Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Dec 25, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 35 by Sam

On Friday we decided to hang out with Ty again. Todd was not happy about it, but I wanted them to get back together. Yes, Ty did steal me from him and that was wrong, but I think that was just him thinking with his cock. I like Ty. I'm not sure if that is just some remnants from his programming or if I really do, but I do like him. He is nice and has a great cock and is good in bed. But he is young and young guys do stupid stuff and Ty will hopefully start to mature and not think with his cock as much.

After we went bowling we had dinner at a restaurant and then took Ty back to his dorm before we headed home. When we got home, Todd took me to the bedroom and made love to me. I guess reminding me that his cock is the best so I don't go running off with Ty again. After we cleaned up I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

In the morning Ty came by early so we could go over to the adult bookstore together. I asked him if he wanted his first fuck now. He did so I left Todd to finish his breakfast as me and Ty went into the bedroom. I got on my back and Ty got on top of me and started to kiss me and I felt him enter me. He started to thrust in and out of me hard. He was going for about 10 minutes until I came and shot my load on us. This pushed Ty over the edge and he pumped his load inside me. He continued to kiss me as we came down. He pulled out of me and broke the kiss.

"Did you like that baby?"

"I always like it with you Ty."

Ty kissed me again. "Come on baby, or we'll be late."

We got dressed and headed over to the store. When we got there I got undressed and Ty fastened me into the sling and made sure I was comfortable then he locked it to the wall.

"Ok baby, the other side opens in 5 minutes. Do you need anything?"

"No Ty, I'm good."

"Oh, before I forget and you're deaf, we should rent the booths for next month as we leave as it is the end of the month."

"Ok. Todd can you remember that?"

"I'll try babe."

"Ok baby, when you need something just tell me otherwise I'll be watching TV with Todd."

"Ok Ty."

I felt a cock enter me and start thrusting in and out of me. After a couple of hours I had Ty clean the cum off my legs. After that he had to do it every hour as I was just so full. Ty gave me a sandwich for lunch and I ate it between cocks. When the day came to an end, Ty unlocked me from the wall and helped me out of the sling then cleaned me up so I could get dressed. He then made sure the room was clean. Todd went over to collect the money and we headed to the front. Ty rented the booths and sling for the next month and Todd gave him the money for it. We then headed home.

When we got home Todd went to the desk and I took Ty into the bedroom for his second fuck. We got undressed and I laid on my back. He got on top of me and started kissing me as I felt him enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me. He was going slow and gentle. It felt so good having him fuck me like this. After 5 minutes he broke the kiss and mouthed something. I smiled at him and ran my hand through his red hair.

"Ty honey, I can't hear you. You will have to wait for us to finish."

He smiled and nodded then continued kissing me as he made love to me. He thrust in and out and after twenty minutes I was cumming on us and he thrust into me all the way and pumped his load inside me. He continued to kiss me as we came down. Ty then pulled out.

"I'm sorry baby, I keep forgetting."

"It's ok Ty, so what were you wanting to say?"

"I said I really like you and you feel really good."

"Thanks Ty, and I really like you too."

"Um I was wondering, and you can say no, but I wanted to know if I could stay over tonight."

"Well, I don't have a problem with it, but it will be up to Todd."

"Ok, can we go ask him?"

"Ok, but I need a shower."

Ty and I went in the shower and started to clean up. After he removed a lot of cum from my ass he put me against the wall and I felt him enter me. He fucked me hard against the wall until we came again. He then finished cleaning us up and we got out and got dressed. We went out and Todd told us what we pulled in. I gave $300 to Ty then we went to eat dinner. Over dinner, Ty asked Todd if he could stay over. Todd asked me and I said I was ok with it. Todd thought about it, and then agreed. After dinner we watched a movie. I wanted to see the one they were watching today, but this time with sound. It was ok. We then turned in.

