Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Feb 5, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 59 by Sam

In the morning when I woke up I got out of bed and went to Danny's room. Danny was cuddled up to Ty. I removed the covers and looked. Ty's cock was hard but clean. I checked lower and saw some lube on his ass. I guess Danny does want to stick to topping. That is fine as it means I have Ty's cock to myself, even if his ass is being used by them. I wake up Danny and tell him to roll over. I then lube up Ty and get on him and sit on his cock. I then start to bounce up and down on him. Ty wakes up after a few minutes and I keep bouncing up and down on him. Danny is just watching. When I'm pushed over the edge I cum on Ty and he grabs my hips and thrust up into me a few more times before pumping his load inside me. When we come down I get off of him and get up. Danny rolls onto Ty and enters him and starts fucking him hard. I tell Danny that we don't have a lot of time as we have to get to the store. He tells me he just needs to get off as watching me fuck myself on Ty turned him on. I go over and start to kiss Ty. He is moaning in my mouth. I break the kiss and tell Danny to make sure Ty cums before he does and leave to get Todd so we can shower.

After we are all cleaned up we eat breakfast and head to the store. When we get there I strip down and have Ty show Danny how to get me in the sling and against the wall. Once we have done that I had Todd take Danny out and show him how he works the line as Ty goes to rent the booths for the new month. They come back a few minutes later as my first customer is pounding my ass. After a couple of hours I have Ty show Danny how to clean off my legs. It is after lunch when there is a knock on the door. Ty and Todd go to answer it and after asking who is it, they open it and Officer Willie comes in. He says something to Ty and Ty tells me Officer Willie has something to talk to me about. I tell Todd to hold the line and tell Danny to get undressed. When the cock inside me pumps his load inside me I have Ty get me out of the sling and get Danny in. Once he is in place Ty tells Todd to let them go. He then cleans me off and I put on my robe and we sit on the couch to talk to Officer Willie as I see Danny flinch as the first cock enters him.

"Keep track of the number of cocks you take Danny."

"Ok." He doesn't seem happy.

"What is up Officer Willie?"

"I see you got another prostitute, is he licensed?"

"Yes, Ty show him Danny's license." Ty goes to Danny's pants and pulls out his license to show Officer Willie. Officer Willie hands it back.

"Just checking. Now I know and don't need to check again. What I'm here about is your case against the frat. You see the parents of the kids got a bunch of lawyers to try and figure a way to get rid of the charges, but they can't. Due to the amount of money and the false imprisonment charge, all of them are looking at, at least a couple of years in jail. What they want is to settle with you so you will drop the charges."

"Ok, why did they send you and not their lawyer?"

"Because they think I can convince you to take it. Of course I will do no such thing. I think you are in the right and what they did to you was inexcusable. So I'm here to only tell you about it."

"Ok, do they have an amount in mind?"

"Yeah, $5,000."

"They owe me more than that."

"I know, that is why you should not take it. Like I said, I am not here to convince you to take it. I think you should not take it."

"Ok, do you have their lawyer's contact info?"

"Yeah, here is his card. The case number is on the back. You aren't taking it are you?"

"No. At least not for $5,000. But I'll have Ty contact them or have him have a lawyer on our side do it."


"So, do you want a freebie?"

"Yeah. Can I try the new kid?"

"Of course. Todd take him over and see that he gets in free of charge, then when he is done hold the line so me and Danny can switch out."

They left. When Officer Willie had his way with Danny, Ty got Danny down and me strapped in and against the wall and told Todd to let them go. I asked Danny how many he took. He said 9, including Officer Willie.

At the end of the day I have Ty show Danny how to get me out of the sling. When I'm down, Danny cleans me off and I get dressed as Ty shows him how to clean up. Todd goes to get the money. I explain to Danny that only me or Todd can collect the money. He says he understands. When everything is done we head out. When we get home, Todd heads for the desk to count the money. I tell Danny I'm taking Ty to his room to pay him.

"Wait baby. I don't want to be paid in sex anymore."

"What? Why not?"

"Baby, I love you. I want every time we make love to be about us being in love, not payment for me managing you."

"But I promised you two fucks on a day we work the store."

