Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Jan 9, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 44 by Sam

When I woke up I was cuddled up to Ty. It felt good to be next to him. I cuddled in more and he woke up and pulled me tight to him.

"Good morning baby, did you sleep ok?"

"Yeah Ty, I always sleep good next to you."

I pulled off the sheet and he was hard. I lubed him up then got up and straddled him. I sat down on it and started to raise and lower myself. Ty put his hands on my hips but just held on to me as I bounced up and down on him. I could tell he was liking it by the big smile on his face. I liked it too and was moaning as I fucked myself on him. Eventually I couldn't hold off and shot my load on him. He held my hips still as he thrust up into me a few more times then he grunted as he pumped his load inside me. Once we came down I got off of him and I took him to the master bathroom to take a shower as Laura was using the guest bathroom. When we were clean we went back to his room and both got dressed. I used the clothes he got me. I wanted him to feel like it was just us together and this was our room. When we were dressed we went out to breakfast. After we ate I went in to wake Todd so he didn't miss school and then headed to work.

When I got home from work Todd was at the desk doing his homework. I went over and gave him a hug and kiss then continued on to Ty's room. He was in his bed doing homework. I thought about that. I only have one desk but both boys need to do homework. I looked around his room and there was room in it. I'll buy him a little desk to keep in here. When he saw me come in he sat up on the edge of his bed. I gave him a hug and kiss then sat in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight to him.

"How was work baby?"

"It was good. How was school? Were you able to get to class on time living here?"

"It was good. Yeah, I left when Todd did then stayed on campus until my last class."

"Good. You ate in the dining hall?"

"Yeah baby, I had lunch with Todd. He told me you don't want us eating fast food."

"He's right, it isn't good for you."

I got up and he cleaned off his bed. I then got undressed and got in bed. He got on top of me and started kissing me then I felt him enter me. He started to thrust in and out of me as he made love to me. When I came on us he thrust all the way in me as he gave me his load. When we came down he pulled out and I cleaned us up and got dressed again. He started working on his homework again as I left to go be with Todd. I found Todd still at the desk. I got in his lap.

"How was work babe?"

"It was good. How was school?"


"Ty said you had lunch with him today."

"Yeah, we've been having lunch together a lot lately. I figure we should get along since he is fucking my wife daily."

"Good. You both need friends."

"He has a lot babe. More since he shared you around."

"Well, that isn't how you are getting more."

"Of course not babe. Well, maybe, I mean you are going to start one on ones."

"No discounts."

"Ok babe."

I left him to finish his work and sat and watched TV until dinner was ready. After dinner we watched TV until it was time to turn in. Ty went to his room and me and Todd went to ours. He made love to me then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When I woke up I was cuddled up to Todd. He was already awake looking down at me. When he saw I was awake he pulled me in tighter. I stayed in his strong arms for a bit before he rolled over on top of me and started to kiss me as I felt him enter me. He started to thrust in and out of me hard. It felt so good. After 10 minutes I had my first cum. Todd kept going and after another 15 minutes I came on us again as Todd thrust all the way into me and unloaded inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me and we went to take a shower. After we dressed we went to eat breakfast. After we ate I made sure Ty was up then headed to work.

At lunchtime at work I ordered a desk for Ty's room. While I was doing that I thought about something and ordered another dresser too. It was a double dresser with 8 drawers, 4 on each side. It was the same one I had in the master bedroom. I then went back to work.

After work I went home. I actually got there just as Laura did too. I asked her how she was liking the job so far. She said it was fine and the operator they paired her with was very nice. It was Carol. Yeah, Carol is nice and funny but when you get her talking it is hard to get her to stop. As we went in Todd was at the desk doing his homework. I gave him a hug and kiss then went to Ty's room. He was on his bed doing his homework. He sat up as I came in. I got in his lap and he held me.

"How was work baby?"

"Good. I ordered you a desk and new dresser for your room. It should be here in a few days."

"Thanks baby, but you don't need to buy stuff just for me."

"Honey I'm buying it for us. You need a desk to do your homework and I need somewhere better to put my clothes in here. I need more than what we have."

"Ok baby. But you let me pay you back."

"You can pay me back by staying in school and getting good grades so you can be a... You never told me why you were going to school."

"Oh, sorry baby. It is hospitality like Todd. I'm going to run a casino like my dad."

"Ok, well when you do that then you can start taking care of me."

"You bet I will baby. I'm going to keep you so pampered. Oh, before I forget, I asked my dad about the bed and he had the purchasing lady send me a link to where they get their rollaway beds."

"Great, can you send that to Todd?"

"Yeah baby, just a sec." He messed with his phone for a bit. "There it is done."

"Ok, I'll be right back. Go ahead and clean off your bed."

I went out to Todd. He was shocked to see me so soon.

"Ty have a hair trigger today?"

"No, we haven't started yet. He sent you a link to where to get a rollaway bed, can you order one real quick? Use your debit card and expense it to the prostitution business."

"Sure babe, I'll take care of it now."

"Ok, love you daddy, but I gotta get back to Ty."

"Ok babe."

I went back in and Ty's bed was cleared off. I got undressed and laid down and Ty got on top of me and made love to me. When we came down he pulled out of me and I cuddled up to him for a few minutes just enjoying being connected to him. After a while I got cleaned up and got dressed then left Ty to finish his homework as I went out to Todd. I sat in his lap.

"How was work babe?"

"Good, how was school?"

"Good. I got that bed ordered but I'm not sure how long it will take."

"Well I hope not too long. I hate being there all day and getting so little for it."

"Why do we have to be there all day if it is only a few customers?"

"Well they come at random times so there is no telling when they will come."

"But it is your business. Yes Dave runs the shop but the prostitution is you. Can't you say you'll only be available certain times so we don't have to stay all day?"

"I don't know. Maybe we should ask Ty. He is the manager, if he doesn't know he can find out."

"If he is the manager why do I handle the money and accounting."

"He is just the manager. You are the partner and the only other person I trust with my money besides myself. And you would just be stealing from yourself anyway since as my husband it is yours too. But it isn't Ty's and while I love him, I don't trust him with my money. At least not yet. He seems to be getting more mature and maybe I will someday. But for now I want you to do that stuff."

"No problem babe."

I left Todd to finish his work and then we all sat down to eat. After dinner we had a meeting with Ty.

"Ty, is there any way to set a schedule for the wall on Sundays so I'm not there all day until we can start the one on ones?"

"I can make a sign with open hours on it and replace the one that guy had up. Maybe we should designate an hour for it on Sunday now and when we do the one on ones still have that hour for the wall. We could put it up and say it begins the Sunday after this one so if those guys only come on Sunday they will see it this Sunday and we can begin it the next Sunday so nobody misses out."

"That makes sense. I don't want to piss anyone off. Maybe make it a two hour time window in case business picks up. But keep the one on ones in mind when you set the hours. Maybe go ahead and make up a schedule for all of it so we can look at possible time slots."

"No problem. You want hour increments?"

"Yeah, for the one on ones in one hour increments and put 15 minutes between them for clean up, and a two hour window for the wall sometime mid morning."

"Ok, I'll work something up to show you tomorrow."

After the meeting we decided to turn in. I told Todd I would be sleeping with Ty tonight and gave him a kiss. He went to the bedroom as I followed Ty to his room. When we got in bed, Ty got on top of me and started to kiss me as he entered me and thrust in and out as he made love to me. After we came I cleaned us up and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 45

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