Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Jan 1, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 39 by Sam

When we woke up Ty got on top of me and started to kiss me as I felt him enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me slowly as he made love to me. After 30 minutes I came on us as he pumped his load inside me. When he pulled out Todd got on top of me and made love to me. After my third cum he pumped his load inside me. We then got up to take a shower. After our shower we had breakfast then we headed to the mall. After we picked out a robe for me we headed home then I gave Ty a kiss and he headed for his dorm. Todd went to play his Switch and I sat to watch him.

The next morning, Todd made love to me before our shower and breakfast. After breakfast I headed to work. At lunchtime, Stuart, Dale and Dan all sat at the table with me. I looked at them but continued to eat my lunch.

"Sam, pretty busy day Saturday."

"Yeah, usually is."

"We noticed. Lots of customers."

"Ok, guys. You know. Thing is I like to keep my two jobs separate so I don't want to talk about my other job while I'm at work. I hope that is ok."

"Yeah, I guess."

They started to get up. "Oh, y'all don't have to leave, just not mention anything about Saturdays."

"Sam, if you want to do that it is ok, it is legal, but could you not mention to anyone here that I'm one of your customers."

"Running from HR are we Dan?"

"You know what would happen if they found out."

"Yeah, same thing that happened to Bill. And he only did her once."

"Yeah so can you not mention it?"

"Like I said Dan, I want to keep my two jobs separate. So I have no plans of mentioning anything about Saturdays while I'm at work."

"Thanks Sam."

I just thought of something. "Wait Dan, is Rose's cubicle still open?"

"Yeah Sam, we can't get anyone to apply since they are opening that new casino in the next town. Everyone is going to it because it pays more."

"Yeah, and it is only a twenty minute drive from here on the freeway. Ok, I think I have an idea of someone to fill it if you are willing to give her a chance."

"We'd take anyone right now Sam."


I picked up my phone. "Laura, how are you at answering phones?"

"I don't know Sam. What do you mean?"

"We have an opening here and I thought you might be interested."

"Oh, I'm not sure I would be qualified. Don't you have to answer a lot of questions?"

"Yeah, but they train you for a week on everything, then for a month have an experienced operator with you."

"Well I guess I could give it a try."

"Great, come down and fill out the application and I'll have my supervisor run it up the chain."

"OK, I'll be right there."

"Sam, who's application am I running up the chain?"

"My mother-in-law's. Laura Anderson."

"Ok, you got me by the balls right now so I'll do it."

I returned to work. When I got off I went to Ty's. He let me in and I got on the bed. He got on top of me and started kissing me and I felt him enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me as he made love to me. He was moving it around making sure to hit all my pleasure spots.

"Oh fuck Ty, you are making me feel so good."

"Yeah baby, I want you to feel good."

"Oh yeah, I love you so much Ty."

"I love you too baby."

After twenty minutes I'm pushed over the edge as I cum on us. Ty pushes all the way inside me as he pumps his load inside me. He continues to kiss me as we come down then he pulls out of me. I cuddle up to him.

"How was it baby?"

"Wonderful as always Ty."

I stayed cuddled up to him for a few minutes enjoying the after sex affection, then we got a shower and I headed home. When I got home, Todd was doing his homework. I gave him a hug. I asked Laura how everything went this afternoon. She said they gave her a job and she starts tomorrow. She said she is worried about screwing up, but I told her everyone messes up, that is why someone is with you the first month. We all sat down to dinner then Todd took me to the bedroom and made love to me before we went to sleep.

When we woke up, Todd made love to me then we got up. After breakfast me and Laura headed to work. She took her car as I was going to Ty's after work. During the lunch break I introduced her to all my friends. When work was over I headed to Ty's and he made love to me. I then went home. Todd was doing his homework and Laura was working on dinner. I gave Todd a hug and sat down to rest. After we ate dinner, Todd took me to the bedroom and made love to me before we cuddled up and went to sleep.

On Friday after work I go over to Ty's so we can make love. I love making love with Ty, I just hate having to come to his dorm room to do it. I understand he wants his own space and wants it to feel like a place for just me and him without Todd, but it is a hassle having to drive all the way over here then drive home. Plus, we aren't always alone. His roommate is sometimes here too. After we cum and get cleaned up we head to my house. We all sit down to eat then we watch a movie before turning in. When we get to the bedroom, Ty gets on top of me and makes love to me, then when we cum he pulls out and Todd takes his place. After Todd finally shoots his load inside me we cuddle up and go to sleep.

When we woke up I nudged Ty and he let me up and got on top of me and made love to me. After 10 minutes we came then got up and took a shower. After breakfast we headed over to the store. Ty hung up the robe then after I got undressed he helped me into the sling. After I was locked to the wall he asked if I was comfortable then went to watch TV with Todd. A few minutes later I felt the first cock enter me. Ty cleaned my legs every few hours and gave me a sandwich for lunch. When the day ended Ty got me unlocked and out of the sling then cleaned me up. While I was getting dressed, Ty finished cleaning the room and Todd went to get the money. We then headed home.

When we got home Todd went to the desk to count the money and me and Ty went to the bedroom. Ty got on top of me and started kissing me as I felt him enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me as he continued to kiss me. He was being gentle and working his cock around. After twenty minutes I was pushed over the edge and came on us and he pushed all the way in as he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he broke the kiss and pulled out of me.

"How did you like that one baby?"

"Best yet Ty, now let's get a shower."

We got up and went to take a shower. After Ty had cleaned all the cum out of my ass he pushed me against the wall and I felt him enter me. He thrust in and out of me hard. I was moaning so loud when I shot my load all over the wall. Ty thrust a few more times before he started filing my insides with his cum. After he pulled out we finished getting clean then got dressed and went to meet up with Todd. Todd told us what we pulled in and I paid Ty his money then we sat down to eat dinner. After dinner we watched a movie before turning in. When we turned in, Ty made love to me then Todd did too. After I cleaned us up I cuddled up to Todd then Ty spooned up behind me.

When we woke up, Ty made love to me then Todd did the same before we got up to take a shower then headed to breakfast. After breakfast I got a text from Dan. I was confused.

The text read, "Sam, us three would like to come over to discuss Saturday stuff. Are you available?"

I talked it over with Todd and Ty. We all wondered what it meant. I asked Ty to stay as this involved my prostitution and since he was my manager he should be here to hear what they say. Ty agreed and I texted back to see when they wanted to do it. They said they could be over in an hour.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 40

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