Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Feb 20, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 68 by Sam

When we wake up Ty makes love to me then we take a shower. As we are getting dressed I make sure Ty puts on a nice outfit.

"Why baby?"

"I want my man to look good on his first day of school."

Ty smiles and puts on a nice polo shirt and pants. After we are dressed I go over and wake up Todd. After we eat breakfast I drag Todd and Danny back to their rooms and make them put on better clothes. When all three are wearing what I want I give them all a kiss and tell them to have a good day in school as I head off to work.

When I get home from work Todd is at the desk working on his homework. Danny is on the couch with his books open on the coffee table.

"I figured a cooking school would have homework in the kitchen."

"No Sam, there is a lot of book reading we have to do."

"Oh, I'll get you a desk for your room then."

"You don't have to do that, this works fine. Besides, I like being out here instead of cooped up in my room."

"Well if you are sure. But if you decide you want one later just tell me and I will get it for you."

"Ok Sam."

I then headed to Ty's room. He was at his desk when I went in. I got undressed and he came over and got undressed and got on top of me. He started to kiss me as I felt him enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me. He seemed really worked up and was passionately kissing me as he thrust in and out of me slowly. He was making it so good I was having a hard time controlling myself. I wrapped my legs around his butt and pushed him into me. I wanted more of him inside me. I screamed out "OH YES TY I NEED YOU" as he continued to make love to me. My moans just kept getting louder as he brought new feelings to me. After half an hour of passionate love making I finally came on us screaming out Ty's name. This took him over the edge and he pushed all the way inside me as he gave me his load. It took us a few minutes to calm down from that one. When we had I unwrapped my legs so Ty could pull out of me. I then cleaned us off and I cuddled up to him.

"Wow baby, that was intense."

"I'm not sure what you were doing Ty, but keep doing it. That was the best sex I have ever had."

"Better than Todd?"

"Way better than Todd."

"Wait, really?"

"Really. Todd has never made me feel like that."

"Wow. I'm going to make you feel like that every day baby."

"I really hope you do. How was school?"

"It was good. Got some good professors. We went over and took Danny to the dining hall for lunch. I'll let him tell you about his classes, but we couldn't get him to shut up."

"I'm glad he is liking them. Can you both take him to lunch every day?"

"Yes. Both me and Todd's classes have a good gap for lunch so we can both easily make it over there."


I enjoyed my cuddle time with Ty then got dressed and went back out to talk to Todd.

"How was school?"

"Good babe. The professors seem alright."

"Are you able to take Danny to school and pick him up easily every day?"

"Yeah. My first class is at 10am too so I just have him ride up with me and I drop him close to his school before parking near my class. And I get out of my last class at 3 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and 2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I just meet him after he gets out and we come home together."

"Good. He doesn't have a car so you will need to keep that up."

"It isn't an issue babe."

I gave Todd a kiss and went to talk to Danny in the kitchen.

"How was school Tiger?"

"It was a blast Sam. Our classroom has all these cooking stations with so many pots and pans and the teacher is so funny. I really love it."

"That is good. They start you cooking yet?"

"No, we are starting with food safety then we learn how to cook stuff."

"Ok, just keep up the good work."

"I will Sam."

I went to the living room and watched some TV while I waited for dinner to be ready. After dinner we turned in. I gave Ty and Todd a kiss as they headed for our room and I went with Danny to his room. I got on the bed and he got on top of me. I felt him enter me. His thick cock thrust in and out of me at a slow pace. It felt so good. Danny started to kiss me passionately. He was bringing out feelings he has never done before. I couldn't get enough of his cock as it worked its way in and out of me. He had me moaning so loud I thought the neighbors would complain. "OH YES DANNY YOU ARE SO GOOD." I screamed out. Danny kept it up as I came on us. It felt amazing as he worked in and out of me. I needed to be one with him as I pushed his butt to me with my legs to get more of him inside me. The next time I came I screamed out his name as he thrust hard into me and I felt him cum inside me. It took awhile for us to recover, then I unwrapped my legs so he could pull out. I got us cleaned up and I cuddled up to him.

"Wow Sam, that was amazing."

"Danny, that was beyond anything you have ever done."

"I'm glad you liked it, but it was great for me too."

"Ok, I need some sleep. I still have a job to go to in the morning."

I closed my eyes and I fell asleep in his arms.

