Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Jan 2, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 40 by Sam

When they arrived we all went into the dining room and sat around the table.

"Dan, Dale, Stuart, you know my husband Todd and this is my boyfriend Ty. Ty, these are my coworkers."

"You have a husband and boyfriend Sam?"

"Dan, you have a wife and two kids yet go out of town to a bookstore to fuck me every Saturday, let's drop the judgment."

"Of course, sorry Sam."

"So what do you guys want to talk about?"

"Um... well you see... we were wondering if we could set up one on one sessions with you as the bookstore is nice, but is just a hole in a wall."

"So you guys want to see me while you fuck me?"

"Yeah Sam. We wondered if we could rent you by the hour or something as in the bookstore it is over pretty fast."

"And you want to see and know it is me you are fucking?"

"Or getting sucked by. Fucking you is nice but I've always wondered about how your mouth would feel."

"I'll bet Stuart. I don't know guys. This isn't something I've ever considered. Where would we do this? The bookstore is only rented for Saturday and that is used up all day."

"Well, maybe you could come to our houses?"

"Do any of you live out of town?"

"No, we all live in town."

"Well the city banned prostitution. It has to be done out of town to be legal."

"Baby, there is a motel about a mile from the bookstore that is out of town."

I looked over to Ty. "And you know this because?"

"Uh, well, you know, I had a year without Todd and well, needed some relief."

"So you bought a prostitute?"

"Yeah. It wasn't great but I needed to get off."

"Ok guys. I am not agreeing to your suggestion but I'll talk it over with the guys and make a decision then text Dan when I want to discuss it."

"That will be fine Sam."

They left and Ty and Todd sat with me to discuss what they suggested.

"Baby, the big question is can you have sex with these guys knowing who they are if you can see them while they do it?"

"I don't know about that. It is one thing for them to be just three out of a hundred cocks that fuck me, it is another to actually see them while they do it."

"Well, we can iron out some details while you figure out that one. If you say no, then that is it and we go with no. If you eventually agree then we will already have it set up."

"Well, it will have to be on Sunday as I work all other days. Todd, you will have to program me to feel it on Sunday too. Ty, I'll have everything go through you. You will have to explain the rules to them. No crazy shit, no hitting and no cuts or marks on my body. That crap means their time is up and no refunds. They need to know they can talk to me during sex but I will not respond to it in any way. Don't let them know it is because I can't hear them, just say that is how I work. Todd, you will need to buy a taser for protection. Also, Ty will hold their room key so if you have to get in you can. But we will need to discuss the price."

"Well babe, they want an hour. And by our figures, I say we make $200 to $260 an hour at the bookstore."

"Yeah, but that is anonymous, this isn't so it should be more."

"I agree baby. I was charged $400 an hour by my prostitute and she wasn't even any good. You could get much more."

"Well I don't want to gouge anyone. Other than Dan, they all make the same as me."

"Babe, it is your body. You can charge what you want and if they can't afford it, then it isn't up to you to sell yourself cheaper."

"Well, what about an even $500?"

"That sounds fair. So we got that covered. What about the big question?"

"I don't know, I need time to think."

I went to the bedroom alone so I could think about this. These were my coworkers that I had to see every day. Do I want to know how they are in bed? Will I then think about how they fuck when I see them in the breakroom? I really don't want that. As I'm thinking things over, Laura comes into the room.

"Sam, I don't want to intrude, but I overheard the discussion and wondered if you would like to talk it out with someone you aren't having sex with."

"I guess that might help."

"Well, from what I heard, they want to have sex with you while looking at you instead of through the hole in the wall at the bookstore. It makes sense to them as it is just sex with a prostitute, but how do you feel about it? Could you see it as just sex with a john or would you see it as sex with Stuart?"

"You know I'm a prostitute and about the bookstore?"

"Of course. I came out one day and Toddy was counting your money. I asked where he got it from and he told me. Toddy really doesn't do a good job of keeping secrets from me."

"Ok, and you are ok with it?"

"Well, I thought about it. It is no different than the gang-bang parties me and Derek went to before Toddy was born. Now, I took a lot of cock, but never got paid for it. Good on you for getting some money out of it."

"So then what is your advice about this?"

"Well Sam it really is a matter of how you can see it. Can you distance yourself and make it just a job or will it be something you will dwell on?"

"Thanks Laura."

"Will Ty be staying for lunch?"

"Probably, we have a lot to discuss."

I continued to think on the problem. I eventually came up with, I'm a prostitute so selling my body is what I do. Plus sex is fun so why not? But two other people had a say. I went out to the living room.

"Ok, I've made my mind up. But before I tell you I need your decisions too. Ty, what do you think about them having one on one sex with me?"

"Um... I'm not thrilled but I did it to you too when you thought I was your husband so I have no right to say no."

"Ok, what about you Todd?"

"I really hate it. But it is your decision babe. Just know I will always be here for you to come home to."

"No Todd, you will be there to protect me. I've decided to do it. Even though I trust these guys, we will use all the security we can. I don't want things to go wrong. Ty, when you tell them, let them know this is a onetime thing only right now and no referrals as I will not do it for anyone else at this time."

"No problem baby. When do you want to do it?"

"Next Sunday. They rent the room then text you the number and you set up the times. One hour only."

"Will do baby."

Ty started making calls and Laura started lunch. We all had lunch then Ty went home. I sent Todd to get the taser. When he got back he put it in the desk drawer. Todd then took me to the bedroom to make love.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 41

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