"I know baby, but I don't want that now. The money you give me is more than enough payment for that work. I don't want sex too."

"Oh... but I'm used to us making love after we get back from the store."

"Me too baby. And we can still do that. But not as payment. We can do it because we love each other."

"Ok. Can we go now because we love each other?"

"Yes baby. Come on. I want to show you how much I love you."

Ty took me to his bedroom and made love to me. It was really gentle and I really felt the love he had for me. After we came down we took a shower and got dressed. We then went out to get with Todd. Todd gave us the figures and I paid Ty. Danny was in the kitchen getting dinner ready and I called him over.

"Here Danny." I gave him his money.

"What is this for?"

"It is your pay. 5% of all takings and 60% of any money you bring in personally. I went ahead and counted Officer Willie even though he was on the house as I'm the one that offered and not you, so you got paid for him as well."

"So this is all mine?"


"Wow. Thanks Sam."

Danny took his money to his room then returned to the kitchen to work on dinner. After dinner we sat down to talk about the settlement with the frat.

Sam: "So what do we all think about settling with the frat?"

Ty: "Well baby, definitely not for $5,000. They owe us $7,500 just for payment, plus they are trying to get out of the false imprisonment charge on top of that."

Todd: "That is if we keep the same rate for the 5 hours over they went. Officer Willie said we could charge whatever we wanted for that."

Ty: "Up to the state maximum. But you are right. The hourly rate is only in effect for the 2 hours quoted, the other 5 can be more."

Sam: "What is the state max?"

Ty: "$10,000 an hour."

Todd: "Who the hell pays 10 grand an hour for a prostitute?"

Danny: "Someone rich and horny would be my guess."

Sam: "Well we aren't charging that much. I'm not sure what to do really. Ty didn't your dad say we could use his lawyer?"

Ty: "Yeah baby he did. I can give him a call if you want."

Sam: "Yeah, call him and see if we can talk to his lawyer about this. I want to know what we can get."

Ty: "Ok, I'll go call him."

Sam: "Ok, we will put this on hold until we get with Ty's dad's lawyer."

Ty went to his room to make a call. After he was done he came back out and we turned in. Me, Todd and Ty went to my room. Todd whispered something to Ty and Ty told me to get on all fours. I did and he got behind me and I felt him enter me. He was inside me but didn't move. I looked back and saw Todd get behind Ty and he put his cock inside Ty. Once he was all the way in, Todd put his hands on my hips and started to thrust in and out of Ty. This caused Ty to move in and out of me. Todd was controlling everything with his giant dick as he fucked Ty making Ty fuck me. Ty was moaning from the dual sensation of Todd inside him and my ass on his cock. I hoped he could hold on as I wanted to cum too. We were at it for about twenty minutes before I was pushed over the edge and shot my cum on the bed. This pushed Ty over the edge and he pumped his load inside me.

Todd stopped thrusting and I got off of Ty. Todd put Ty on his back and began making love to him. I laid next to Ty and started to kiss him as Todd thrust in and out of him. After a few minutes I heard a cough. I looked up and Danny was standing there watching us.

"Um... Sorry... but can I join you guys?"

"Yeah Danny, get on top of me."

I laid down right next to Ty and lifted my legs. I then took Ty's hand in mine and interlaced our fingers. Ty gave me a squeeze. Danny got on top of me and started to make love to me. It was erotic to see him above me thrusting in and out of me while right next to me my husband was thrusting in and out of my boyfriend. I told Danny to sync up with Todd. He looked at Todd next to him and started to thrust in and out of me at the same time Todd thrust in and out of Ty. Soon Ty was blowing his load onto his stomach. A few minutes later and I cum on mine. This goes on for about 45 minutes before I tell Danny and Todd that we have the store in the morning and we need to sleep so they need to cum. It only takes another 5 minutes before Ty shoots another load and Todd pushes all the way inside him with a loud grunt. I also cum and Danny pumps his load inside me. When we all come down we head to the shower as me and Ty have a lot of cum on us. When we are clean Todd gets in the bed and I cuddle up to him. Ty cuddles up to him on the other side and Danny spoons up behind me. I take Ty's hand in mine and we hold hands on top of Todd's chest as we drift off to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 60

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