Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Nov 7, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 7 by Sam

In the morning he makes love to me and we take a shower. After our shower we get dressed and clothes feel confining. Oh well, can't work nude, at least not until they let me start working from home. It's a call center, all I need is a computer and phone. Oh well, someday. I make breakfast and pack a lunch for me then we eat and give each other a kiss then head out.

When I get off work I make dinner then pack up some for Todd and take it up to him during his break. I ask how his first day back is going and he says ok but doesn't elaborate. I figure he is just trying to get back into it after a week off so I don't think anything of it.

When he comes home he is beat and just wants to go to sleep. I'm ok with this. It can be hard getting back into things after a vacation and his job is very physical. So we get undressed and I cuddle up to him and we go to sleep.

In the morning he is back to normal and makes love to me. We then take showers and get dressed. I make breakfast and pack a lunch for me then we eat and kiss and head out for our day.

After work I make dinner and pack some for Todd, then take it up to him during his break. When I get there he is still working.

"Sorry babe, my supervisor won't let me take a break today."

"Why not?"

"She said we are too behind."

I looked around. Todd is a stocker, so his job is to fill the shelves. To me they looked mostly full, and I only saw Todd working. Usually there are three stockers during his shift.

"Where are the other two stockers?"

"I don't know. They are here somewhere, I saw them a couple of hours ago."

I say goodbye to Todd to let him get back to working but I don't leave. I know all the stockers as they are working when I bring him his dinner. There are four other stockers that work his shifts. I look around the store but don't see them. I go to the breakroom. It isn't employees only as this is also where the bathrooms are and they have to be made available to the public. I don't see them here either. Now they could be in the stock room but that is employees only. I spot Carol. She is my favorite checker as she is fast, but we also chat a lot as she rings up my stuff. I ask if she will check the stockroom for the two missing stockers. She agrees and goes in. She comes out a few minutes later and says nobody is in there.

I thank her and head to my car. I put Todd's dinner in the back seat then drove around the building. I finally spot them in the back by the dumpsters smoking. Well, smoke breaks are allowed so I just stop and wait. Thirty minutes go by and they are still there. Smoke breaks are only 15 minutes every two hours. This is bullshit. These guys are shamming while my man has to do all the work and miss his dinner break. I go back in and find Carol again. I ask her to go around back and get those guys to go back to work. She goes and comes back and says they won't do it.

"They told me they aren't going to work with the fag that got Sally fired."

I asked her to page the supervisor. She did and I told the supervisor they were back their goofing off while Todd did all the work. The supervisor didn't seem to care. Well, I did what I could for now. Troy doesn't work this late. I head home.

When Todd gets home I have his dinner heated up and ready for him. He eats it quickly as he is starving. I tell him what I found and he isn't surprised. He says the whole store has been hostile since he's been back, save for a few of them. I tell him that isn't right. He didn't do anything wrong, she did. He says he knows but there is nothing he can do. I don't like this at all but other than talk to Troy there isn't much I can do. We head to bed and just cuddle up and go to sleep.

The next morning, Todd made love to me then we showered and got dressed. I made breakfast and packed a lunch for me then we ate. After we ate we kissed and went to work and school. On my lunch break I called the store and asked for Troy. When I got him I told him what happened last night. He said he would look into it.

When I got home I made dinner and packed some for Todd. I got a text from him saying he wasn't getting a break again. When he got off work I had his dinner warmed up and on the table for him. He sat down and started eating.

"Babe, I'm guessing you are the one that caused the shit show today."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Troy came into the store at 7pm and found me working. He asked where the other stockers were and I told him I didn't know as I hadn't seen them in a couple of hours. He then walked up to customer service and there was a page over the loudspeaker for the supervisor to go to customer service. Well, 15 minutes later I see two CSRs running to the back of the store then they come back with the stockers with them and they all headed up to customer service. Then after closing I found out that the supervisor and both stockers were fired. I don't know what you did but remind me to stay on your good side."

"I simply called Troy and told him what happened last night. What happened tonight is all on them for what they were doing."

"I hope everyone else sees it that way."

After he ate we turned in and I cuddled up to him as we fell asleep.

The next morning Todd makes love to me and we get a shower. After we eat breakfast we head out. After work I make dinner and put some aside for Todd. He's already texted me that they are really shorthanded and he can't take a break. When he gets home his dinner is already waiting on him and he eats. After he is done we head to bed and I cuddle up to him.

When we wake up Todd makes love to me then we shower and eat breakfast. We then head out for our day. When I get home I cook dinner and set some aside for Todd. I have it heated up on the table for him at his normal time to get home. But he isn't here. I sit and wait and it is twenty minutes past when he is supposed to be here. I'm getting worried. I call his phone. It goes straight to voicemail. That doesn't help my nerves.

I put on shoes and grab my keys and drive to the store. On my way there, I spotted a bunch of cop cars and an ambulance. I slow to see and I recognize Todd's truck. My stomach is all in knots now. I turn around and pull up as close as I can get then walk over. I spot Todd being checked out by a paramedic. I ran over to him.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 8

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