Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Feb 6, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 60 by Sam

When I wake up I take Ty with me to his room and he makes love to me. We then go and get the others up and take a shower. After breakfast we head to the store. I tell Ty to show Danny how to set everything up for a one on one while I get undressed. Ty takes Danny over to the other booth. When I'm undressed I put on my robe and wait. When they get back, Ty shows Danny how he sits to watch while I'm inside. I tell Ty that Danny can watch so he sees what I do but he needs to be watching too. When Ty gives me the signal I head over to the other booth. Todd is at the door and I go in and hang up my robe. I then go over to the customer. Crap an old one. Once his time is up I head out to take a shower, and I really need it. When I am clean I go back to the booth. Ty and Danny are in the other booth getting it cleaned up. When they come back Danny helps me into the sling and gets me on the wall. A few minutes later the first wall customer is inside me.

When the day is over we get cleaned up and Ty shows Danny how to put everything away. As we are returning our keys, Dave wants to talk to me.

"Sam, I wanted you to be the first to know this, but I'm going to be retiring next year."

"Oh wow Dave, you don't look old enough to retire."

"I'm 63 Sam."

"Wow, you look like you are in your 40s. What is your secret?"

"Sam, you look 12, what is yours?"

"Ok, good point. So why are you retiring?"

"Well, I just want to settle down and enjoy my time now instead of being at the store all day, every day."

"Well, what will you do with the store?"

"I'll be selling it. I haven't found a buyer yet, but I'm sure I will next year. I'm not even going to look until then, but I wanted you to know as you are the one that brings in the most money."

"I do?"

"Yeah. Saturday and Sunday are my biggest days. I hardly have any customers on the weekdays."

"Oh. Do you think we will still be able to work here?"

"Well, that will be up to the new owners, but they would be fools to stop you as then nobody would shop here. But you don't need to worry about that now. Like I said, it will be next year."

"Ok, well, thanks for the heads up Dave."

We returned home and Todd went to count the money and I took Ty to the bedroom. After we made love and took a shower we went out and Todd gave us the figures. I paid Ty and Danny then we had dinner. After dinner we turned in. I gave Danny and Todd a kiss as they went to their rooms and I took Ty to his room. After he made love to me we cleaned up and I cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

In the morning, Ty made love to me then we took a shower. After we got dressed I went to check on the others. Danny was in the kitchen. I went and woke up Todd then we all sat down to breakfast. After we ate I headed to work.

When I got off work I went to Ty's room. After we made love I cuddled up to him.

"Dad's lawyer called and asked for the lawyer's information about the settlement. I sent him a picture of the business card."

"Is he going to help us?"

"He said he would get with that lawyer to see what the case particulars are and what the settlement is about then get back to me."

"Ok, let me know."

After some time I got up and dressed and went out. I sat with Todd who was playing his Switch.

"Ty's dad's lawyer is looking into it for us and will get back to us."

"Ok babe."

"How did today go?"

"Fine. I've been right here."

"Of course you have. How about the others."

"Ty's been in his room most of the day but that is normal as he usually does the scheduling of appointments for Sunday today. Danny went out jogging this morning then made lunch when he got back."

"Oh, I didn't know he jogged."

"Well, this is the first time he did it. He didn't leave the house last week. Maybe it is a Monday thing."


After dinner we watched a movie then I gave Ty and Todd a kiss and went to bed with Danny. After Danny made love to me we cleaned up and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep listening to Ty moaning from my bedroom.

The next day after I got home I went to Ty's room and he made love to me. When we cuddled up together he told me his dad's lawyer wanted to do a conference call with us after dinner tonight. I said ok. After I had my Ty time I got dressed and went to sit with Todd.

"Ty's dad's lawyer will be doing a conference call with us after dinner."

"Ok. Do you know what it will be about?"

"No idea. How did today go?"

"Danny and Ty took turns trying to beat me on the Switch, but neither one could."

"Of course not daddy, you've had way more practice than them."

"What are you saying babe?"

"I'm saying, maybe you should go jogging with Danny on Mondays."

"Ouch. I'm not gaining weight."

"Well maybe not in your stomach, but I haven't weighed that cock recently."

"I haven't gotten any complaints about that area from you or Ty."

"And you won't from me."

After dinner we sat down and waited for the call from Ty's dad's lawyer. When Ty's phone rang he put it in the middle of the table on speaker.

"Hey everyone. I got with the other attorney and got the particulars of the case. It doesn't look good for them. They have no way out of the false imprisonment charge as we have proof of the use of handcuffs due to the picture of Sam's wrists and they admitted it in front of an officer. And the theft of services is there as well. From what I've learned, every one of the people at the party is looking at $16,000 in fines, $6,000 for all three charges of false imprisonment for Sam, Todd and Ty and $10,000 for felony theft of services. They are also looking at 3 to 8 years in prison each."

"Wow, that sucks to have that happen just for one night of fun."

"Well, had they not done what they did, it would have been fine. They are the ones that kept us the extra time and handcuffed us then didn't pay."

"So what I was thinking of doing is submitting an offer to settle for just the combined total of the fines they are looking at. They may take it in order to prevent jail time."

"So how much is that?"

"Well according to the police report there were 28 people at the party so that is $448,000."

"Holy fuck!"

"We may not get it, but that is where I would suggest starting."

"What do you guys think?"

"I think we should do it babe. They may not take it, but that is a lot of money to pass up."

"I think so too baby."

"I know this doesn't have anything to do with me as I wasn't with you then, but that is a lot of money."

"I agree. Do we need to do anything?"

"No, I can contact their attorney and put the offer to him. If they accept or make a counter offer I will let you know. But do not sign anything unless I have read it."

"Ok. Thank you."

"No problem. Have a good night."

"Damn baby, what are you going to do with all that money?"

"I don't know Ty. But don't go spending it in your mind as we may not get it."

"Ok guys, time for bed, Sam works tomorrow."

I gave Danny and Todd a kiss as I went to Ty's room. Ty made love to me and then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

We didn't hear anything from the lawyer for a few days. On Friday at lunch I get a text from Ty to call him. I gave him a call. He tells me that the frat accepted the settlement amount and they sent over some documents we all needed to sign. I told him to scan them and email them to the lawyer and nobody is to sign unless I say so. He says he will and I get back to work.

When I get home I go to Ty's room. After we make love I cuddle up to him.

"The lawyer said not to sign the documents and he is getting with the other lawyer to get them fixed."

"Oh, what was wrong?"

"Well, it said we would drop all the charges against the party goers for the money, as a donation to the frat."

"Oh, so they were going to pay themselves the money."


"No more frat parties Ty."

"No problem there baby."

I went out to sit with Todd until dinner was ready. After dinner we watched a movie then I gave Ty and Danny a kiss and went to bed with Todd. After Todd made love to me I cuddled up to him and drifted off to sleep listening to the sound of moaning coming from Danny's room.

When I woke up, since I didn't have to pay Ty with two fucks anymore and I was already with Todd, I had Todd make love to me. I also heard moaning from Danny's room so Ty is getting some love too. After Todd pumps his load in me we take a shower then get dressed and head to breakfast. When Danny comes out of his room he gets started on it. Ty follows him with a smile on his face. I don't mind them plowing Ty but I hope he doesn't get to like it more than making love to me. After breakfast we head to the store.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 61

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