Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Feb 13, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 64 by Sam

In the morning me and Ty laid on our backs as we switched partners. After we had all cum we got up and took a shower. After our shower, Ty gets the trimmers to clean up my pubes. I tell him to trim Danny's too. We then went out to breakfast. After breakfast we headed for the store.

When we got to the store I had Ty go set up the other booth and I had Danny strip.

"You are working today Danny."

"Ok. How many?"

"All of them."

"I understand. Do you think I'm ready though?"

"Yeah Danny I do. Don't worry, you will be fine. Just ask them what they want and give it to them."

Once Danny was naked and in his robe we waited for Ty's signal and I walked with Danny to the door. Todd was standing there and I motioned for Danny to enter. He went in and closed the door. I went over so I could watch through the hole with Ty. Danny had taken off his robe and was talking to the customer. Wow, this will be a rough one. 40 and fat and balding. But Danny was a trooper and got on his knees in front of him and sucked the guy. After 10 minutes the guy tapped him then they got on the bed. Danny was on his back so he had to watch the guy fuck him. When time was up Danny thanked the customer and put on his robe and left the room. I went out with the towel and body wash and took Danny to the shower. He soaped himself up good. I know the feeling. When he had dried off he put his robe back on and we returned to the room. Ty was returning from cleaning up the other room and he helped Danny into the sling and got him on the wall. Danny made a face when the first cock entered him. About halfway into Danny's wall time Ty got a call.

"Um baby, I think I have a way for Danny to pay off some of his debt."

"What's that."

"I have someone wanting to book a prostitute to work a bachelorette party."

"I know he is a top, but I don't think he wants to go near one of those. He said he is gay, not bi like you."

"I know baby. This is a gay wedding and the bottom is having a bachelorette party. They want a top to work it."

"Well, when is it and where and for how long?"

"Friday night at a party house out of town. 8pm to midnight."

"Wow, 4 hours? Ok we will put it to him but make sure they know that you and Todd will be there and must be able to see and get to Danny at all times. He cannot be taken into another room unless you two follow."

We got up and walked to Danny who did not have a happy look on his face.

"Danny, if you look like that, the customers will get upset. They want happy prostitutes."

"I know Sam, and I'll fake it when they can see me, but they can't now so I'm not going to."

"Fair enough. Ty has a job for you. He's lined up a bachelorette party for a bottom in a gay wedding. It is four hours on Friday and they requested a top. Are you interested?"

"Will it count toward my debt?"

"Of course, same pay scale."

"Ok, I'll do it. I really want to pay you back so I can stop doing this stuff."

"But I thought you wanted to be a prostitute and get paid for sex?"

"I did. Until today. Now I know it is not fun. I thought it would be like having sex with you, but it isn't. These guys do not look like you."

"I know. If they did they wouldn't need to pay for it."


I thought about what I said. "No Danny, I didn't mean you. You were just inexperienced and not confident in yourself. Trust me, you never needed to pay for it either, you just didn't find the right boy for you."

"Yes I did. But I paid so that I could be with him."

"Well you don't need to pay anymore. I'll have Ty book the party for you. He and Todd will act as your security. If they say something, do it, as it may save your life."

"I understand and I will. Thanks Sam."

Ty set up the party and after the wall time Danny headed to the shower to get ready for the next customer. When he got back he sat with me to wait for Ty's signal. When he got it he went over.

When we got home I told Danny I would make dinner and he should go to the master bath and get in the tub and soak. It is heated and has the water jets. He said ok and went off to get a long bath. I went to the kitchen to make dinner as Todd counted the money. When Todd had the count I paid Ty and we deducted Danny's pay from his debt then when Danny got out of the bath we all sat down to eat. After dinner I gave Danny and Todd a kiss as they went to their rooms and I followed Ty to his. After Ty made love to me we cleaned up and I cuddled up to him.

"Honey, did you look into the cooking schools for me?"

"Yeah baby. There is one at the university."

