Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Jan 8, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 43 by Sam

On Friday after I went to Ty's to make love we headed over to my house. When we got there I told Todd to stay in the living room and took Ty to the spare room. I closed the door behind me.

"Ty honey, I don't like having to go to the campus every day so you can make love to me."

"Is it something I did baby?"

"No honey, I just don't like having to drive there then back here. So I want you to move in here."

"Baby, you know I love you and I want to be with you as much as possible, but I like having you to myself every once and a while without Todd."

I went over and sat on the bed. "You misunderstand honey, come here."

Ty came over and sat on the bed next to me. "I don't want you to move in with me and Todd. I want you to move in here. To this room. This will be your room. Todd free. He has never been in this room and will never be in this room as I have told him to never come in here."

"So this will just be my room and Todd isn't allowed in?"

"That's right. And when I'm in here with you, it will be just us. Our room, yours and mine, no Todd."

Ty got on top of me and started to kiss me. After a while he got up and took off my clothes and then his. He got on me again and started to kiss me and I felt him enter me. He started to thrust in and out of me as he continued to kiss me. I was moaning as his cock hit my prostate on every thrust. After twenty minutes I moaned loudly into his mouth as I shot my load all over us. This pushed Ty over the edge and he thrust hard into me then pumped his load inside me. When we came down he broke the kiss and pulled out of me. I cuddled up to him.

"Baby. I'd love to move in here with you. As long as you keep Todd out, as I love it being just us."

"Great. When can we move you in?"

"How about Sunday as we have the store tomorrow?"


I continued to cuddle up to Ty for a few more minutes then we had to clean up so we could go eat. After dinner we watched a movie then turned in. Ty said he was going to sleep in his room. I thought for a minute. I told Todd to go to our room and I'd be there in a half hour. I went with Ty and he made love to me. When we were done I went to our room and Todd made love to me then I cuddled up to him and we went to sleep.

When I woke up I got out of bed and went to Ty's room and he made love to me. We then went to my room and joined Todd for a shower. After breakfast we headed to the store. When we got there and were picking up the keys, Dave wanted to talk.

"Sam, can you do me a favor?"

"You own the store Dave, just go right in whenever you want."

"No, not that. And I do. What I was going to ask was could you cover Sunday?"


"The guy that works Sunday was an illegal prostitute. They arrested him and banned him from selling for a year. So now I don't have anyone for Sunday."

"Dang Dave, did they get you for anything?"

"No, I only rent booths so I'm free and clear of any wrongdoing."

"Good. Let me ask my guys."

I went over and talked to Todd and Ty. They said as long as I was ok with it they didn't have a problem with it. I thought about it. It would be another day of income and I do enjoy myself when I'm used so why not?

"Sure Dave, we'll be here tomorrow too."

"Great, thanks Sam."

We went to the booth and Ty helped me get set up then they started to watch TV and the first customer entered me. After we were done for the day, Ty helped me out and cleaned me up then the room as I got dressed and Todd collected the money and we headed home. When we got home, Todd went to the desk to count the money and me and Ty went to his room to make love. After we came and he pulled out, I just cuddled with him in his bed.

"I like this Sam."

"Fucking me?"

"No. Well, yes, but I also like just being with you alone together."

"So do I. Don't get me wrong. I love Todd and will be with him. But I love you too and like to be with you too."

"I'm glad. And I will never try to take you from Todd again."

After we cuddled for a bit we went to take a shower in the guest bathroom then got dressed and went to the living room. Todd told us how much we made and I paid Ty his money then we sat down to dinner. After dinner we watched a movie and then turned in. After Ty made love to me I went to my room so Todd could do the same. Then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

In the morning I went to Ty's room and he made love to me then we all headed to the master bath for a shower. After breakfast we went to the store. Once we got there we went to the booth and I undressed then Ty got me in the sling and locked to the wall. Then he and Todd went to watch TV. I could see the TV from the sling and watched it with them as I waited for the first customer.

When the show ended I realized it had been a half hour and I hadn't gotten a customer yet. I asked Todd to check the other booth to make sure it was open. He went over then came back.

"It's open babe, but the store is empty."

"What do you mean? I usually have a line by now."

"I know babe, but there is no one."

I asked Ty to get me out of the sling and he did. I then put on my robe and went to check for myself. Todd was right. There was no line at the door and the rest of the store had no customers either. I went over to Dave.

"Dave, this is my first Sunday. Are the hours different?"

"Afraid not Sam, but the traffic is. You see, Martin only gets about 10 customers a day."

