Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Dec 30, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 38 by Sam

When we woke up, Todd got on top of me and made love to me. After he filled my insides we got up and took a shower then went to breakfast. After we ate I headed to work. After work I was exhausted. Wednesday and spring break combined. When I got to Ty's I went and got in bed. Ty looked at me and asked how I was feeling. I told him I was exhausted. He said to lay down and just enjoy. Ty got on top of me and started kissing me. He then moved down and started kissing my neck then my chest and stomach all the way down to my crotch. After he sucked on me for a little bit he worked his way down to my balls then lifted my legs and started to rim me. After he worked his tongue around my hole for a while he got back up and started to kiss me again as I felt him enter me. He started to make love to me slow and gentle. It felt so good to be pampered like this after a hard day at work. After half an hour I was cumming on us as he pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me and I cuddled up to him. It felt so good to be held by him.

I guess I fell asleep as I was woken up by him shaking me.

"Morning baby."

"Morning? What time is it?"


"Oh my God, Todd is going to kill us. I can't believe I fell asleep."

"It's ok baby. When you fell asleep I called Todd and told him what was going on. He said he knew work was wearing you out this week and told me to let you sleep but make sure you weren't late for work."

"Oh. Thanks Ty. I'm sorry I fell asleep on you."

"Don't be baby. It brought back memories of the time we were married. I loved that time. Especially getting to see you sleeping in my arms."

"Well, I can't go to work without having someone make love to me. And since Todd's not here..."

Ty put me on my back and started kissing me. I felt him enter me as he started thrusting in and out of me. After we came he pulled out of me and we went to take a shower. When we were clean I put on some of the clothes Ty still had here for me and we went to the dining hall for breakfast. I then headed to work.

When I got off work I went to Ty's. When he let me in he asked me to sit down.

"Baby, before we get started, can I get a check for $1,000?"

"Wow, you have expensive tastes Ty."

"No baby, it isn't for me. You see, since school is on break I've been doing some looking into the prostitution thing so I can manage you better. I found out we are supposed to be registered to be legal. I called the licensing people and they said we could register and it would be $1,000 a year fee."

"Oh. If I give you the check can you get us registered before Saturday? I don't want us to be illegal."

"Yeah, they told me to take the money and fill out the form and they would register you the same day."

"Ok good. Do I need to go with you?"

"No baby, they said I could do it all."

I handed him the check and he put it in his desk. We then went to his bed and he laid me on my back as he got on top of me. He started to kiss me as he entered me. I felt him thrust in and out of me as he made love to me. When we came we got up and took a shower before I headed home. When I got home, Todd was playing on his Switch.

"Sorry I didn't come home last night."

"It's ok babe. Ty called and told me you fell asleep because you were beat from work."

"Yeah I was. Oh, I gave a check for $1,000 to Ty so he could get me registered as a prostitute."

"Oh, I didn't know we needed that. I guess it is a good thing he is managing that. But I've been depositing all your earnings so there is more than enough in the account."

"What about taxes? I want to do this completely legal if we are going to keep it up. And I enjoy it so I want to keep it up."

"Yeah, I know you do babe. I've been keeping a spreadsheet on the computer of all the earnings by date and how much you give Ty. We don't have to make a tax payment until next month so I'll figure out the amount then when I get a better picture of how much we can bring in each week."

"Wow, you are so good at this."

"I'm going to be a hotel manager babe. Business accounting is part of it."

Dinner was ready and we sat down to eat. Todd then took me to the bedroom and made love to me before I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When we woke up, Todd made love to me and we took a shower before breakfast. I then headed off to work. It was Friday and it was hell. I was totally beat when I got off work and headed to Ty's. When I got there I collapsed into the chair.

"Baby you look beat."

"I am Ty."

"Ok, well I got you registered. Here is your prostitute license."

I took the card from him and put it in my wallet. I then started to get undressed.

"Baby, we don't have to have sex if you are too tired. It is ok."

"But that is why you told me to come here every day."

"No baby, I wanted you to come here every day because I like being alone with you. We don't have to have sex to be alone together."

Ty laid down in the bed and I cuddled up to him.

"Just don't let me fall asleep again. We have to meet up with Todd to hang out."

"I think you are too tired for that baby. But we will go to your house later so we can sleep together before heading to the store tomorrow."

I laid up against Ty just enjoying being close to him. After a half hour we got up and got dressed and headed to my house. When we got there we went in and Todd was on the couch playing his Switch.

"Hey babe, how was work?"


"Yeah, you look pretty beat. Why don't you go ahead and just go to bed."

"Ok, thanks Todd. Are you joining me?"

"No it is a bit early for me but Ty can join you if he wants."

"I'm good. Unless you want me to go with you baby, then I will."

"No it isn't necessary. You boys just play some games together."

I headed to bed and was out the second my head touched the pillow.

