Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Feb 22, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 69 by Sam

When we woke up, Ty made love to me and it was the best he has ever done. After we came we got up and took a shower. After we got dressed I went and woke up Todd and we sat down to breakfast. After breakfast I wished them a good day at school and went to work for my last day there.

At lunch Dan said to come by his office after closing time so he could finish my separation paperwork. I told him I would.

At quitting time I cleaned out my personal stuff from my cubical then went to Dan's office. We sat down and he went over the paperwork and took my employee ID. He verified my address so they could send my W-2 next year. When it was all done he put it in a drawer in his desk.

"Sam, I was wondering, since you don't work here now if you might help me out."

"With what?"

"I have a fantasy about fucking an employee in my office."

"I can't work inside city limits."

"I know, and I'm not offering any money. But the next time I'm up at the store a few hundred might fall out of my wallet into your box."


"Please Sam."

"Well, just don't tell anyone else because I could get in a lot of trouble."

"So could I so I definitely won't."

I pulled out my phone and loaded up my appointment calendar. I had Ty link it to my phone so I could check the names of those he scheduled in case any more ex boyfriends popped up. I put in a one hour appointment starting now and labeled it Dan then put my phone away.

"How do you want to do it?"

He cleaned off his desk and I got undressed and he had me lay on my back on his desk. He had a small bottle of lube and lubed up his cock then pushed it in me. He started thrusting in and out of me and it felt good. I put my hands over my mouth as I was moaning so loud. After twenty minutes I blew my load all over me and he slammed into me as he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out.

"Wow, that was better than I thought it would be."


I got up and used some tissues from the box he had on the corner of his desk to clean off then got dressed. I left his office and collected my things then went home. When I got home I put my box in the living room and went to my bedroom and took a shower. After my shower I sat on the bed. After half an hour Todd came in to see what was going on as I'm supposed to be with Ty right now.

"Are you ok babe?"

"No I'm not. Close the door."

Todd closed the door and came over to me and sat next to me.

"I did something bad. And something bad happened."

"What do you mean babe?"

"After we filled out all the paperwork for my separation, Dan asked to have sex with me in his office because he always fantasized about fucking an employee in there. And I did."

"Babe, we can't operate there."

"I know and he didn't pay me there but said some money would find its way to my box at the store."

"That is still not allowed."

"I know, I'm sorry. I had to set up an appointment."

"I'll have Ty delete it so there isn't any proof."

"Ok, the thing is, you know how having sex with you and the others is super good now?"


"It was the same with Dan."

"Wait, it felt the same with a customer as with one of us?"


"That isn't good."

"I know. I don't mind you three making me feel like that as I love you all, but a customer doing it is wrong."

"Let me get Ty."

Todd went out and came back in with Ty. He explained to Ty what happened. After Ty deleted the appointment with Dan we started to think.

"If it is a program it is weird. You had sex with me Monday morning and it was the usual, but in the afternoon it was intense. And I didn't say anything during the morning sex. So how did you get programmed if you did?"

"I don't know, I was at work until I came home and went in with you."

"Did anything happen at work?"

"No. How could it without an appointment. Only you three can have sex with me and me feel it without an appointment."

"Did you jack off in the bathroom?"

"No, jacking off doesn't work for me anymore. I can't feel it. Plus I can't hear anyone but you three when I'm having sex."

"Is it possible something happened at work, not a programming, but something else that may have caused you to have a programming effect?"

"I don't think so."

"Well think about it. What happened Monday at work or to or from work? Start when you left the house."

"Well, I gave you all a kiss then went to my car. I drove on my normal course."

"Did you hear or see anything sexual?"

"Not on the drive to work, but going home I did."

"What was it?"

"They had one of these billboards up for a new penis enlargement pill. It said get a bigger penis and have the best sex of your life. I thought it was amusing how you tops always worry about the size of your dicks when you can have great sex no matter what size you are."

"What were you doing when you saw it?"

"Just driving."

"Where were you driving?"

"Tallahassee Blvd."

"The bumpiest road in the world?"

"Probably the universe but yeah. I love that road as I always get a good vibration going."

"Does it feel good?"

"Of course. Doesn't your butt vibrating feel good to you?"

"Sexual good?"


"Did you cum?"


"I don't understand then. I'm pretty sure it is your orgasm that locks a program. You may be able to be programmed by reading, I don't know, but an orgasm is supposed to be there to lock it."

"I have an idea." Ty typed a message on his phone then got on top of me. He pushed into me and started thrusting in and out of me. It felt so good and I was moaning. He then put his phone in front of me and I read it. 'You are Todd and Ty's wife and will give Ty a big kiss.' I thought that was humorous and giggled. Ty pulled out of me. After I calmed down I went over to Ty and gave him a huge kiss.

"How's my husband?"

"I'm good baby, how is my wife?"


"I don't understand. He didn't cum. I thought you had to cum for a program to lock."

"I don't know. But I remember the text message. I usually forget the program."

"How deep is it? How long have you been my wife Sam?"

"Since last year."

"How about me babe?"

"Since last year."

"Ok so now we know not to let him read while having sex."

"Even at the store. If he feels it and reads anything it can program."

"Well we know the program he got. Get a bigger penis and have the best sex of your life. So when he gets a big penis he has great sex."

"It just says bigger, not big. If you look, bigger to him is almost everyone."

"Hey! I may be small but come on."

"Sorry babe. But how do we fix it? Tell him he will have horrible sex for the rest of his life?"

"I don't agree with that."

"No, just say that the size of the dick does not increase the amount of pleasure from the sex."

"Well that isn't true. Todd's dick feels so much better than say Danny's."

"Ok, good point. Say the dick size does not change how good sex is."

"I guess that might work. But... um... can you keep you guys in it?"

"You really like it babe?"

"It has been a great week for me."

"Ok we can put us back in to giving you the greatest sex of your life. Just don't know how to stop you from reading and accidentally programming yourself."

"Well don't make me illiterate."

"Maybe just say if you are having sex you won't read. Not you can't read, but if words are in front of you, you just won't read them."

"It is worth a try, but one of you will have to drive me as I might not read a stop sign or something."

There was a knock on the door. Danny said dinner was ready. We decided to hold off for a bit and went to eat dinner. After dinner I went back to my room with my two husbands.

"Ok, let's write down the program we are going to do."

We worked on it for an hour making sure the wording was right. Ty was a little miffed when Todd added a part making him my only husband. I gave Ty a hug to comfort him. I was going to miss him as a husband. When we had it we got undressed and Todd got on top of me and started thrusting in and out of me. It felt so good.

"Sam, the size of the dick of your partner does not change the amount of pleasure you would normally feel from having sex with them. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

"Sam, when you have sex with me, Ty or Danny it will be the best sex of your life. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

"Sam, when you are having sex you will not read anything even if it is right in front of you. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

"Sam, I am your husband, your only husband. Ty is not your husband. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd." A tear entered my eye. I'm going to miss Ty being my husband. I really love him.

Todd stopped thrusting. "Sam are you ok?" I had many tears now. Ty came over to me.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 70

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