Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Feb 15, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 65 by Sam

When we woke up we changed partners and Todd thrust his huge cock in and out of me as Danny did the same to Ty. After we all came we got a shower and got dressed and had breakfast before going to the store. When we got to the store Danny got undressed and put on his robe. Once Ty had the other side set up and gave him the signal, Danny went over to the other side to his first customer.

When we got home Danny asked if he could soak in the tub again as he felt really sore and dirty. I told him to go ahead and I would make dinner. When Todd gave me the numbers I paid Ty and we deducted Danny's from his debt. Once Danny finished his bath we all sat down to eat. I then took Ty to his room and he made love to me. After we cuddled for a bit he got horny again so we went again. After we were cleaned up I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up Ty made love to me. After we calmed down he pulled out of me and I cuddled up to him.

"Honey, I need you to register Danny for the cooking classes. They start soon right?"

"Yeah, same time as the other classes, in two weeks. I'll take care of it today."

"Good, get with Todd for payment."

"Ok baby."

We got up and took a shower then sat down for breakfast. I woke up Todd as I headed to work. After work I went to Ty's room and we made love. As I'm cuddled up to him he says he got Danny registered and gave the payment information to Todd. After a long cuddle I got up and went out to Todd. He said he got the payment information from Ty and sent in the check. I asked if he wanted me to pay him with pleasure for it. He told me he would take it out of Ty's ass tonight and I can take my payment directly from Danny. We sat down to eat dinner then I gave Ty and Todd a kiss as they headed off together to our room and I followed Danny to his. Danny got on top of me and I felt him enter me as he started thrusting in and out of me. After a half hour he pushed all the way inside me and pumped his load in me. I cleaned us up and cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When I got home from work the next day Todd wanted to talk to me by the computer.

"Babe, I'm trying to figure out the tax payment for next month and I need to know if Danny will continue to work the Sundays."

"I doubt it. He seems to hate it, but he has to pay off the debt and this is the fastest way."

"Ok, 'cause it will affect the estimated amount we bring in if he does."

"Todd, what is that number there."

"That is our current profit not excluding taxes. I haven't taken them out yet because I'm still trying to figure them out."

"That is more than I made last year working for the call center."

"No babe, that isn't a year, that is just since you started in February."

"You are saying that I have currently made more in less than 6 months than I made all of last year working full time?"

"Yeah, looks like it. But if we keep giving Danny 60% of Sunday we will be bringing in less each week."

"Does that include the frat payment?"

"Oh shoot. I forgot to add that in. Good catch babe. Since that wasn't income from working but was a settlement I put it in differently."

"So I'm working 5 days a week to make less than I make working just 2 days a week?"

"What are you thinking babe?"

"I'm thinking I want to fucking quit my crappy job."

"But that is steady income. The store fluctuates. Plus what if you get hurt and can't work?"

"Oh come on daddy, just say I can quit."

"You can quit... if you can tell me what happens if you get hurt and can't work."

"Maybe there is insurance like the disability I have at work. I'm talking to Ty."

I went into Ty's room. He was laying on the bed. He sat up and smiled, my guess is because he thought I was here for him to make love to me. He would be right most times, but not now.

"Ty. I want to quit."

"What baby? Did something happen this weekend?"

"No, not quit the store, quit the call center."


"But Todd won't let me unless I can answer his questions."

"Like what?"

"What happens if I get hurt and cannot work?"

"Um... I don't think there is any insurance that covers prostitution. So you would stop making money until you got better."

"Oh... I don't think that is an answer that will let me quit."

"Sorry baby. But you don't have to work much longer. When me and Todd graduate we will get good jobs and we will support you."

"I hope so. With two boyfriends and a husband one of you better support me."

"We will all support you baby."

"Ok, take your pants off."

I got undressed and Ty made love to me. After we came down and had some cuddle time I went to talk to Todd.

"Ty says there is no insurance. But I only need to work until one of you gets a job."

"True, but we are still in college."

"For a year. I've made a year's income already. Many years if we count the frat settlement."

"Well I guess you are right."

"So I can quit daddy?"

"I guess. But when we go back to school you won't be able to work during the week even though you will be off because we couldn't be there."

"I understand. But that means I get 5 days off each week. I haven't had a day off in a while."

"That's true. Ok babe, you can quit your day job."

"Yay. Come on, I need your cock."

I took Todd into the bedroom and he made love to me and gave me 4 cums before he thrust hard into me and pumped his load inside me. After we came down he pulled out of me and I cuddled up to him until Danny knocked on the door and said dinner was ready. We cleaned up and sat down to eat. After dinner I went to bed with Ty and he made love to me then I cleaned us up and cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

In the morning I woke up next to Ty. He rolled us over and made love to me. After we calmed down we got up and took a shower. We then got dressed and I went over to wake up Todd. We then all sat down to eat breakfast and I left for work. When I got to work I put in my two weeks notice. At lunch, Dan asked about it and I told him that I made more money in two days with my legs in the air than two weeks answering phones. He said he understood but was not happy about losing me.

When I got home I went to Ty's room for my after work fun and cuddle. After that I went to the living room where Todd was on his Switch. I told him about putting in my notice. We then all sat down to dinner then turned in. I gave Danny and Ty a kiss as they headed for Danny's room then went to our room with Todd. After an extended session with Todd we took a shower as I was covered, then we cuddled up together and I went to sleep listening to Ty's moans.

Friday night was me and Todd's wedding anniversary. We went out to a nice restaurant and had a great meal. When we got home, he took me to the bedroom and made love to me for two hours before we took a shower and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 66

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