Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Nov 6, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 6 by Sam

When we woke up, Todd got on top of me and started kissing me. It felt good. I felt his cock enter me and he started thrusting in and out of me as he continued to kiss me. He was really giving it his all and we came, my second, at about the 30 minute mark. While he was still inside me he asked how long we had the room for. I told him checkout was at 11 am but I could always extend our stay. He told me to extend it as he was going to have his cock in me all day. I called the front desk and told them I wanted to add another day to my stay. They said no problem and would process my credit card. I hung up and when I did, Todd started thrusting again. It took him an hour to give me his second load.

"I love you babe."

"I love you too Todd."

He started thrusting again. He's never tried 3 in a row and I wasn't even sure it was possible. He kept it up and when we passed an hour and a half I was really thinking he wouldn't be able to cum, but then he finally gave up his third load into me. He collapsed on me breathing heavily. When he had rested for a few minutes he got up and started thrusting again.

"Todd, stop, you can't possibly cum again."

"Babe, I love you, and we are going to be together forever no matter what anyone thinks. I'm going to have my cock in you all day today."

"Ok, and that is fine. My hole belongs to your cock so if you want it in there you can have it in there, but you are going to kill yourself if you try to fuck me again. Let me get on my side and you spoon up behind me and insert yourself in me and just hold me with your cock in me."

"OK babe. That's a good idea." He let me up and I got on my side and he spooned behind me. He lifted my leg and pushed himself into me. When he was all the way in, he lowered my leg and wrapped his arms around me.

From what he said, I have a feeling that we are not at his parents' house, not because he is gay, but because of me. I hope it can be worked out and maybe he can tell me why they object to me. But for now I'll just lay here with is cock inside me so he is happy.

We ordered room service again for lunch. I had the guy leave it outside the door. When I was sure he left I put a robe on backwards as Todd's cock was still lodged inside my ass, and wheeled it in. After we ate I put it back in the hallway then we went back to the bed. Half an hour later and Todd rolled over so I was face down on the bed and pinned me there with his body as he started pounding my ass. After 45 minutes he was giving me another load then he rolled back over so we were on our sides again.

Dinner was handled the same way. Before bed Todd tightened his grip on me then started thrusting in and out of me while we were on our side. After he deposited another load I had to pee. I told him and he said he did too. I was about to get up when he picked me up and stood up. He took me to the bathroom, still with his cock in my ass, and went to the tub. He got in and I asked "what are we doing?" He said peeing. I felt it. He was peeing inside me. I didn't mind giving up my hole to him to fuck and let him cum inside me, but I wasn't so sure about peeing inside me. But I really didn't have a say now, he was already doing it. It was making my insides feel all kinds of weird. I started to feel like I had to shit. But he wouldn't let me. He said his cock stays inside me. I peed as my bladder was hurting and we stayed in the bathtub as his urine ran out of me around his cock.

When it had stopped flowing out of me he turned on the shower and started to wash us. When we were clean he took us to the bed and we laid down to go to sleep.

When I woke up his cock was still inside me. I started squeezing it with my ass muscles to get it to firm up. When he woke up he pulled out of me. He then moved me onto my back and got on top of me and pushed into me again. He made love to me.

"I'll make love to you at least once a day babe. I love you so much."

"I love you too Todd."

After we came he pulled out again. I told him I needed to get a shower. I cleaned myself then went to the bathroom. When I was done I went back to Todd.

"So do you want to tell me why your parents hate me?"

"Not my parents, my dad. My mom likes you."

"Ok, why does your dad hate me?"

"He says you are too old. He wants me to find a boy my own age. That's crap, who cares how old you are? I told him if he couldn't accept you then I wasn't spending any more time in his house. That is when I came and got you."

"Well that sucks. I didn't want to come between you and your parents."

"You didn't babe, he did. I love you, and no matter what he thinks, I'm going to be with you forever. When we are 60, those 6 years are going to be nothing."

"I hope you can get back with your parents before we are 60."

"That is up to him babe, not us. He is the one in the wrong."

"Ok. Are we going to head back home today?"

"Yeah, might as well. Nothing for us here right now."

As we were getting dressed his phone rang.

"Hi mom... No, we are at a hotel in town but are going back today... ok, we can meet you there in an hour."

"Mom wants us to go to breakfast with her at the IHOP."

"Ok, we need to eat anyway."

