Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Jan 13, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 46 by Sam

On Friday when I got off work Todd handed me a box. It was Ty's new cell phone.

"Did he see it?"

"No babe, I got home right before him and hid it."

I took the phone out of the box and went to Ty's room. I hid the phone in my back pocket and went up to him at his desk.

"Hey baby, how was work?"

"Horrible. But I have something for you."


I took the phone and handed it to him.

"What is this?"

"It is a phone."

"Yes baby. Why are you giving me a phone?"

"It is your new company phone as you are my manager. It is so you can talk to customers and set up appointments without having to use your personal phone and number. You can do all your manager stuff on this and it is paid for by the company."

"Thanks baby. I'll make a new email account for the business to use. So, do you want some loving or are you tired today?"

"I'm tired, but I want you to take my mind off of it."

Ty took me to the bed and made love to me slow and gentle. By the end of it, all I could think of was him. I forgot all about work. I cuddled up to him for a few minutes to enjoy our closeness then cleaned up and went out to Todd.

"How was work babe?"

"I think it was rough, but Ty has made me forget all about that."

"He made you forget stuff?"

"Not by programming Todd, you made sure he couldn't do that. But he was so gentle and loving and made me feel so good that now that is all I can remember of today."

"Ok then. I'm glad he made you feel good. I always want you to be happy."

We sat down and ate dinner and then turned in. I gave Ty a kiss as I went to bed with Todd.

When I woke up I went over to Ty's room and he made love to me, then we went back to the master bedroom to get Todd and take a shower. After we ate breakfast we headed to the store. When we got there I told Dave we had the bed and would bring it in tomorrow to see about where to set it up and also store it. He said ok. I had Ty rent the booths for Saturday and Sunday for next month. Todd gave him the money and we went to the booth. Ty got me in the sling and against the wall then went to watch TV with Todd as my first customer entered me.

At the end of the day Ty got me down and cleaned up, then he cleaned the room as I got dressed. Todd went to get the money. As we were headed out, Dave stopped us.

"Sam, got some mail for ya."

He handed me a large envelope. I looked at it and it said it was to STT Escorts and had the address of the shop. I looked at Todd.

"I had to use this address for the business as we can't operate at all inside city limits. Dave said it was ok."


I handed the envelope to Todd and we headed out. When we got home Todd went to the desk and Ty took me to his room. He made love to me then we took a shower. After our shower we got dressed. I got to use my new clothes that were in Ty's dresser. We then went out and Todd told us what we made. He also had the envelope open and there was paper all over the desk. He said it was our business permit. He said he would frame it and ask Dave to put it next to his on the wall behind the counter. I paid Ty and we went to eat. After dinner we watched a movie then all three of us went to my room. After they made love to me we cuddled up together and went to sleep.

In the morning, Ty got on top of me and we made love then we all took a shower. After breakfast we loaded the bed into Todd's truck and went to the store. When we got to the store we unloaded the bed and wheeled it into the room. I had Ty put it against the wall and we got Dave. I asked if storing it there when not in use was ok. He looked at it and said it would be fine as it was out of the way. He then left and Ty moved it to the wall just below the TV and set it up. I told him to go sit in the chair and I got on the bed. I moved around the bed making sure he could see me no matter where I was on it. He said he could and 6 feet on both sides of it. So we were good. I had Ty come back over and make the bed. We bought 10 sheet sets for it so we could change them after every customer. While he did that I went to our booth and got undressed and put on my robe and returned to the booth Ty was in. I closed the door and locked it. Ty finished making the bed and I removed my robe and got in, I pulled Ty down on top of me. We kissed for a while then he got undressed and entered me. He made love to me slow and gentle. After we came he pulled out of me. We got up and I put my robe back on as he got dressed. We then went to the other side and I got the body wash and a towel and went to take a shower. When I got back it was almost time to open for the hole so Ty got me in the sling and in position and went to watch TV.

It was slow again, but only needing to be in this for two hours was ok. After that we went and made sure the bed was put away and everything was clean, then I got dressed and we headed home. Todd went to count the money and Ty took me to his room. After we made love we took a shower and went out to get the figures from Todd. I gave Ty some money and we ate lunch. I told Ty to contact Dan, Dale and Stuart and set up appointments for them for next Sunday. I wanted to try it all out with people I know first. I told him to add 15 minutes to Dan's time to make up for last time.

After he got off the phone with them he said he needed to go to the store. He got back an hour later but wouldn't show me what he bought. After dinner we watched a movie then I kissed Todd and went to bed with Ty.

On Friday when I got home from work Todd and Ty were on the computer. I went over to see what they were doing. They were looking at a new sign. It had the times for the wall on it but also said appointments were available for Sundays for one on one sessions and gave an email address and phone number to text. It also listed our twitter and facebook pages. I thought it looked good. I told Todd to print it out and took Ty to his room to make love. After we cleaned up we went out to eat then watched TV until it was time to turn in. I gave Ty a kiss and went to sleep with Todd.

When I woke up I went to Ty's room and we made love, then we went over and grabbed Todd and took a shower. After breakfast we went to the store. We went to the booth and Ty got me in the sling and against the wall then went over to put the new sign up. When he came back he said Dave allowed him to put a sign by the register too. Just then a cock entered me and Ty went to watch TV. At the end of the day we went home and Todd counted the money while Ty made love to me. After our shower we went out and Todd revealed our takings and Ty got paid then we had dinner. It was Saturday so we all turned in together and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 47

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