Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Feb 19, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 67 by Sam

When I woke up Danny was on top of me and I felt his thick cock moving in and out of me. He stopped.

"Oh, um."

"Keep going Danny."

Danny started thrusting in and out of me again.

"Sorry Sam. I was horny."

"Don't apologize Danny. When I'm in your bed, I'm yours to do with as you please. So keep going."

"Really? Oh God Sam." Danny started thrusting harder. "Oh FUCK" Danny thrust all the way in me and I felt him pump his load into me.

"Wow Danny."

"Sorry Sam, when you said that I got so hot I couldn't hold it in."

"That's ok Danny."

He pulled out of me. We got up and took a shower then he went to make breakfast and I went to wake the others. Ty was cuddled up to Todd. I woke them up and went to get dressed. Todd rolled on top of Ty and I saw him push his cock into him and start to thrust in and out. Ty was moaning as I left the room to go get breakfast. After I ate breakfast I gave Danny a kiss as he was the only one out here as I could still hear moaning coming from my room, and I went to work.

After work I went to Ty's room and he made love to me. After we cleaned up I cuddled up to him.

"Did you and Todd ever get breakfast this morning."

"Um.. we got lunch. Once he started he didn't stop until Danny was banging on the door for us to come to lunch."

"Wow, you must have been drained."

"Oh man baby, I was covered in it. We had to take a shower before lunch."

"Well at least it didn't stop you from giving me my time."

"No baby, we learned our lesson. I had a lot of time to recharge."

"Good. Are you ready to go back to school."

"Well I need some new clothes but other than that I'm ok."

"Oh my gosh. I forgot to take you all back to school clothes shopping. We will go Friday after I get off work."

"Ok baby, but you don't have to come, we can go while you are at work."

"Oh no. I want to be there for my men. Plus you all have horrible taste."

"If you say so baby. We'll be ready when you get off work Friday."

I cuddled up to Ty some more before getting dressed to go talk to Todd.

"I'm taking you all clothes shopping on Friday."

"No babe, we can do that while you are at work."

"No, I want to be there, so we will do it Friday."

"Ok babe. I'll make sure we are ready when you get home."

After dinner we turned in. I gave Todd and Danny a kiss as they headed for their rooms and I went with Ty. He made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

On Friday after work they were all in the living room ready to go. We all got in Todd's truck and headed for the mall. When we got there we went to the clothing store and I had them all pick out some new outfits as well as get new underwear and socks. I also had Danny get a new apron for him to wear in the kitchen. I had them all go to the changing rooms and they came out and showed me their outfits. When I approved of them they were put in the cart. I rejected some and had them get replacements. When I felt we had enough outfits we went to the shoes and got new sneakers for them. We then checked out and went home. I had them put their clothes in the laundry room so I could wash them. I started a load when Danny started dinner. After dinner I put that load in the dryer and we went to bed. I kissed Danny and Ty as they headed to Danny's room and I went with Todd to our room. Todd made love to me and when he finally came we cleaned up and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep as Ty moaned in the other room.

In the morning Todd made love to me then we went to take a shower. We got dressed and went to wait for Danny and Ty to come out. They came out of the bathroom and went to their rooms then Danny made breakfast. After we ate we headed to the store. After Danny got me in the sling he went to check the line. A few minutes later and my first customer entered me.

Right after lunch there was a knock on the door. Todd and Ty got up to answer it. It was Dave. He talked to Ty then Ty came over to me.

"Dave says he got a call from his daughter and she said her son, his grandson, was playing baseball and is now being taken to the hospital. He says he needs to go but doesn't want to close the shop while we are working so wants to know if one of us could run the register while he is gone."

"Well yeah, have Danny go with him and have him work until Dave gets back. Tell him to tell his grandson to get well soon from us."

Ty went to Danny and sent Danny with Dave. The day went on. After a couple of hours Danny hadn't come back. I asked Todd and he said Danny was still at the register. At the end of the day Ty got me out of the sling and cleaned me up then I got dressed as he cleaned up the room. Todd collected the money and we headed out. Danny was still at the register. We didn't want to leave the shop unlocked with no one here so we decided to hang out and wait for Dave. It was only 15 minutes after closing when Dave came in.

"I'm so sorry Sam. I thought it would be something simple like he got hit with a ball. But he got heat stroke. They are keeping him overnight."

"Don't worry Dave, we know family comes first. I'm sorry to hear about that. Will he be ok?"

"Yeah, they think so but will probably not let him play the rest of the season."

"Well are you going to open tomorrow?"

"I will if your guy can run the register for a little bit while I go to the hospital to check on him."

"Of course. We are always willing to help out."

We headed home and Todd went to the desk and Danny went to the kitchen as I took Ty to his room. I got on the bed and Ty got on top of me and I felt him enter me. He made passionate love to me. When we came we got up and took a shower. After we were dressed we went out to talk to Todd. He gave us the numbers and I paid Ty and took Danny his money and he took it to his room before resuming working on dinner.

"It's ok that we had you work the register today isn't it?"

"Yeah Sam, it wasn't hard. Dave showed me how to do it and the customers were all nice. Most had just come from the booth."

"That's good. He'll need you to run it for a bit tomorrow while he goes to the hospital but it shouldn't be as long this time."

"It's not a problem Sam. I'm happy to help."

After dinner we turned in. Me and Ty laid down next to each other but I wanted to try something different so I put my head by his butt and his was by mine. Danny got on top of me and Todd pushed his huge cock into Ty. I looked up and got a close up of my husband's massive dick going in and out of my boyfriend's hole. Danny was pounding away at my hole too. It turned me on so much I came fast. That didn't stop Danny though and he continued to pound my hole. At the hour mark again they both pushed all the way in and I felt Danny start to pump his load into me. When we had all come down they pulled out of us and we got up to take a shower. When we were clean, me and Ty cuddled up to Todd and Danny spooned up behind me.

In the morning, Danny pulled me off of Todd and got on top of me and I felt him enter me. My moaning woke up Ty and he lubed up Todd and got on him and started to ride him. After a half hour Danny pushed all the way in me and shot his seed into me and Todd grunted as he pushed all the way up into Ty. After Danny pulled out of me we helped Ty off of Todd and all went to take a shower. After the shower, Ty trimmed my pubes then we got dressed and had breakfast. After breakfast we went to the store. Danny and Ty went to set up the other booth while I got undressed and put on my robe. I then sat down to wait for my signal. Once Ty was at his chair and gave me the signal I went over and passed Todd as I walked in.

When I got out and was heading for my shower, Danny was at the register. I got cleaned up and went back to the booth so Ty could strap me in and start taking wall customers. Danny came back in when it was getting close to lunchtime and said Dave was back from the hospital. At the end of the day, Ty and Danny put everything away and clean up while I take a shower then get dressed. As we head out I ask Dave how his grandson is doing. He says he is ok and was allowed to go home but was not allowed to finish out the season. I told him that sucks but at least he is ok. We then headed home. After me and Ty make love and get a shower we get our figures from Todd and I pay Ty and Danny then we sit down to eat dinner. After dinner I give my two tops a kiss and head off to Ty's room. After we make love I cuddle up to him and go to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 68

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