday."

"It's nothing babe."

"It isn't nothing. Everyone into the living room now."

All three of them sat on the couch. I sat in a chair.

"Ok, spill it. What is going on?"

"Seriously babe, it is nothing."

"No Todd, it isn't. Baby we programmed you yesterday and Todd is having a hard time with it."

I got up and went over to Todd. I straddled his lap facing him and sat on his legs.

"You programmed me?"

"Baby, you approved. Don't blame Todd. We had to fix an accidental programming."

"Then why is Todd unhappy?"

"Well when we were testing a theory I programmed you to think I was also your husband along with Todd. We put in the fix to take you back to knowing only Todd was your husband but you started crying when Todd gave the command. We stopped and when we restarted, Todd added that me and him were both your husbands. I think he did it to make you happy, but he has been sad ever since."

"So you are not my husband Ty?"

"No, that is a program. Todd is your husband."

"Ok. I need time to think about this. Todd if you don't want to sleep with Ty that is ok."

"Thanks babe."

"Ty, do you want Danny tonight?"

"No baby, this is his night with you. I will be ok alone."

"Ok, then everyone to bed. You all have school tomorrow."

We all turned in and Danny made amazing love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When I woke up Danny got on top of me and made love to me and it was amazing. After he pumped his load inside me I cuddled up to him.

"Danny, is Ty really not my husband?"

"I'm afraid not Sam. Only Todd is your husband. I'm sorry they programmed you to think he is."


We got up and got a shower, then I headed for my room to get dressed. Todd was still asleep so I woke him up then got dressed. I went out and ate breakfast. I looked at Ty. I kept saying in my head that he is not my husband, but no matter what I did I was unable to believe it. He is my husband. Even if it is a program. After we ate I gave them a kiss as they headed off to school.

When they got home, Todd still seemed upset and Ty looked a little hurt too. I gave Todd a hug and then went to Ty's room. Ty made love to me then we cuddled.

"Ty, are you ok?"

"Yeah baby, why?"

"You looked upset when you came home."

"Oh. It's nothing. Todd just seems to be ignoring me."

"Is it because I think you are my husband?"

"I think so."


I cuddled up to Ty more. These feelings I have for Ty line up with feelings I would have for a husband. Yet I'm told he isn't my husband. Then why do I love him so much? After a long cuddle I go back out to the living room so Ty can do his homework. I sit on the couch and just think about what is going on. Todd is upset that I think Ty is my husband when he isn't. Ty is upset because Todd is ignoring him because I think Ty is my husband. All of this stems from the program that Ty is my husband. But how is Ty not my husband when I love him like one? I love Todd like one too. When Danny calls us to dinner we sit down and eat then we turn in. I go off with Todd to our room. We get in the bed but he doesn't want to have sex. I'm running stuff over in my mind. Todd is unhappy, and I don't want him to be. I know the reason. If I fix the reason, I will be unhappy as I love Ty and don't want to lose him as my husband. But I love Todd and don't want him to be unhappy.

"Todd, sit against the headboard."

"Babe, I really don't feel up to it."

"Please Todd, just do it." He sits up and puts his back against the headboard. I lube him up and sit on him. I start to go up and down on him and it feels good. I think about what I'm about to do and I start to cry. This is going to be difficult, but I want Todd happy, not sad.

"Ty is not my husband. Only Todd is my husband. Ty is just my boyfriend." My tears start to come down harder.

"Babe, you don't have to do this."

"Todd, give the command."


"Todd, this hurts so much. Please give the command so I can forget."


"Please Todd... Please let me forget."

"Sam... cum."

I came hard as I blew my load all over his stomach. When I came down I was still crying. I wasn't sure why but I was really sad. I stopped bouncing on Todd and buried my head in his chest.

"Babe, do you know why you are crying?"

I shook my head no. Todd picked up his phone then put it down a minute later. He wrapped his arms around me and held me to him tight. Twenty minutes later Ty comes into the room.

"Sorry it took so long. Danny wouldn't let me leave until he finished. So what is going on?"

"Sam removed the program from Wednesday."

"Oh. Why is he taking it so hard? The last time he was fine. In fact he threatened to cut off my dick."

"You are dense. He loves you now. He loves you so much that the label husband fit, so removing it feels like he is removing that love."

"Oh. What can we do?"

"I don't want him to cry. I'll put it back."

