Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Jan 20, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 50 by Sam

The next day at work I filled out the vacation request and submitted it. I then went to get my day started. At lunch, Dan comes over and asks me about the vacation request. I tell him I'll be working a week at my other job then going to see Ty's parents in Vegas. Right as I'm leaving work to head home Dan tells me my vacation is approved. I head home. Todd is at the desk doing his homework. I give him a hug and kiss and go to Ty's room. Ty is at his desk and he brings me over to show me the schedule he made.

"I kept Saturday and Sunday the same and for Monday through Friday, have wall time all morning, ending at noon. Then start the one on ones at 12:30 giving you time to clean up and eat lunch while I get the room prepared."

"It looks good to me. So there will be 5 one on one slots each day? Are you sure you can fill them?"

"I'll start from the end of the day and work backwards, so if any don't get filled we just extend the wall time. But I'm pretty sure I can fill them easily."

"Great, make up a sign for it. Did Dave give us the booths for that week?"

"I called him and he let me reserve them and said we can pay on Saturday."

"Great. So are you feeling up to some fun?"

"With you baby, always."

He took me to the bed and made love to me. After our cuddle I got dressed and went out to Todd. I sat in his lap.

"How was work babe?"

"Good, I got the vacation approved. Ty has a schedule made up."

"Good. Do we need to get plane tickets? That is a very long drive."

"I don't know. We can ask Ty at dinner. How is school going?"

"Good. Getting crazy with finals but I'm handling it."

"Ok, if you need time to decompress let me know."

"I know I ignored you the last two finals but I'm really going to try not to do that this time."

"Ok daddy. Did you come up with a program?"

"I think so. I think it will solve more than just this week. I'll show it to you in the bedroom tonight."

"Ok, I'll let you get back to studying."

I got up and went to watch TV until dinner was ready. We sat down to eat. I told Ty my vacation was approved and asked if I needed to get plane tickets for the trip up to his parents. He said no, he would call them and let them know we are coming and they would make travel arrangements. After dinner we turned in. I gave Ty a kiss and went to bed with Todd. Todd pulled a piece of paper out of the night stand and handed it to me. He said it was the program he came up with. I read it over and then made a little adjustment and gave it back to him. He read my changes and said ok.

I got on my back and Todd got on top of me. He started to kiss me and I felt him enter me. He started to thrust in and out of me at a smooth pace. It was wonderful. After 10 minutes he pulled out the paper.

"Sam, you will always feel me and Ty when we are having sex with you no matter what day or time it is and will be able to cum. Also you will be able to feel when someone has sex with you and be able to cum during scheduled times for customers and 10 minutes before and after those scheduled times and all scheduled wall times but will not be able to feel it and will not be able to cum at any other time except with me and Ty. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

"Sam cum."

I moaned loud as I came hard on us. Todd smiled and continued thrusting in and out of me.

"Did you do it?"

"Yes babe, exactly as written."

"Good. I love you Todd."

"I love you too babe."

When Todd finally came he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me and I cleaned us up and cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

The next day when I got off work both of the boys were huddled around the computer. I looked to see what they were looking at. It was a porn of a tall muscled guy fucking a tiny twink. He was behind the twink and they were fucking on their side.

"Todd, please don't corrupt Ty. I don't need him to have your porn addiction."

"Sorry babe, we were just waiting for you."

"Oh, which one of you is the top?"

"No babe, not to do that." Todd closed the porn window and a sign was there. "What do you think?"

It was a sign with our name and logo announcing special hours for the end of school week and listed the dates. It had the wall times for the morning and said appointments for one on ones were available for the afternoons.

"I like it. Todd print it so we can put it next to our normal signs on Saturday when we pay for the booths."

"Ok babe."

I took Ty to his room and got undressed. When I was undressed he came up behind me and hugged me to his chest. "I'm gonna be the top." is all he said as he entered me. He fucked me from behind with me held to him. He kissed my neck every now and then as he thrust in and out of me. The extra contact and stimulation pushed me over the edge fast and I came on his bed as he pumped his load inside me. When he came down he pulled out and I cuddled up to him.

"Did you like that baby?"

"I did, but I don't want you watching porn like Todd. He has a problem and I don't want you to get it too."

"Don't worry baby, you are all the porn I need. Especially the one on ones I have to watch."

"Some of those guys are not something I would watch in a porn. I hope I'm not screwing you up making you watch that."

"I will be fine. There is always one guy there that I would watch in a porn any day."

"Yeah, Daniel. He was cute."

"No baby, you. You aren't thinking about dating Daniel are you?"

"I was kidding you honey. You and Todd are more than enough for me. Daniel was cute, but not my type. He was just a good customer that didn't make me gag."

"Ok then. Because he has an appointment for Sunday again."

"Wait, really? How can he afford that?"

"I don't know baby, but his dad made the booking. He is your 9am."

"Ok. Well I guess my day will start out good then."

I got cleaned up and dressed and went out to Todd.

"Todd, don't corrupt my boyfriend."

"I think he's seen worse babe. Remember, I am the one that lets the guys in that fuck you, and they are not all good ones."

"Ok, true. How was school?"

"Ok, getting close to finals though."

"Well if you need space so you can study let me know."

"Will do, but I hope I don't."

I went to watch TV as he studied. After dinner I gave Todd a kiss and went to bed with Ty.

On Saturday I woke up next to Todd. I got up and went to Ty's room and he made love to me. After we came we went back and got Todd so we could take a shower. After breakfast we packed up and went to the store. When we got there we got with Dave. I wanted to go ahead and get the booths for next month's Saturdays and Sundays rented at the same time as renting them for that week so it would be easier for Todd to do the accounting. Dave agreed and Todd paid him. We then went to the booth and I got undressed as Ty unpacked the duffle bag. He put the sheets in a box we use for storage and hung my robe up. When he had that done he helped me into the sling and locked it to the wall and went to put up the signs. When he came back he went to watch TV with Todd. I started to think about last weekend.


"Yeah babe?"

"Can you go down the line every hour and make sure there isn't anyone shady in it? Also check IDs of anyone that looks close to underage."

"Sure babe, any reason?"

"Well that guy with the knife last weekend has me worried. We have no idea what they are doing on the other side of this wall. You don't have to frisk everyone, but just see if anyone looks suspicious. It is probably just me overreacting."

"It isn't a problem babe, and your safety is not an overreaction to me."

Todd went out and came back in a few minutes later. The other side finally opened and the first cock of the day entered me. Todd continued to go out every hour for a couple of minutes to check the line. When he was doing his check right after Ty fed me lunch he came back in.

"Hey babe, you remember that kid from Sunday?"

"Daniel. The one after lunch?"

"Yeah, him, he's in your line."

"Why? Ty says he has an appointment for tomorrow."

"He does baby."

"I don't know, but he is."

"Well, it's his $20."

Well, if it was him, his technique hasn't changed. Still the energizer bunny. At the end of the day Ty got me down and cleaned me up, then worked on the room as I got dressed. Once Todd had the money we headed out. When we got home Todd went to count the money and I took Ty to make love. After we took a shower we met up with Todd and got the figures and I paid Ty then we sat down to eat. After dinner the boys went to study as next week was finals. We all turned in together.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 51

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