"Does it run the same time as other classes?"

"Yeah, I got a pamphlet for it. It is a yearlong course and it runs 10am to 3pm with a 30 minute break for lunch."

"Is it close to you and Todd's classes so you can all eat together?"

"Not too close but me and Todd have more time between our morning and afternoon classes so we can go over there and meet up with him."

"Ok good. I want you all to eat together in the dining hall. He will not have anyone there he knows so I want you and Todd to help him out."

"We will baby. You know all us guys that fuck you like to stick together."

"Really? Do you rent a train station to hang out in? Because that is a lot of guys."

"Oh, yeah. I forget about that sometimes. I meant the ones that fuck you here."

"Well that's good. I want you all to get along and Danny being thrown out like that was not good for his self esteem."

"Yeah, I still can't believe they did that."

"Me neither." I was suddenly sad again. The same sad feeling I couldn't explain.

"You ok baby?"

"Yeah, it is just happening again. I'll be ok in the morning. Let's get some sleep."

I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

On Friday when I got off work I went and had some Ty time. After our after sex cuddle we got up and had dinner. I then helped Danny pick out his outfit and made sure he looked good. When they left Ty told me he texted the address of the party to me in case there was a problem. I told him to call me if they did the same stuff as the frat. After they left I watched some TV before heading to bed. I needed my sleep to work the store in the morning. Sometime during the night I felt Todd get in the bed. I moved over to him and cuddled up.

When I woke up I got on top of Todd and rode him. After my second orgasm he rolled us over and fucked me until he pumped his load inside me. After we calmed down he pulled out and I cuddled up to him.

"How did it go last night?"

"Pretty well. They showed us into a large room that had chairs all in a circle. They pointed out the bride to Danny so he knew who to focus on. They had him dance around for a bit and then strip for him. Danny then took the bride by his hands and pulled him up and danced with him. Then the bride got on his knees and sucked Danny. That went on for a while before the bride took off his pants and bent over in front of Danny. I took the lube over to him and Danny fucked him for a long time before asking where the bride wanted it. He said on his face so Danny pulled out and blew his load all over the guy's face. It was huge too. That started everyone going. Everyone was having sex with everyone. Me and Ty kept our eyes on Danny and he fucked a few other guests and the bride again. When it was over they paid us and we left."

"Good. It sounds like Danny had fun. Did you deduct what he made from his debt?"

"Yeah, I did that before coming to bed. I also paid Ty."

"Ok. Let's get up and shower so we can get to the store."

I went and woke up the other two before we went to shower. They had a late night and were still a bit tired. After breakfast we headed to the store. When we got there Danny put me in the sling then went to the couch and laid down.

"You ok Tiger?"

"Yeah Sam, just really tired."

"Todd said you seemed to have fun last night."

"It was ok. I would have rather been fucking you but they weren't too bad."

"Well you can do that tonight."

"I know and I can't wait. I just need some rest."

"Ok get you a nap then."

Danny took a nap for a couple of hours before I had Ty wake him up so he could clean off my legs. He then stayed up to watch TV with the others. At the end of the day we rented the booths for the next month and went home and Todd went to count the money as Danny went to the kitchen and I took Ty to his room. After Ty made love to me we took a shower and went to meet up with Todd. Todd gave us the amount and I paid Ty as Todd took Danny's off his debt. We then had dinner.

After dinner we all turned in. I laid next to Ty and kissed him as Todd got on top of him and put his huge cock inside him and Danny got on me and I felt him enter me. They worked their cocks in and out of us. Ty was moaning in my mouth and I wasn't silent either as Danny was hitting my prostate. Me and Ty got many cums while the other two just kept going. We started early enough that I could allow them to keep holding off. After an hour they pushed all the way in us and pumped their loads inside us. When we all calmed down they pulled out of us and we went to shower. When we were clean Todd laid down and me and Ty got on either side of him and cuddled to him as Danny spooned up behind me.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 65

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