Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Jan 23, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 52 by Sam

Saturday morning, with finals over, the guys were a little more relaxed. Ty made love to me then we all took a shower before heading to the store. Ty got me into the sling and bolted it to the wall. He then sat to watch TV as Todd made his patrol of the line. Around 10:30 Todd comes over to me and bends down and whispers in my ear. "He's inside." I smiled. When I felt his thick cock enter me I waited for him to hit my prostate. When he did I moaned as loud as I could. I kept it up until he made me cum and I pushed him over the edge and he came inside me.

You may ask why I do it. Well, I like Daniel. No, I don't want to date him, he really isn't my type. But he is a good kid and I want to build up his confidence. Maybe I can build up his confidence in his love making ability enough that he will stop coming to me and find him a boyfriend of his own.

Sometime after lunch Ty got a call. He was on it for a few minutes.

"Baby, I have a fraternity on the line that wants to book you for a party."

"A fraternity? They know I'm a guy right?"

"Yeah, I told them. They said a hole is a hole."

"They sound very sophisticated. Aren't they on campus? I can't operate there."

Ty talked on the phone for a bit.

"They said they can rent a party hall that is outside city limits. We just need to give them a time."

"I don't know, what do you think?"

"Well it will be an extra $500 per hour."

"No, $500 is for here, coming to us, this is us going to them. Get Todd."

Ty went to get Todd who was working the line.

"What is it babe?"

"Ty has a frat that wants to have me work a party for them at a party hall. What do you think?"

"I don't want you left alone, we would have to be there and able to see and get to you at all times. But other than that it is up to you."

"Ok, well I don't want to be tired for an appointment with a customer so this week is out. Maybe next Sunday as I'm off the rest of the week and at Ty's parents place."

"Should be fine."

"Ty, what hours if we have it next Sunday."

"They say if next Sunday 9pm to 11pm."

"Ok, two hours and more than enough sleep for the flight. Ok, book it, it is $750 per hour. Put it that way in case they go over, you know how parties go."

"Ok, I'll send them the price and rules and put it on your appointment calendar."

The next day I'm coming out of the booth from my 9am one on one and I bump into Daniel talking to Todd.

"Hi Daniel."

"Oh, hi Sam. Sorry. I just wanted to be first in line."

"It's not a problem Daniel, but try not to disturb Todd when I'm inside as he needs to be alert in case something goes wrong and I need him."

"Oh my gosh, I've been bothering you while you are working. I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk to you since you work with Sam."

"It's ok Daniel, nothing happened. Just for the future. You can talk to him if I'm not inside."

"Ok, thanks Sam."

"It will be ok Daniel." I gave him a hug. "I have to take a shower. Daddy, Daniel is first in line. See ya later Daniel."

"No problem babe."

"See ya Sam and thanks."

As I walked to the shower I overheard. "Are you dating Sam?"

"Um... No, I'm his husband. We're married."

"Wow, you are so lucky."

I got cleaned up and went back to the booth so Ty could get me in the sling and locked to the wall. Right on time I felt Daniel enter me. I gave him my all and he pushed me over the edge as he pumped his load inside me.

On Friday after we come home from the store, before Ty can take me to his room, Laura wanted to talk to me.

"Sam, I really want to thank you for letting me stay here and for helping me to get a job. I love the work."

"It was nothing Laura."

"Well it was something Sam. But now I want to move out and be on my own."

"Are you sure? You are welcome to stay as long as you want."

"I'm sure Sam. I found a nice little apartment with very low rent that is closer to work. I'm telling you this as I'll be moving out while you three are up with Ty's family."

"Well, Laura, I'm sorry to see you go. But remember, you are always welcome and there is always room for you here. Also Todd would like to spend time with you too."

"I know and thanks Sam. I'll let you go as I think Ty is waiting for you."

"Oh yes. But the offer stands if you need it."

I went to Ty's room and he made love to me.

On Sunday Daniel is waiting at the door next to Todd when I come out of my first appointment.

"Hey Danny, first in line again?"

"Yeah Sam, is that ok?"

"Fine by me." I give him a hug. "Ok, gotta shower, see ya later Danny."

"See ya Sam."

After my shower, Ty gets me in the sling and locked to the wall. Right on time Daniel enters me and I give him the best show. After we cum another enters me.

After we close up we head home. We grab something to eat and I get ready for the party. When we are ready we head out. They texted the party hall's address to Ty. When we get there the parking lot is packed. I guess the guests have all arrived. I take out my phone and check the time. I have 5 minutes to mentally prepare. I put my phone in Todd's glove box.

When it is time we head to the door. We knock on the door and it is answered by a young guy. I tell him I'm here for the frat party. He shows us in. He takes us to a room with a bed in it. There is a lot of room all around it. I ask him how they will want me. He says just get on all fours and they will go from there. I get undressed and get on the bed. Todd and Ty take up spots on either side of the room. Soon the door is opened and about 20 or so guys come in. They start to undress as well and grab the lube. I soon have a cock in me and one at my mouth. After an hour it is going good. It seems orderly, as one finishes another takes his place. As we are nearing the two hour mark they flip me over on my back. That is ok, I can't hear so maybe they have been asking for it. I can cope and just lay on my back. A guy gets on top and he starts thrusting in me. Two other guys take my hands and put them over my head. I feel the cold of handcuffs. I look up and am cuffed to the bed now. While bondage is not against my rules, it is strange. I check to see if I can see how Todd or Ty are doing, but I can't see them. I continue to look around to find them as they are supposed to have eyes on me at all times.