When I woke up Danny got on top of me and started to kiss me. I felt his cock enter me and start to thrust in and out of me. It felt so good inside me. He was slow and gentle and he was kissing me passionately. It didn't take long for me to blow my first load. This only made Danny thrust harder. It was so good I was moaning my head off. Danny kept at it making me moan louder. When my next orgasm hit Danny pumped his load inside me. When we managed to come down he got off of me and helped me get up so I could shower. When we were clean, he went to his room and I went to ours. I woke up Ty and Todd and got dressed then went to breakfast. After I ate I wished them a good day at school as I went to work.

When I got home Danny was on the couch with his books on the coffee table and Todd was at the desk. I gave them both a kiss as I went to Ty's room. He was at his desk but came over to me when I came in. We got undressed and I laid on the bed and he got on top of me. He started to kiss me passionately as I felt his cock enter me. He started to thrust in and out of me at a gentle pace. It was slow and sensual. He was making sure I felt it all and I was. It was intense and I was moaning so loud. I screamed out his name as I came on us and he pumped his load inside me. When we finally came down he pulled out of me and I got us cleaned up and cuddled up to him.

"What the hell is going on?"

"What baby?"

"You and Danny. Since yesterday you and Danny have given me the best sex of my life every time."

"I'm glad you like it baby."

"I love it but I don't understand it. You have always been good Ty, but not this good. Danny has always been wonderful, but now he is almost as good as you. It doesn't make sense."

I got up and went out to talk to Todd.

"Come with me."

I took Todd to the bedroom. I laid on the bed and had him get on top of me. He entered me and started thrusting in and out of me. It felt so good. His huge cock was hitting all my spots, but there was more. I looked into his eyes and they were a beautiful green. I pulled him down to me and kissed him. It was so passionate and his cock was feeling so good. I was moaning so much. After my first cum Todd picked up the pace and it felt even better. I couldn't get enough of it and begged him for more. He thrust harder into me and it was intense. When I came again it felt like the entire house was shaking. Todd pushed all the way in me and I felt him pump his load inside me. It took almost 5 minutes before I came back down. Todd pulled out of me and laid next to me.

"Fuck that was good babe."

"Todd, have I been programmed?"

"What do you mean?"

"Every time I've had sex since yesterday afternoon it has been that intense. Have I been programmed to have the best sex of my life every time?"

"I haven't programmed you babe. I'm glad you are having amazing sex, but I didn't program you."

"Then what is it? There is no way you three have gotten this much better overnight."

"I don't know but it wasn't a program from me. Let's ask the others as they are the only other ones you can hear during sex."

We went to the living room and I asked Ty to join us. All three sat on the couch.

"Guys, I'm not mad. I just want to know. Have any of you programmed me?"

"I thought only Todd could program you baby."

"Well, he is supposed to be, but that isn't perfect. Like I said, if it was you I will not be mad, I just want to know."

"Well it wasn't me baby."

"I haven't Sam."

"Ok, well I've been having the best sex of my life this week and I don't know why."

"Yeah, I noticed. You made it so good this morning I thought I wouldn't last long enough to give you your second cum."

"Yeah it has been amazing this week."

"So you three are sure that neither one of you programmed me to have the best sex of my life?"

"We are sure babe."

"Danny, how long until dinner?"

"About twenty minutes."

"Ty, come with me. I want you to try and have the worst sex possible with me."

"I don't know if I can baby. I try to always make it good for you."

"Well try for me."

We went to Ty's room and I got in the bed. Ty got on top of me and entered me. He started pounding hard and fast and it felt amazing. I was moaning so loud. He changed positions but it still felt super good. He was going as fast as he could and I was in heaven. When I came I screamed his name as I shot my load on us. He thrust into me and pumped his load inside me. It took awhile for us to come down. When we did I looked at him.

"That was your worst?"

"Yeah. I tried doing it fast and miss your prostate."

"Well, that was so good."

"You should have hated that baby."

"I didn't. It felt really good."

We got cleaned up and went back out.

"How did it go?"

"It was super good."

"I swear babe, we didn't program you."

"Well something is going on. We will have to figure it out. Todd, I don't want you to do any crazy reprogramming until we know what is going on."

"Ok babe, don't worry, we will figure it out."

When dinner was ready we sat down to eat. After we ate we turned in. I gave Danny and Todd a kiss as I went to Ty's room. After the most intense sex of my life we got cleaned up and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 69

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