Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Jan 27, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 54 by Sam

When I got up I went to Ty's room and he made love to me. After we came we got Todd and took a shower. I made some breakfast and after we ate I cleaned up and we went to the store. After lunch there was a knock on the door. Ty and Todd got up and Ty asked who it was. They then opened the door and Officer Willie walked in. He talked to Ty. Ty relayed that they arrested all of the frat members and they have been charged. I told him that was great. I told Todd to take Officer Willie next door and see he gets in free of charge. They left. I really didn't want them arrested. I just wanted my money. But since they refuse to pay, well I have no choice.

At the end of the day we head home and Todd counts the money and I have Ty make love to me. After our shower I make some dinner and we sit down to eat. After dinner I clean up and we sit down to watch TV before we all turn in to our room. After both boys make love to me we cuddle together to sleep.

In the morning, Ty makes love to me before we head to the store after I make breakfast. After my first appointment I come out to Daniel standing right by the door.

"Hey Danny."

"Hi Sam."

I give him a hug. "I have to take a shower then you can fuck me first."

"Ok Sam."

I head to the shower. When I'm clean Ty gets me in the sling and I wait by the wall for Daniel to enter me. He fucks me and I moan loud until we both cum. I really like that kid.

After dinner that night we watch a movie then I give Todd a kiss and go to sleep with Ty.

After Ty makes love to me in the morning I take a shower and make breakfast. I then clean up and head to work. Work is uneventful. When I get home Ty makes love to me and then I go to make dinner. After dinner I give Ty a kiss and go to bed with Todd to go to sleep.

On Friday we have Todd's birthday party. His birthday is really Monday but we have the party on Friday so more people can come. I invited my coworkers and he invited some of his. The party was fun. There was some swimming and Laura baked a wonderful cake. Stuart though asked if I was working the party. I had Ty take him inside and explain to him where I was allowed to work. After cake and presents everyone left and we went inside. I gave Ty a kiss and went to bed with Todd and made sure his birthday was the best ever.

On Saturday I leave Todd in bed and go to Ty's room so he can make love to me. After we cum we collect Todd and get a shower. After I make breakfast I clean up and we head to the store. When we get to the store I go to the booth to get undressed. Todd goes to refill the lube in the other booth. When I'm undressed Ty goes to get me in the sling when Todd comes back over.

"Babe you got to check this out."

I put on my robe and follow Todd to the other booth. Next to my sign is another sign saying appointments are being taken for one on ones for Mondays for $50 an hour. I'm shocked that there is another prostitute working the store and for so little. I have Ty get Dave. Dave comes in and I ask who has rented the booths for Mondays. He says nobody has. Our Saturday and Sunday rentals are the only standing rentals. I show him the sign and he says he has no clue. Well that isn't good. If he isn't even renting the booths properly he may be an illegal prostitute, and I can't have that. Having another illegal prostitute be arrested at the store will give it a reputation and then people will think I'm one too. I tell Ty to call the number and get the first appointment of the day, put it in his name and Todd will give him the money. He gets on the phone to get it. I'll have Ty find out who this guy is and what is going on directly from the source. He may be legal and just doesn't know what he's worth, but for $50 an hour when I can make that in 15 minutes, I'm really leaning towards unlicensed. Also, he better not be using our bed. Yes we store it here when we aren't using it, but it is our property for our use only. Ty will know on Monday. We head back to the other side so I can get set up before my customers start to come in. As my first customer is pounding my rear, Ty says he got the 9am appointment for Monday.

Throughout the morning I keep hearing Ty's phone go off. Now, he is a busy guy trying to run my business, but it has never made this much noise. Ty also seems to be getting more stressed as the day goes on. Maybe I should hire some help for him. I don't want him to burn out. I'll talk to Todd about it sometime and see what he thinks.

After lunch, Ty's phone is still going. Eventually, Ty comes over to me and looks very apprehensive.

"Baby, I have bad news."

"What is it?"

"All the appointments for tomorrow have canceled."

"What? All of them?"

"Yeah, every one."

"Can you get replacements?"

"No, everyone on the waiting list I've asked has declined."

"So we now have no one on ones for tomorrow?"


"Give me my phone."

Ty went to my pants and got my phone and gave it to me. I sent a quick text message to Dan.

"I'm not going to be in Monday, I have some stuff to deal with at my other job."

Dan texted back, "Yeah I figured, I saw the sign. See ya Tuesday."

"Ok Ty, do you still have the appointment for 9am on Monday?"

"Yeah baby, why?"

"I need you to put it on my appointment calendar. I'm going to it and I'm going to fuck this guy up and I want to feel it when I do."

"Ok baby."

At the end of the day we went home. Todd went to count the money and I took Ty to the bedroom. Ty got on top of me and started pounding me hard. My assessment that he was stressed was right. I can understand that. We just lost $3,000 worth of business in one day. Now I didn't blame Ty for it, he had no control over what this other guy did or how my customers reacted, but I feel he did blame himself.

"Ty honey, are you ok?"

"What baby? I'm fine, why?"

"You're fucking me pretty hard."

Ty stopped. "Oh, I'm not hurting you am I?"

"No, you are just never this aggressive. You are always gentle."

"I'm sorry baby. I guess today has just gotten to me."

"It's not your fault Ty. We'll get them back."

"I know baby. I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?"

"Of course. Now make love to me Ty. Like you used to."

Ty started thrusting again, but much slower and gentler than he was before. It felt much better like this from him. After we came we took a shower and went out to see Todd. He told us what we made and I paid Ty then I went in and made dinner. After dinner we sat and watched TV until time to turn in. In bed they both made love to me then I cuddled up to Todd and Ty spooned up behind me.

Sunday was interesting. I've gotten used to having to get up early, but we got to sleep in today. After Ty made love to me we took a shower and I made breakfast. After breakfast we went to the store. Ty got me in the sling and locked to the wall then Todd opened the doors. Since I didn't have any one on ones we let the wall time just keep going until everyone was done. We then packed up and headed home. Todd counted the money while Ty made love to me. We then showered and I made some lunch. It felt strange being off on Sunday this early. That night I went to bed with Ty and he made love to me before I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

In the morning, Ty made love to me then we took a shower after getting Todd up. I made breakfast and cleaned up afterward, then we headed for the store. When we got there we talked to Dave and asked if anyone rented a booth. He said booth 2 was rented for an hour. We went over to the booth. This was the one with our bed in it. Todd and Ty were on either side of me and I knocked on the door.

When the door opened, standing in front of me was a naked boy. He had black hair and hazel eyes. He stood about 5 foot 9 inches (175 cm) tall. And between his legs was a thick 7 inch (17.8 cm) cock that I was very familiar with.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 55

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