"Well no. You have been mopey ever since we did it and have avoided me."

"But it will make Sam happy."

"But it makes you unhappy and Sam hates that. I don't know why it does though."

"Well... It is all that connects me to Sam."

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Danny and all the customers have sex with Sam. Sam loves you and Danny. The only thing I have is I am Sam's husband."

"Sam loves you too Todd. More than all of us. You are way more than Sam's husband."

"How does he love me more when he has more sex with you?"

"He has more sex with me because I asked. But that doesn't mean he loves me more. It is obvious to me he loves you more than anyone."

"What makes you say that?"

"Who has the power to program him?... Sam loves you more than anyone Todd because it is you and only you that he gave complete control over himself. He has no ability to say no to you. Whatever you want Sam to think or feel or do, you have the keys to make it happen. Sam gave them to you and to nobody else. How can you possibly think he loves anyone more than you?"

"But he cries because I'm taking away the title of husband from you."

"Yeah, and he did the same thing when I did it to you. He cried almost every night because he didn't have you, but never knew why. He needs you Todd. Whether you are his only husband or not will not change how he feels about you."

"But he has sex with you every day and with me only on three nights."

"Because I asked. If you ask, he will do it too. You know he loves to take orders. Also you should know by now he doesn't equate sex with love."

"Yeah, you are right. I have been so stupid this week. I thought I was losing him, but he was always there."

"You will never lose him Todd. He couldn't function if you weren't here to support him. You know he looks at you every time before he heads into the room for the one on ones."

"Because I stand by the door."

"Why do you stand by the door?"

"He told me to so I can keep anyone out and come in if he needs me."

"Why is it you and not me or Danny that he has do that?"

"I don't know."

"Because he needs to see that you are there to feel safe. If it was someone else he wouldn't have the confidence to go into the room. Todd, you are a massive part of how Sam feels safe. Without you, there would be no one on ones because he wouldn't trust going near that room. Sam isn't going anywhere Todd, unless it is to follow you somewhere."

"Ok. Now I feel better. Do you want to have sex with Sam or did Danny take it all out of you?"

"He took a lot but I have some left. But are you sure? This is your night with him."

"I've been thinking about that. Why do we have nights with him? I'd rather have a whole week in a row with my wife than just a couple of nights."

"I would too but what would you and Danny do for a week when it is my turn?"

"I don't know. But it would feel better to know I had him all to myself for a week without having to share."

"So does that mean I don't get my after school fun?"

"No, you do. I know Sam needs that time with you. But after dinner it is just us."

"Ok, that sounds fair."

"Sam, let Ty have sex with you."

I got up off of Todd's cock and went over to Ty. Ty laid me on the bed and started to kiss me as I felt him enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me and it felt really good. Todd laid next to us and ran his hand through my hair.

"Sam, Ty is your husband. You are his wife. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

"Todd, what are you doing? He will cry if you are not his husband."

"He will be ok for a week. You said it didn't start until the next week. Don't worry, I'll take him back next Saturday but I want to give you the full Sam experience to thank you for helping me."

"Thanks, but remember to take him back."

"Sam, we all have sex together on Saturdays no matter what. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

"Ty, make sure he is happy."

"He will be. I promise."

Ty continued to make love to me as Todd got up and got out of bed. About five minutes later I'm pushed over the edge and cum on us as Ty pushes all the way into me and cums inside me. After we come down I clean us up.

"Ty, why are we in Todd's room?"

"You thought it was tomorrow and pulled me in here and on top of you."

"Oh my gosh. Todd, I am so sorry. I think not working every day has made me get my days all mixed up."

"It's ok Sam. You and Ty are always welcome in my room, not just Saturdays."

"Thanks for being so understanding Todd. Come on Ty, let's get out of Todd's way and go back to our room."

"Right behind you baby."

Me and Ty went to our room and I cuddled up to him.

"Ty you have to stop me when I start to do stuff like that. You know I can't control myself sometimes."

"I tried baby, but when you got me on top of you I couldn't help it."

"Oh my gosh, we are both hopeless. I guess it is good that we have great friends like Todd and Danny that don't mind us being all over each other all the time."

"It really is baby. Because I have no intention of ever not being all over you. I love you too much not to."

"Ty come on, you are going to make me horny again. You know we don't have time tonight, we have the store tomorrow."

"Sorry baby, let's just get some sleep then."

I cuddled up to Ty and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 71

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