Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Feb 12, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 63 by Sam

When we woke up I had Todd make love to me as Danny fucked Ty. When we all came we went to take a shower then ate breakfast before heading to the store. When we got home I took Ty to the bedroom so he could make love to me then we took a shower and went for the numbers. After I paid Ty and Danny we ate dinner and I took Ty to his room. After he made love to me I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When I woke up, Ty made love to me before we got up to take a shower. After we got dressed we went out and I woke up Todd and we all had breakfast. I then headed to work. After work when I got home all three of them were waiting for me in the living room.

"Babe, Danny has something he needs to tell you."

"Ok, what's up Danny?"

"Um... Ok well, at the start of the summer I was broke so I went to this guy and he gave me $400. He said all I needed to do was pay it back with interest before school started again. I needed the money so I could pay to see you and I figured I'd get a summer job and pay it back easy. Well, then my parents kicked me out and I had to use a lot of it to eat. But then you gave me a job. When you paid me I went out that Monday to pay back the loan, but he said it wasn't enough as I owed $3,000. I said that is impossible as I only took $400. He said it was interest and showed me the part of the contract I signed that said they could charge any interest rate they wanted. I didn't know what to do but kept going back every Monday to pay them what you paid me but it kept going up. Then Friday, Todd programmed you to do what I said. I didn't want to, but I didn't see any other way so I told you to give me $5,000. I know you don't remember as I told you to forget you did it, but I did. And I will pay you back. Anyway, I took that down there today and Todd caught me. I swear Sam, I didn't know what else to do and I will pay you back."

"Ok Danny. I know about the money as I wasn't programmed but I didn't know why you wanted it."

"You weren't programmed? So you did all that stuff without actually having to?"

"Of course. I love being dominated and ordered around in the bedroom."

"Oh. So that means you don't think you are my wife?"

"No Danny, I'm Todd's wife. That doesn't mean I don't love you, but we are just boyfriends."

"Oh, ok, I can live with that."

"So did the $5,000 pay off your bill?"

"No, I gave him that and what you paid me this weekend and it still wasn't enough."

"Ok, Todd get the cash box and let's go. Ty, are you coming?"

"Yeah baby, I'm not letting you go there without me to protect you."

We all got in Todd's truck and headed down to the industrial side of town. I'm not sure why Danny was even over here in the first place to get the loan. When we got to the building we went in. I told the guy at the desk we were here to make a payment. He asked for the account information and Danny gave it to him. Then he asked how much we were paying. I asked him how much was owed right now. He told me $2,492. I took $2,500 out of the cash box and handed it to him. I told him I wanted a receipt marked paid in full. He filled out a receipt and handed it to me. I looked at it then asked for a print out of Danny's account showing a zero balance. I know how these guys operate. They will wait a year for you to lose all your records then claim you still owe money. That is why I keep everything. The guy gave me a print out and I looked it over and made sure the balance owed said zero then we left.

When we got home I took the receipt and print out to the bedroom and put them in the safe. When they were safely locked up I went back to the living room. Danny was there on the couch moping.

"What's wrong Tiger?"

"I was so stupid and now I owe you so much money."

"Don't worry about it Danny. All guys your age do something stupid. You just have to learn from it. And never sign anything I haven't read."

"Yeah. I'm really sorry I took money from you Sam."

"You took nothing from me Danny. Remember, I wasn't programmed. I gave it willingly."

"Oh right. But still, I will pay you back."

"Yes you will Danny. Now can I get some dinner? I worked all day and am a little hungry."

"Oh shoot, I forgot. Yeah, give me a bit and I'll get it fixed up."

After dinner we turned in. I gave Ty and Todd a kiss as they both headed for our room together and I headed to Danny's. I got undressed and laid in Danny's bed. Danny seemed hesitant.

"What's wrong Tiger?"

"Um... I know it is my night but if you don't want to do it with me I would understand."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you are probably mad at me for making you give all that money to that guy just for my mistake."

"Danny. You did something stupid, but that will not change the way I feel about you. Look at Ty. He did a lot of stupid stuff. Yet, he is here, with me. I don't dwell on stuff like that. You will pay the money back so there will be no issue. Now, come here and give your wife some love."

Danny got on top of me and started to kiss me. I felt him enter me and start thrusting in and out of me. He was hitting my prostate making me moan along with Ty in the other room. After my third cum he thrust all the way in me and pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out and I cleaned us up and cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

On Saturday after breakfast we headed to the store. Danny got me strapped in and made sure I was comfortable just as the first cock entered me. At the end of the day we headed home. Todd went to the desk and Danny went to the kitchen. I took Ty to his room and he made love to me before we showered. After Todd gave us the figures I paid Ty and had Todd take Danny's amount off his debt. We then went to eat. After dinner we turned in. Ty got on top of me and I felt him enter me. He kissed me as he slowly made love to me. After twenty minutes I came on us as he thrust in me and pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me and laid on the bed beside me. Todd got on top of him and Danny got on top of me. I saw Todd push his massive cock into Ty as I felt Danny enter me. They started to thrust in and out of us in a synchronized rhythm. I swear, synchronized fucking should be an Olympic event and these two would bring home the gold. After a half hour they thrust all the way into us as they filled our insides. When we all came down they pulled out and I cleaned us all up then me and Ty cuddled up to Todd and Danny spooned up behind me.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 64

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