I eventually spot them sitting on the floor. Their arms are behind their backs. Now I'm nervous about what is going on. As we pass the two hour mark I stop feeling pleasure. We are past the scheduled time so Todd's rule takes effect. I figure it is just a few more minutes but as the time goes on I really am worried about what these guys have planned. I can't hear anything as there is always a cock in me thrusting. I can't feel anything as we are outside of their appointment time. I really am not sure how long we are there as it becomes just a constant stream of guys fucking me.

Eventually they stop and I'm uncuffed. Todd and Ty are there again. The group of guys start pushing us out. I want to put on my clothes as I'm still naked. But they keep pushing. I start to tell them we will leave, just let me get my clothes but they won't listen. When we get outside they shut the door behind us. I'm standing naked outside. Ty takes off his shirt and puts it on me. It is long enough that it covers me all up. This isn't happening. I want my clothes and my wallet. I start banging on the door and one of them comes out.

"Give me my clothes."

"No and if you don't leave we will call the cops and have you arrested for being an illegal prostitute."

"I'm legal, I have a license."

"Show me."

"It is in my clothes."

"Then you don't have a license. So leave or we call the cops."

I'm fed up with this shit. I tell Todd to call the cops. Todd takes his phone and calls a number. In five minutes a cop car rolls up and Officer Willie comes out. I am so glad to see him. He comes over and asks what is up while looking me up and down.

"These guys hired me for a party and kept me way after the scheduled time by cuffing me and now won't give me back my clothes."

"They held you here by force?"


Officer Willie bangs on the door. The same guy opens the door and sees Officer Willie.

"Officer, this illegal prostitute won't leave."

"Did you keep this prostitute here beyond the scheduled time by cuffing him?"

"Whether we did or not doesn't matter as he is illegal. You have to arrest him."

"Where are his clothes?"

"We threw them out. Hooker clothes don't matter."

"So, you destroyed his property and falsely imprisoned him? I'm going to need everyone out of the building now."

"We didn't falsely imprison him, he came here to work the party."

"For a certain period of time but you kept him by force past that time. That is false imprisonment. We might be able to get rid of that charge if I find nothing else to charge you with. Where are his clothes?"

"Hang on."

A few minutes later they throw my clothes on the ground. I pick them up and notice my wallet is gone.

"Where is my wallet?"

"Maybe you didn't have it."

"I always have it."

"Ok, so theft now on top of false imprisonment. Unless you want to stop playing this game." Officer Willie was getting impatient.

They came out with my wallet. I checked it and all my cash was gone and my prostitute license.

"I had a couple hundred dollars in here and my prostitute license is gone."

"See officer, he is illegal, arrest him."

"Where is his money and license? You can drop the illegal bullshit as I know Sam is legal."

They handed over my money but not the license.

"Where is the license?"

"We burned it. So he is now illegal."

"The license is just proof of his registration. He can go get a replacement. He is always legal. I will need everyone out of the building now."

I talked to Ty for a bit as I got dressed and gave him back his shirt. He checked his phone. We had been there for 7 hours.

"They also haven't paid me yet Officer Willie."

"How much do they owe you?"

"We were here for 7 hours at $750 per hour. That is $5,250."

"Whoa, we agreed on $1,500."

"Ty do you have the quote you sent them?"

"Right here baby." I showed it to Officer Willie.

"It says here $750 per hour for two hours. I say Sam is giving you a break as he can charge anything he wants for the other 5 hours you kept him past the two hours he agreed to."

"We don't have that much."

"Then that is theft of services on top of false imprisonment and destruction of a state ID. Are you pressing charges Sam?"

"Can you get their names and file the charges if they don't pay me by Friday? I'm willing to give them time to come up with the money."

"Yes I can. Ok, I need everyone to pull out their ID. Anyone who doesn't is going to jail today."

Officer Willie copied everyone's information. Once he had it all done he gave me a report number so I could file the charges if I didn't get my money. I thanked Officer Willie and told him to come by the store next weekend and I'd give him one on the house. He thanked me and we all left.

We got home and went to take a shower. While we were getting clean I noticed the red marks on my wrists from the handcuffs. They had them on me for 5 hours and they were tight so they dug in. I kept looking at them. They were really red. While I was looking at them Ty put his hand over my left wrist covering it up. Todd did the same to my right one. I looked up at them. Ty looked very sad. I pulled him down for a kiss then did the same for Todd. We got out and got dressed. We loaded Todd's truck with our luggage and went over to the licensing office to get a replacement for my prostitute license. It cost $250 just to replace it. I told Ty to add that to the frat's bill. He said he would text them. He really seemed down. I kept looking at my wrists. The redness was not going away.

"We need to stop at a store."

"Why babe?"

"I need something to cover these up. I can't meet Ty's parents with these marks."

"I'm so sorry baby. I screwed up big time. You don't have to pay me anymore as your manager. You deserve better."

"Ty, calm down. You had no way of knowing this would happen."

"But I could have gotten you arrested. If anyone else other than Officer Willie had showed up they would have arrested you for being an illegal prostitute."

"Nobody else would have shown up. I called Officer Willie. He gave me his number when we were chatting during the knife incident."

"See Ty, we were fine. And you are still my manager and will be paid as before."

"Are you sure baby?"

"Yes, now we need to cover these up."

We went to a store and found some rubber bracelets that covered the marks. We then headed for the airport.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 53

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