When I woke up I was cuddled up to Todd and Ty was spooned up behind me. I nudged Ty and he woke up and moved so I could get up. I laid down on my back and Ty got on top of me. He started to kiss me but I didn't feel him enter me.

"How are you this morning baby?"

"I'm much better after all that rest. Why aren't you making love to me?"

"I wanted to make sure you were ok first."

"I am so go ahead."

Ty started kissing me again and this time I felt him enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me as he made love to me. After we came we got up and took a shower. We then got dressed and headed to the store after breakfast.

At the store, Ty got me hooked up into the sling and locked it to the wall. He then asked if I was comfortable before going to watch TV with Todd. A few minutes later I felt the first customer of the day enter me.

It was going along nicely. Most guys were only lasting a few minutes before filling me and another cock took their place after only a minute. I told Ty to start cleaning my legs after a couple of hours as I was filling up fast. After lunch sometime I'm waiting for a cock to finish up in me that hasn't hit a single pleasure spot when Todd and Ty both look in my direction.


"Baby, I'm glad you can't hear that."

"Hear what?"

"What that guy is calling you babe. It is pretty foul."

"What is he calling me?"

"Um, he said you were a dirty whore and said he would rape you if he saw you in public."

"Bullshit, get me out of this thing now!"

Todd and Ty both unlocked the sling and got me out of it. I walked over to the other booth. I heard someone call my name and looked down the line of guys and saw Stuart. In line with him were Dale and Dan. I waved to them and said I would be right with them. Ty used the bypass key on the door and opened it.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?"

There was a young guy in the room, looked college age.

"Oh... um... I'm sorry, I just wanted to be a big man."

"Well big man, you don't say that shit to me."

"I'm so sorry. I promise I won't do it again."

"Well your turn is up. If you want another go you get in the back of the line. But you don't say that crap ever again."

"I'm sorry, yes, uh, thank you."

Hearing the commotion, the owner of the store Dave came over to where I was.

"Hey Sam, what's up?"

"Hey Dave. Sorry about the yelling but had a guy with a filthy mouth."

"Oh. Do you need me to kick him out?"

"No thanks Dave, I took care of it."

"Ok, if you're going to be out here it would be good if you covered up so I don't get a public indecency charge."

"Oh, sorry. I was kinda pissed off and in a hurry."

"I understand. I got a robe you can use if you want."

"Thanks Dave."

Dave brought me the robe and I put it on. It was a bit long for me but covered everything up. I then went to talk to Stuart, Dale and Dan.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Nothing much Sam. Didn't know you had another job."

"Yeah, been working here since February. So how long have you been coming here?"

"Um, since February."

"That's great guys. I don't give discounts to coworkers. I have to get back before everyone gets restless. I'll talk to you guys later."

"Yeah, later Sam."

I then went back to the booth and took off the robe and Ty got me hooked in again. He then went out and told the guy in front he could go in. A minute later I felt a cock enter me.

"Who were those guys you were talking to baby?"

"Friends from work."

"Oh, that must be awkward."

"What do you mean?"

"Guys you know will be fucking you."

"Yeah, but I won't know which cock is theirs so I can't judge them on how they are in bed since I don't know."

"But they will be inside you. You know they fucked you."

"Apparently, been fucking me since the beginning."


"Ty, really, it isn't a big deal. I've taken a lot of cocks. I probably know more of them, but since I can't see them, I don't know. I now know about these 3 but won't know how they are as I can't see them. So it isn't an issue for me."

"Ok baby, I'll drop it. Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm good. But remind me to buy a robe to keep here that fits."

"Ok baby."

Ty went back over to watch TV with Todd and the cock in me pumped his load inside me and was replaced by another one. When it was time to end, Ty unlocked me from the wall and got me out of the sling. He then cleaned me up and I got dressed as he finished cleaning the room. Todd went over to collect the money and Ty grabbed the robe. As we were heading out we went over to Dave.

"Here is the robe back. Sorry for coming out naked."

"Thanks, and don't worry about it Sam. I just don't want the hassle with the cops. You bring in a lot of customers so I'm not going to come down on you for forgetting something in a rush."

"Thanks Dave. Well, we will see you next Saturday."

"Great, see ya Sam."

We headed home. When we got there, Todd went to the desk to count the money and I took Ty to the bedroom. Ty got on top of me and started kissing me as I felt him enter me. He thrust in and out of me as he made love to me very gently. When we finally came he pulled out of me and we got up and took a shower. In the shower he fucked me against the shower wall then we finished getting clean and went out to get with Todd. Todd told us how much we brought in and I paid Ty then we sat down to eat dinner. After dinner we watched a movie before turning in. When we went to bed, Ty made love to me then Todd got on me and made love to me as well. We then cleaned up and I cuddled up to Todd as Ty spooned up behind me.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 39

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