Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Nov 4, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 5 by Sam

In the morning after breakfast I tell Todd that if the cashier talks to him he is to tell me about it, no matter what it is about. Also, he is never to be alone with her. He agrees, but doesn't seem to know why I'm being this way. I'm being a bit possessive, but I've already lost one man to a younger guy, I'm not losing this one to that girl.

After work I make dinner then pack some up for Todd and take it to him during his break time. Todd talks to me.

"Babe, what is going on? That cashier gave me some food for dinner and has been super friendly to me."

"I bought some condoms for the trip and I got the biggest size you sell, and they certainly aren't for me, so I think she suspects you have that monster between your legs."

"Oh. You think it's a monster?"

"It's my monster. I'm not disparaging you or your equipment. I love it and you. But it is big so that is what I've named it as monsters are always big."

"So you like my big monster?"

"I love your big monster. And if you weren't at work I would show you how much."

He smiled. "So what do I do with the food she gave me?"

"Give it back. It's my job to keep my man fed, and I don't want anyone trying to take him from me."

"Nobody can take me from you babe, you know that." He gave me a kiss and headed to the breakroom to eat as his break was almost over.

When he got home he took me to the bedroom and made love to me. After we came we cleaned up and I cuddled up to him and we went to sleep.

The next day when I brought Todd his dinner he said the girl brought him food again. It is starting to look like I'm going to have to get involved in this mess. I told him to continue to give it back and not be alone with her.

When he got home I made sure to make it feel really good as he thrust in and out of me. I'm sure he liked it as he pumped a lot more in me than normal. Afterward we cleaned up and went to sleep.

On Friday I went to the store at 8:50 pm and waited in my car. At a little after 9 pm I saw Todd come out and started walking to his truck. The cashier started walking toward him. She stopped Todd halfway to his truck and started talking to him. I got out of my car and started walking over. When I was almost to him I saw her reach down and rub his crotch.


Both Todd and the cashier looked over at me. Todd looked scared, the cashier just looked mad. When I got to them she spoke.

"He ain't yours yet."

"The fuck he ain't. Todd get in your truck and go home."

"He doesn't have to listen to you. There's no ring on that finger. He isn't locked down and can date if he wants."

"No the fuck he can't. He belongs to me, ring or not." Todd moved to be behind me.

"Don't worry babe, nobody can take me from you. I was trying to explain that to her when she grabbed me."

"He can't claim you without a ring, you have to date me."

"Sally, I am his and not interested in you. Please leave me alone and if you touch me again, I will tell Troy [the store manager]. Now we are going." I walked Todd to his truck then went to my car.

When we got home Todd again assured me he was mine and not going anywhere. We went to the bedroom where he made love to me. After we cleaned up I cuddled up to him and we fell asleep.

In the morning he made love to me again. I told him to go again. This will be our last fuck until after the trip. He got hard again and fucked me hard. I came 3 times before he finally unloaded his second load of the day in me. After we came down he pulled out and we took a shower. After we got dressed I packed the rest of our stuff and Todd put the bags in the truck. We are taking his truck as it has a navigation system and my car doesn't. After I checked to make sure everything was turned off and locked up I got in his truck and he started the drive to his parents' house.

The drive up was uneventful, but took 4 and a half hours. We stopped for lunch on the way. When we finally got there, Todd pulled into their driveway. It was a small house but well kept. Todd said we would leave our bags until later. We went to the door and Todd knocked. A man answered the door and hugged Todd. I'm guessing his dad. Todd turned and introduced me.

"Dad, this is Sam."

"Hi Sam, call me Derek." He held out his hand. I took it and shook.

"Hi Derek, it's nice to meet you."

"Come in, no sense in us all standing out here."

We went in and into a living room. A woman was there and she stood up to give Todd a hug.

"Dear this is Sam, Sam this is my wife Laura."

"It is nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Sam, so are you a freshman at the university?"

I have a crazy case of baby face. I always look young. Being short doesn't help either. Everyone thought I was 12 at my high school graduation. So I excuse the inference that I'm younger than Todd. Todd however, doesn't. "He's 25 mom."

"Oh wow, you look so young. So do you go to the university with Toddy?"

"No, I'm not in school anymore. I work for a call center."

"Oh so how do you know each other?"

I decided to allow Todd to take this one as it was up to him how to answer it. He could just say we met at his work and are friends or he could go the whole way and let it all out.

"He was a customer I helped to reach the items on the top shelves. Then we got to know each other and went out and now we are boyfriends." Good boy Todd, pull pin, throw grenade. Now it is time to watch the carnage. I was nervous.

"Boyfriends? What do you mean?"

"Oh come on Derek. He means he's gay and this is his boyfriend."

Derek stood up and came over to me.

"Sam, I hate to be rude but would you mind waiting in the other room while we have a chat with Todd?" He escorted me to the kitchen then closed the door.

I couldn't make out anything that was being said so I just waited patiently. About 20 minutes later the door opens and it is Todd. He tells me to come on and takes me to the front door. I follow him to the truck and he gets in. I get in too and am really confused.

"What's going on?"

"We're leaving."

"I can see that, but why?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now."

I said ok. I wasn't up for another long drive today so I had him go to a hotel. I rented a room and we took our bags up and I sat on the bed. Todd was still a little upset. I didn't want to make it worse so I tried to leave him alone so he could work it out.

"Can I watch some TV?"

"Of course babe, anything you want."

I laid down and watched TV. Todd got undressed and laid next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I moved closer to him and he just spooned up behind me. We stayed like that for several hours until I started to get hungry.

"Do you want to go out? Or this hotel has room service."

"Let's just get that, I don't want to leave right now."

We ordered room service and I got it when it arrived as I was still dressed. After we ate I pushed the cart back into the hallway then got undressed myself and got in bed with Todd. He wrapped his arms around me again and spooned up behind me. When it was time for bed I turned off the TV then cuddled up to Todd normally and we went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 6

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