Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Jan 26, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 53 by Sam

Ty directed us to a little building instead of the terminal. We got our bags and went in and he checked in. They then took us to a small plane.

"Wait. We are going in a private jet?"

"Yeah, my dad owns it."

We got in and the flight attendant offered us a beverage as we sat down. Ty said we were ready to go and the pilot started the engines and we took off. About a half hour later we landed in Vegas. When we got off the plane there was a limo parked beside the plane. Ty went up to the driver and waived us over.

"Sam, this is Wadsworth. He is our butler. He will drive us to the casino."

"May I take your bags sir?"

We handed him our bags and he put them in the trunk and Ty showed us the back of the limo. When we were all in we headed off to the casino. When we got there we went to the back to a private elevator.

"Our bags will be brought up later."

"Ty, this is so weird."

"It is ok baby, just enjoy it."

The elevator had a keypad instead of a button. Ty put in a code and it went up. When it opened up we were in a living room.

"We probably won't see my parents until dinner. Do y'all want anything? I know we haven't had lunch yet."

"What do you have?"

"Anything. Name it and the cook will make it."

I didn't know what to get so I waited for Ty to order and just had the same. Todd did too. After lunch he showed us around. It was huge. They had 5 bedrooms not including the master bedroom. There was a game room and Todd played against Ty. I didn't know what to do with myself so I just watched them.

Wadsworth told Ty that our bags were in our rooms. Ty thanked him and said we should change for dinner. He took us to the bedrooms. Todd's and my bags were in one of them and he showed us which one was his. He said to just wear something nice, it wasn't formal. Me and Todd went to our room and got changed then met up with Ty. I was getting a little nervous as we would be eating with his parents.

Ty took us to the dining room. It was very big. His parents were already seated at the ends of the table.

"Mom, Dad, this is Sam and his husband Todd."

"It is wonderful to meet you. Please call me Rick and this is my wife Liz."

"Thank you for having us."

"Ty's friends are always welcome."

"Well Mom, Sam is more than a friend. He is my boyfriend."

"But Ty dear, you said Todd was Sam's husband."

"He is and I'm his boyfriend."

"Well, anyway, please have a seat so we can start dinner."

We sat down. I sat between Ty and Todd. Wadsworth brought out the food already loaded on the plates. I waited for Ty's parents to start eating as I didn't want to upset them in case they said a prayer before eating. Ty put his hand on my back to try and calm me down.

"So Ty are you coming home to work at the casino this summer?"

"No Dad, I have a job. Or I did. I'm not sure I do now."

"What do you mean son?"

"I really screwed up big time last night."

"I told you it wasn't your fault. You still have a job."

"I don't understand. What happened?"

"Well I manage Sam and I scheduled a party for last night and it went very wrong."

"What do you mean you manage Sam?"

"Sam is a prostitute and I manage his business and schedule appointments. But at the party last night he got hurt."

"How did he get hurt?"

"Show them baby."

I took off my bracelets and showed them the red marks.

"Holly crap they put marks on him. Liz you got any of your magic cream?"

"I think so. Come on Sam sweetie, let's get you fixed up."

"Ty, did you bill a marking fee?"

"What's that?"

Liz dragged me to the master bathroom. She rummaged in a drawer and then had me sit in the chair at her makeup table. She turned on the lights and looked at the marks closely. She then started to put the cream on them.

"This should take care of them. Do you have a customer lined up soon?"

"None that see me until Sunday."

"With this cream these should be gone by then. Just apply it twice a day. Please don't fire Ty. He is just young and inexperienced."

"I'm not firing Ty. He had no way to know this would happen."

"Did you cross check the customer with John Watch? And report them. Crap like this should definitely be reported."

"What's that?"

"Oh sweetie. How new are you to this?"

"Just started this year."

"Well, John Watch is a website where you can check on customers to see what other prostitutes have said about them."

"Had no idea. How do you know about this stuff?"

"Oh sweetie, I'm an old hand at this. I was a prostitute when I met Rick. He was my best customer and then we fell in love and he became my manager."

"Ty didn't tell me."

"He doesn't know. I stopped when I got pregnant with him. Anyway sweetie, let's get back to dinner. And don't cover these up. It will help them heal."

We returned to the dining room and I gave the cream to Ty. He put it down.

"Are you sure I'm not fired baby?"

"Of course not. I need a manager. Put this cream on my marks twice a day."

"I will baby."