"10 for the entire day?"

"Yep. He isn't very good and charges too much."

"Do they come at specific times?"

"Nope, it is random. He usually just watches TV until a guy knocks on the wall then services him then goes back to watching TV."


I went back to the booth and sat with the guys and watched TV. About an hour later there was a knock on the wall. I got up and removed my robe. There was a step up platform next to the wall at the hole. I moved it under the hole and got on it. It put me at the right height and I backed up to the hole. I felt him enter me and he worked it pretty good. After he came he pulled out and I got down. As I was putting my robe back on the guy on the other side left and I looked through the hole at the sound of the door close. I never noticed this as my ass is usually in the hole but you can see the entire room over there through this hole.

"Ty, bring a chair over."

Ty brought over a chair. I had him sit down in it and face the hole.

"What can you see?"

"Um... I can see that TV and the chairs."

"Ok, hang on."

I went over to the other room. I walked around the room asking Ty if he could see me. He saw me unless I was in the far sides of the room. But in the middle I was visible from his chair. I went over and told Ty I wanted to try something. I told him when I gave him the signal, he was to tell Todd to go in the room quick. I left our booth's door open and told Todd that when he heard the signal from Ty to come in fast. I then went in the room and closed the door.

I untied my robe and opened it. I then did a little dance for Ty as I removed my robe. As I was shaking my ass at him I signaled him to get Todd in here. He shouted for Todd to get in here and Todd came in the room. I went up to him and pulled him down and kissed him. I then put my robe back on and we went back to our booth.

"Here is what I'm thinking. You remember our discussion last Sunday?"


"Well, what if we did it here?"

"You mean, one on ones?"

"Yeah. We can turn this light off and Ty can sit in that chair and watch for any signs that I need help and Todd can run in if Ty sees anything. They won't see Ty as when the light is off it is impossible to see through the hole, but the light will be on in that booth so Ty can see what is happening."

"Babe, how will we get a bed in there?"

"We could get a rollaway bed. We used them at the casino for rooms with a lot of kids. It folds up and is on wheels so you can move it around, but when put down it won't move and is comfortable."

"Will Dave even allow it babe?"

"I don't know. He only gets 10 customers for this guy on Sunday anyway."

There was a knock on the wall. I got up and took off my robe then got up on the platform and put my butt to the hole. After the guy came he pulled out and I got back down and put my robe back on. I then went out to talk to Dave.

"Dave, can we use the booths for anything?"

"Depends. You aren't planning anything illegal are you?"

"No. I want to do one on ones but the motel we used I don't like. I think the booths would work better for me. Safer."

"Well, how would that work?"

"Well, Ty says he can get a rollaway bed that we can put down and take back up when we are done. And Ty would take appointments in one hour increments. But I do need a shower. Do you have a shower available that I would be able to use?"

"Yeah there is one in the staff bathroom and I could let you use it."

"Good, these always make me feel dirty and I need a shower after them. So would you have a problem with us doing that?"

"No, it is your booths. You can do what you want. But are you going to do this both days?"

"No, we will still do the line with just the hole for Saturday and do the one on ones on Sunday."

"Well I don't have a problem with it as long as you pay for the rental."

"We will."

I went back to the booth and told the guys it was a go and had Ty track down a rollaway bed.

When the day ended I took off my robe and got dressed. There wasn't much to clean up. I only got 7 customers. Todd went to get the money and we headed home. Todd managed to count the money on the trip home, Ty drove. It was sad. I would make more than this with just 1 one on one and only need to be at the store for an hour instead of all day. We are definitely changing Sundays.

When we got home, Todd put the money away and entered it into the spreadsheet. I took his keys and me and Ty took Todd's truck and headed to his dorm. We started to pack up everything that was his. Even the clothes he got me. Once we had everything loaded into the truck we came back home. Laura had dinner ready and we sat and ate then unloaded the truck. I told Todd not to help. I wanted everything about Ty moving here to be about him and me in order to keep him happy. We got it all moved in and unpacked. I put the clothes he got me in his dresser too. I wanted tonight to be special for Ty, so I told Todd I would be sleeping with Ty tonight. He said ok and I gave him a kiss as he went to his room. I then went to Ty's room and got in bed.

Ty laid on top of me and started to kiss me as I felt him enter me. He thrust in and out of me very slowly. He was making this so passionate. It feels amazing how he makes sex feel like our souls are touching. It felt so good and when I finally came he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out and I cleaned us up then cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 44

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