Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Feb 10, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 62 by Sam


"Yeah Todd?"

"I know you are upset about not being able to get any of the frat money."

"No, it is ok Todd. That is your money. I wasn't with you then so I'm not entitled to any."

"Yes we know but we want you to get something. So I'm giving you Sam."

"What do you mean?"

"I have programmed Sam so that he will obey any command you give to him from now until 9pm tomorrow night. At that time he will forget everything that happened. Me and Ty are going to a hotel and will meet up with you two at the store on Saturday morning. I already told Sam to take tomorrow off so you have the entire time with him."

"So Sam has to do anything I say and he won't remember it after tomorrow?"

"That's right."

"Wow, this will be fun."

Ty and Todd left and I sat with Danny waiting for him to tell me to do something. He seemed hesitant to give me an order.

"Sam. Give me a blowjob."

"Yes Danny."

I got down on my knees and took him into my mouth. I worked my tongue over his head then moved my head up and down on it as I sucked on him. It took awhile but he eventually came in my mouth. When I had sucked him dry I got up.

"Sam you are my wife, as well as Todd's."

"Yes Danny."

"Too bad that's not permanent. I really wish you were my wife. Sam, let's go to bed."

"Yes Danny."

We went to his room and he undressed me then himself before ordering me onto the bed. He then got on top of me and I felt him enter me. He thrust in and out of me. I was moaning as he hit my prostate.

"Sam, let me permanently program you."

"Yes Danny."

"Sam you are my wife as well as Todd's and you will let me fuck you whenever I want no matter whose night it is with you."

"Yes Danny."

Danny kept fucking me until I came for the 4th time then he pumped his load into me and we cleaned up and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

In the morning Danny made love to me for an hour before cumming inside me. When we had calmed down he pulled out of me and we got up and got a shower. After we got dressed we went out and Danny went to the kitchen.

"Does my baby want some eggs?"

"Yes Danny that would be great."

After breakfast we sat on the couch and watched TV.

"Hey baby, can I have some money?"

"How much Danny?"


"Ok Danny. Cash or check?"

"Cash if we have it baby."

I went to the desk and opened the cash box and took out $5,000. I'm not sure why Danny needs this money. But I've come to know him and he isn't a thief so if he is asking for it there is a reason. I lock the cash box and hand Danny the money. He takes it to his room then comes back.

"Sam, forget you gave me money today."

"Yes Danny."

"Baby, did you give me any money today?"

"No Danny, I pay you on Saturday and Sunday."

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Sam, let's go make love."

"Yes Danny."

"Danny made love to me then fucked me doggy style. After dinner I was riding him when he came for the fifth time today. I don't even know how many I got. At 9pm I pretended to forget everything.

"Hey Danny, what am I doing here, this isn't your night."

"Todd and Ty went to a hotel to be together alone."

"Oh, that is strange. Well ok, guess I'll sleep with you. That is ok isn't it? You are my husband so I should be allowed to."

"Of course baby. Cuddle up to your husband and we will get some sleep."

When we woke up, Danny made love to me then we took a shower and ate breakfast before going to the store. Ty and Todd were already there. I told Danny to help Ty refill the lube next door. When they left I took Todd and went to the shower.

"What is up babe?"

"Keep an eye on Danny. He had me give him $5,000 and I don't know why."

"Why did you give it to him?"

"Not doing it would give away the charade and the fun would stop. Besides he isn't the type to steal so there must be a reason for it."

"Ok, anything else?"

"Yeah, he asked me to let him permanently program me and now I'm his wife and yours and I have to let him fuck me no matter whose night it is."

"That little shit stealing my wife like Ty did."

"Not exactly. I'm still yours too, just also his."

"Ok, well I'll keep an eye on him."

Me and Todd returned to the room and I got put in the sling and the first customer entered me. At the end of the day when we got home I took Ty to his bedroom. After he made love to me I cuddled up to him.

"Honey I need you to do me a favor."

"What baby?"

"You remember how Todd programmed me to follow all of Danny's orders?"

"Yeah, I hope he does that for me one day. You completely obedient would be awesome. I would do all kinds of crazy stuff with you."

"Ok, well I wasn't programmed. I was just pretending to give Danny a good time."

"Oh. That makes more sense, as Todd ever giving you to someone else didn't."

"Yeah, well when I was pretending, Danny asked for $5,000 in cash and I gave it to him."

"He is stealing from you?"

"I don't think Danny is a thief. Something else is going on. I want you to keep an eye on him. If he leaves the house, follow him."

"He only leaves the house to go jogging."

"Well, follow him when he does."

"Ok baby."

We took a shower then went out to get with Todd. He gave us the amount and I paid them then we had dinner. After dinner we turned in. I got on the bed on all fours and Ty got on his back so we could kiss. Todd got on top of Ty and Danny got behind me and I felt him enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me. I made out with Ty as Todd pounded him. After a half hour Danny pushed all the way in me as I felt him pump his load inside me. Todd thrust hard into Ty with a loud grunt. When we came down our partners pulled out of us and we cleaned up and cuddled up to Todd as Danny spooned up behind me.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 63

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