We finished eating and I told Ty to look into John Watch. He said he would look it up tonight. We turned in and I went to bed with Todd. He made love to me and then I cuddled up to him.

When we woke up I got up and went to Ty's room. I got in bed with him and removed his covers. He was hard so I lubed him up and sat on him. I started to move up and down on him. He woke up and put his hands on my hips as I rode him. When I came on him he pushed into me and pumped his load into me.

"I thought you wouldn't want to do this again with me after I got you marked."

"Ty, you need to get over that. You will always be with me even if I stop selling. We are together forever now."

"I love you baby."

"I love you too honey."

I got off of him and he took me to his shower. When we were clean I walked back to my room and got dressed. I woke up Todd so he could shower and get dressed. We then met up with Ty to have breakfast. I told him anything would be fine.

After breakfast we went and looked at their pool. Ty started to undress. I asked what we were doing. He said we are way up here so we can swim naked.

"What about your mom?"

"She can swim naked too if she wants. But she isn't a big swimmer."

"But she might see."


"Ok, you guys it doesn't matter, but I'm not..."

"Baby, you are perfect. Everyone loves to see you. I can't take my eyes off of you sometimes."


"Yes, really."


I got undressed and we got in the water. This pool was heated and felt great. We played around for a bit. After we got out we all went to Ty's shower and got cleaned up. Then me and Todd went to our room to get dressed. We then met up to have lunch. After lunch we headed to our room. Todd wanted some loving as he missed it this morning. I got in bed and he got on top of me and made love to me. After a very long session he pumped his load into me. When he got up, Ty got on top of me and made love to me as well. When we came we got up and took another shower as I was covered in cum. Once we were dressed we went to the game room so the boys could play.

We had dinner with his parents again. I like them. You always think rich people are stuffy but Ty's parents are very down to earth, especially his mom. I sat close to her this time and we spent time talking about our setup at the store and how Ty scheduled the appointments. She was impressed when I explained the security we used during the one on ones. Ty talked to his dad and close to the end of the meal picked up his phone and showed something to his dad. His dad then talked to him some more. I'm not sure what was said as I was talking to Liz. Todd just sat in the middle and ate. I put my hand on his thigh and rubbed it up and down a bit every now and then.

After dinner we watched a movie then turned in. I gave Todd a kiss and went to Ty's room. Ty made love to me and then I cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

When I woke up Ty made love to me. When we came I cuddled up to him.

"What did you and your dad talk about last night at dinner?"

"Our setup and how I made appointments and what rules I gave the customers. He looked them over and made some suggestions on additions. I told him about that frat stiffing us and he said that if they don't pay to call him and he will have his lawyer take them to court. He also had me send them a marking fee notice. When the marks go away we will send the fee amount to them. The state lets us charge $500 a day for marking. I took a photo of your wrists as proof. My dad really knows about this stuff."

"He should. He managed your mother."

"Mom? I didn't know."

"Yeah, she has been giving me lots of pointers."

We got up and showered. We met up with Todd and had breakfast then some time in the pool. This time his mother came out and sat on the lounge chairs. I was embarrassed.

"Sam sweetie, don't be embarrassed. You have a lovely body. No wonder you have so many customers." She then saw Todd. "And no wonder your husband isn't worried about losing you to a john. Nobody would leave that."

Now Todd was embarrassed.

"She's right daddy. I'm never leaving that." I then gave Todd a kiss. "Or that." I said to Ty as I gave him a kiss too.

We swam until lunch time. After we showered we had lunch then they played in the game room. After dinner we watched a movie then turned in. I gave Ty a kiss and went to bed with Todd. He made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

My wrists finally cleared up Thursday afternoon and Ty sent the marking fee bill to the frat. I hope they can come up with the extra $2,000 to go with the other bill.

We left Friday morning so I could get back and get settled back in before Saturday. After we unpacked I went and made some lunch. After lunch I checked Laura's old room and it was just as it was before she moved in.

After we ate dinner I asked Ty if he had been paid by the frat. He said no so I asked that he contact them to see what they want to do. I then cleaned up the dishes while he did that. After everything was clean I went to the living room. Ty said he was unable to get any of the contact numbers for the frat to answer. I said ok and for him to contact the police with that report number and have them all charged. He said he would and got up and went to his room so I could watch TV. 10 minutes later he came back in and said the cops were moving on the charges and he may hear something tomorrow. We turned in and I gave Ty a kiss as I went to bed with Todd.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 54

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