When we got to the bedroom Ty got on top of me and started kissing me as I felt him enter me. He made love to me for a half hour before we came. He continued to kiss me as we came down. When he pulled out, Todd got on top of me and I felt his much bigger cock enter me. He made love to me and I had 3 orgasms before he pumped his load inside me. He then pulled out of me and we cleaned up. I cuddled up to Todd then Ty spooned up behind me. I fell asleep between them.

When I woke up I was still between them. I couldn't get up unless one of them moved. I nudged Ty and he woke up. I asked him to move back so I could get up. He did and I noticed he was hard. I told him to sit with his back against the headboard. I then lubed him up and got up and sat on him. I couldn't feel it. It wasn't Saturday anymore. I looked over to Todd, he was still asleep. I took his hand and put it on my leg. I then wrapped my arms around Ty's neck and started moving up and down on him. I could feel it now. Ty put his hands on my sides, just above my hips as I rode him up and down. I looked into his brown eyes as I went up and down feeling his cock as it moved in and out of me. Ty stared into my eyes as well. After 10 minutes I was cumming on us and I rode Ty a few more times until he started pumping his load inside me. When we came down I kissed him and then got off of him and we cleaned up.

"Thanks baby, that was amazing."

"I liked it too Ty. I really like having sex with you."

"I like having sex with you too baby. Maybe we can do it more often."

"I think I would like that. But while I like you and like to have sex with you, I love Todd and he comes first."

"Yeah baby, I know. I'm not gonna do anything stupid this time."

"Babe, do you want to feel him again?"

"No Todd, only Saturday like everyone else. If we need to on other days I'll use contact with you for it. I don't want to open that door again."

"I understand, baby and I agree. Keep that temptation from making me do something stupid again."

We cleaned up and got dressed then went to breakfast. After breakfast Ty went back to the campus. Todd took me to the bedroom and made love to me. After we came he went to play his Switch.

The next Friday we went out bowling with Ty after I got off work. I gave him a run for his money this time. I still lost though. Afterward we went back to our place. We went into the bedroom and got undressed. Ty got on top of me and started kissing me. I felt him enter me. I reached out and Todd took my hand. Ty started thrusting in and out of me as he made love to me. After 5 minutes he broke the kiss and started moving his mouth. I smiled and ran my hands through his red hair.

"He can't hear you."

Ty mouthed again. "Then why say it?" Ty mouthed. "Oh ok."

Ty continued to kiss me as he made love to me. It was wonderful as always. His cock is really good. Soon we were cumming as I blew my load on us and he pumped his inside me. He continued to kiss me as we came down then he pulled out.

"So what were you saying?"

"It was nothing baby. Just sweet nothings to make it feel better but I forget you can't hear."

I looked over to Todd and he shakes his head no. Ty gets off me and Todd gets on me and I feel him enter me. He makes love to me and I cum 3 times before he pumps his load in me as well. When we come down he pulls out and we get cleaned up and I cuddle up to Todd and Ty spoons up behind me as I fall asleep.

When I wake up I nudge Ty to wake him up and he moves back so I can get up. I then get on my back and he starts kissing me when he gets on top of me. I feel him enter me and he starts making love to me. He is thrusting faster as we don't have much time but it still lasts a good 10 minutes before we cum. Afterward we all get up and take a shower. I clean them both then they clean me. After we are dressed we head to the bookstore. When we get there, I get undressed and Ty helps me into the sling and secures me in place then locks it to the wall. He asks if I'm comfortable and if I need anything, then he sits to watch TV with Todd. A few minutes later and I feel a cock enter me and start thrusting. Every hour Ty cleans off my legs and ass. He gives me a sandwich for lunch that I manage to eat between cocks in my ass. When the day is over he unlocks me from the wall and helps me out of the sling and cleans me up. I get dressed as he makes sure the room is clean then we head out as Todd collects the money.