We finished getting dressed and packed everything up. I gave the room the onceover to make sure we weren't leaving anything behind then we went to check out. We loaded up the car and he drove us over to the IHOP. We met up with his mom outside and went in to get a table. After we ordered our food we chatted.

"Sam, I am so sorry my husband is being an ass."

"It's ok Laura, I'll survive."

"Well of course you will, but that doesn't mean it is ok. Toddy's father is a little selective in what he sees. You see me and him got together in high school so our ages are the same. But some of our friends had relationships with people that were different ages to them and those fell apart. So he thinks you can only have a good relationship if you are the same age as your partner. He is selective as his parents are 9 years apart and are still together and some of our friends that are married are very different ages. But he only focuses on those that failed. Thing is I don't care about age. From what Toddy said when he was trying to convince his ass of a father to change his mind, he really loves you. And that is what matters to me."

"I love him too."

"I know you do Sam. I'm not blind. I figured out he was gay when he was in high school. He never dated though, but I figured when he went to college he would experiment, as all kids do, and figure it out for himself. I thought it would be a college boy he came home with, but he found you. I'm fine with that as all I care about is that you love each other."

"We do mom."

"Good. Now comes the hard part. Sam, with Toddy's father being so stubborn we have a problem with what to do when school lets out."

"No we don't mom. I didn't want to tell you this, but I've been living with Sam for a month now."

"Oh my gosh, that is a load off my mind. I was so worried about where you would live when the dorms closed. Sam, is it alright if he continues to live with you?"

"Of course Laura. I want him to live with me forever."

"Oh Sam, thank you so much. I'll continue to work on Derek and make him see sense. But I'm glad my boy will be taken care of."

After we ate we said goodbye then Todd drove us home. The drive was ok and we stopped for lunch before getting there. After we brought everything in, Todd took me to the bedroom and made love to me. When we cleaned up we just cuddled in bed. It was Monday, and we both had the rest of the week off.

Well, the thought of staying in bed for a week was short lived. On Tuesday morning, Todd got a call from Troy, his store manager. Troy said Sally had lodged a sexual harassment claim against him and he wanted Todd to come in to talk about it. Well I wasn't about to take this shit lying down. Now this isn't about his job. I don't care if he works. I can easily support both of us right now, as he really hasn't added too much to my cost of living, other than a couple of hundred more a year to my car insurance when I added him, and a little bit to the grocery bill. But nobody lies about my man.

We both went down to the store and went to the office. Troy explained the charge. He said she was claiming he groped her in the stock room. I asked for details like when. The time was last Tuesday during his dinner break. The time would have been 10 minutes into his break. But I remembered we talked for a good 20 minutes about her making moves on him before he could go to break. I remembered exactly where we were. I asked if he could pull up the camera for the produce section for that time.

Troy got on his computer and pulled up the cameras. He found the time and that camera showed Todd talking to me in the produce section. He then rewound the cameras and saw Todd stocking until I came in then we talked until he finally went to the break room. It also showed he was in the breakroom eating then went right back to the floor to stock the shelves. Troy said this totally killed her claim and Todd was clear. I wasn't about to end it there.

I asked if they had cameras in the parking lot. They did. I told him to pull up the camera for Friday right after closing. He pulled it up and watched as Todd was going to his truck and Sally stopped him. Then it clearly showed her groping him. I told Todd he was filing for that right now. Todd did and Troy took out the form. Once it was filled out I filled out a witness statement as I saw it happen. Troy said he would file the reports and follow up as normal. Two days later Todd got a call saying that Sally had been fired.

Well the week of 24/7 nudity was coming to an end. Other than Tuesday, me and Todd have been naked this entire week. It has been great. Especially since Todd has stashed bottles of lube all over my house. Every time he got hard, no matter where we were, he had a bottle and lubed himself up then pushed me over whatever was close by and fucked me hard. I've tried to keep everything clean, but there is dried cum on pretty much everything I own. A lot on the couch as we spent a lot of time there watching movies.

But tomorrow I have to go back to work and he has to resume school. I'm sad, or I would be, but Todd has me bent over the dinner table right now and is fucking me as hard as he can. This is complicated. I was setting the table so we could eat dinner, but I'm loving the feel of his cock. He eventually cums and helps me up. I clean my cum off the table and wash my hands so I can set it again. After we eat we go to bed. I'm tired. Todd has fucked me 4 times today and I've had 12 orgasms. I'm really going to miss this week. We cuddle up together and I fall asleep fast.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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