Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Feb 3, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 58 by Sam

When I woke up, Danny got on top of me and started kissing me and I felt him enter me. He began thrusting in and out of me. After a while I was getting close to my first cum. I told him I had to work today and not to hold back. When I blew my load he thrust into me as he pumped his load into me. When we came down he pulled out of me. We went and took a shower then he went to get dressed and I went to my room.

When I got there I saw Ty cuddled up to Todd. I got in on the other side of Todd. I stroked Ty's face and he opened his eyes and looked at me across Todd's chest.

"Hey baby."

"Hey honey, how was last night?"

"It was amazing. It hurt like heck at first but when he started thrusting into me I felt this spark in me and he just kept hitting it. I came so much."

"Yeah, that was your prostate. Todd is good at hitting it. So are you a bottom now?"

"Well I liked it a lot, but I also like making love to you."

"Which do you like more?"

"I don't know. I think I like them both the same. It is better with you as when I'm with you I have all these other feelings that just make everything so good. But with Todd last night he made me feel so much pleasure."

"Well, you are probably versatile then."

"Does that mean I get to fuck him again babe?"

"I will leave that up to you and Ty. But Todd, remember that Ty is my boyfriend so I have first dibs at all times."

"Of course babe, I understand."

"Ok. Now get up you two lovebirds, Danny is making breakfast already."

We all got up and I got dressed as Todd and Ty went to take a shower. I went out and sat while Danny made breakfast. When we had eaten I told Ty to fuck Danny two more times and reminded all of them of my birthday party tonight. I then headed to work.

When I got home, Danny was in the kitchen. I asked him how today went. He said it was ok. He came both times with Ty but really didn't think bottoming was for him. I told him that was ok but with a customer he would have to. He said he knew, but asked if, while he was just here with us, he could stay a top only. I told him he could except for any practice I think he might need.

I left Danny working on dinner and went to Ty's room for my after work loving. But he wasn't there. I went to our room and found Ty on the bed on his back with Todd on top of him thrusting in and out of him. I felt a little upset as this is me and Ty's time and Todd knew this. I went over to the bed and when Todd saw me he stopped.

"Oh crap babe, what time is it?"


"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, we lost all track of time." He pulled out of Ty and got up. I saw the pool of cum on Ty's stomach and knew he wouldn't be able to make love to me.

"Todd! You know this is my time with Ty. Look at him. There is no way he can make love to me now."

"I'm so sorry babe. We started right after lunch. I didn't know it was this late. I promise it won't happen again."

"Take him to the shower and clean him up. Danny is making dinner and we have my party tonight. You better still have juice for me tonight."

"Yes babe, I'm really sorry. Don't worry, I'll be ready tonight."

I went and changed clothes while Todd helped Ty to the shower to get clean. We all sat down to eat and Danny went to clean up and I checked with Ty to make sure he was ok. He was fine, but a little tired from all the cumming. He said he was sorry about not being able to make love to me this afternoon but once Todd's cock was inside him he lost all track of time and everything else. I understood as Todd's cock does the same thing to me. We got everything set up for the party just as the guests started to arrive. It was mostly my coworkers but Laura was here too.

Danny came out in his swim trunks as he wanted to be able to go into the pool as soon as it was allowed. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. Stuart seemed to be hanging around Danny a lot. I didn't like this so I told Ty to shadow Danny to make sure nothing happened. An hour in, I told everyone they could change to go into the pool if they wanted. Danny got in and started to swim around. Ty kept an eye on him.

When the others had changed they also got in the pool. Todd had changed and went in but me and Ty stayed dressed. Stuart was swimming around close to Danny. I signaled to Todd to come over and told him to stay close to Danny. He went to do that as I mingled with the other guests.

After an hour and a half it was time for cake and presents. Everyone got out of the pool and Danny went inside and brought out a very lovely cake he made. He was right, he is an artist. After the cake and ice cream it was time to open presents. As I was doing that, Ty was keeping an eye on Danny as Stuart was right next to him talking to him. When I had all my presents open everyone started to leave. Stuart was still talking to Danny so I went over to them. Stuart pulled money out of his wallet and was handing it to Danny so I wrapped my arms around Danny and held him in a hug.

"What's going on, Tiger?"

"Oh Sam, your friend said he would give me money to go home with him."

"Ty, take Stuart inside and re-explain to him where we are allowed to work. This time make sure it gets through." Ty took Stuart by the arm and pulled him into the house.

"Danny, we can't work inside city limits. Also do not take jobs on your own. All our work needs to go through Ty so he can make sure we are safe."

"Ok Sam, I'm sorry. But he offered to pay and I'm broke. Plus he said he was your friend so I figured it would be ok."

"Stuart may be my friend, but I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. Make sure you go through Ty."

"Ok, I will.

"Right. We need to turn in as we have the store tomorrow. I'll be with Todd. You can be with Ty or alone, whichever you want."

"Ok, night Sam."

I went to our bedroom with Todd. I got on the bed and Todd got on top of me and started to kiss me. He kissed me then started to move down kissing my neck and my chest then down until he lifted my legs and started to run his tongue around my hole. After he got tired he came back up and started to kiss me again as I felt him enter me. He made love to me until I got my fifth cum then he pumped his load into me. When we came down he pulled out and I cleaned us up. I then cuddled up to him. I heard moaning coming from Danny's room so I guess he decided to sleep with Ty. I listened to them go at it for a while as I drifted off to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 59

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