When we get home, Todd heads for the desk to count the money as I take Ty into the bedroom for his second fuck. When we get in there we get undressed and Ty gets on top of me. He starts kissing me and I feel him enter me. He makes love to me for a few minutes then looks at me and mouths something. I just smile at him and run my hand through his red hair, he has the worst memory for remembering that I can't hear him. He then smiles and goes back to kissing me as he continues to make love to me. After another 10 minutes I'm pushed over the edge as I cum on us and he pumps his load inside me. When we come down he pulls out and we go take a shower. After he cleans all the cum out of my ass he enters me and fucks me against the shower wall until we cum again. After we are clean we get dressed and go out to see what Todd has.

Todd tells me what we took in and I give Ty his money then we have dinner. After dinner we watch a movie then turn in. Ty gets on top of me and starts kissing me as I feel him enter me as he makes love to me. He talks again. After we cum he pulls out and gets off me and then Todd gets on top of me and I feel him enter me. We make love for a long time and I get 3 cums before he pumps his load inside me. When we come down he pulls out and we get cleaned up. I then cuddle up to Todd and Ty spoons up behind me and we go to sleep.

In the morning I nudge Ty and he backs up so I can get up. He then gets on top of me and starts kissing me. I feel him enter me but there is no pleasure. I reach out to try and touch Todd but can't reach him. Ty sees me reaching and breaks the kiss and reaches over and takes Todd's hand and brings it to mine. Once I touch Todd I can feel the pleasure from Ty's cock and start to moan. Ty starts to kiss me again as he makes love to me. When I cum on us, Ty pushes all the way in me as he pumps his load inside me. When we come down he pulls out and gets off me and Todd takes his place. Todd makes love to me and when he pumps his load inside me we all get up and take a shower. After I clean them off they take turns cleaning me then we get out and get dressed to eat breakfast. After breakfast, Ty heads back to his dorm and Todd goes to play his Switch and I sit and watch.

When I get home from work Monday, Todd is at the desk doing his homework. I go up and give him a hug and ask how his classes went. He says fine but seems to be thinking of something. I guess I interrupted his chain of thought on his homework. I sit and relax until time for dinner. After dinner we turn in and Todd makes love to me. He still seems to be thinking of something. After we finish we get cleaned up and I cuddle up to him and we go to sleep.

Wednesday when I get home I give Todd a hug. After dinner we turn in and Todd gets on top of me and I feel him enter me. A few minutes later, Todd starts talking to me.

"Babe, you forget everything said when I program you right?"

"I believe so, but I forget it so I'm not sure."

"Ok, I'm going to program you tonight so I'm going to tell you stuff that if you forget it, it would be better."

"Why are you going to program me?"

"I'll explain. You see, Ty is in love with you."

"Oh, are you programming me to stop hanging out with him? You just have to tell me."

"No babe, I'm gonna program you to love him too."

"Are you dumping me Todd?"

"No babe. I love you too and I'm not giving you to Ty. But he is my best friend and he loves you so I want to share."

"You're going to share your wife with your best friend? But why make me love a straight guy?"

"I've been talking to him. He isn't straight, he is bi. And he loves you. He said the time y'all were together when you thought he was your husband was the best time of his life."

"Oh. But I don't want to be told to love someone."

"Ok babe, I won't tell you to love him. But you are on your way there anyway. You let him call you baby, make love to you and kiss you."

"That's true. I guess I might love him. But I love you Todd."

"I know you do babe, and I'm not saying for you to stop. But I'm going to program you so you can love Ty too. Not tell you to love him but allow it. I'm going to make it so you can feel him having sex with you and you can hear him during sex."

"Whoa Todd, what if he programs me again? Are you sure you can trust him with that?"

"I'm going to try and prevent that. But I think he has changed and won't do that again."

"Ok, but keep that tracker app on my phone."

"Always babe. Ok, here we go. Sam, when Ty has sex with you, you will feel it and can cum no matter what day it is. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

"Sam, when you are having sex, you will be able to hear Ty's voice as well as mine, except on electronic devices. It has to be in person. But you will not accept programming from any other voice but mine. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

"Sam cum."

I came hard and shot my load all over us. Todd smiled. He continued to make love to me until he pumped his load inside me. After we cleaned up we went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 36

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