Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Dec 23, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 34 by Sam

On Saturday we were at the adult bookstore. Todd was helping me into the contraption and we were having a heck of a time figuring it out. I was in it well enough, but not correctly so Todd locked it to the wall. He turned on the TV and we watched that until a few minutes later a cock entered me. Todd continued to watch TV but I couldn't hear it anymore as the cock inside me thrust in and out of me. This guy sucked but he eventually came and filled my insides. I didn't cum, but not because I couldn't feel it, he was just bad. After he pulled out another cock replaced him. This guy knew what he was doing and I was moaning as he thrust in and out of me. He quickly brought me to my orgasm and I came on the floor below me and he thrust a few more times then pumped his load inside me. After he pulled out another took his place. This went on until lunchtime. Todd gave me a sandwich and it was hard to eat while moaning. The cock inside me was really working it. I managed to eat after I came and the guys switched out. About 2 Todd stopped watching the TV and looked over at me.

"Babe, can you hear anything?"

"No Todd, I'm having sex, remember?"

"I know babe, but there is a recording of my voice playing on the other side of the wall."

"Oh? Is it the phone call?"

"Sounds like it, but that is not what I said."

"Probably Ty, go get him and bring him here."

Todd went out and a few minutes later came in with Ty, naked from the waist down.

"Ty, what are you doing here? You know what I said would happen if I saw you again."

Ty put a hand over his rapidly deflating dick.

"I know Sam, but you are the best thing I ever had and I had to take a chance."

"Well your shit won't work anymore, we fixed that loophole."

"I'm..." He went silent as a cock entered me and started thrusting.

"You can stop now Ty, I can't hear you anymore... Oh Yes... Todd can you put a back in 15 minutes sign on the... Oh My God. Harder! Fuck me Harder!... door next door so I can talk to Ty and hear him?"

Todd left and was back just as I was cumming on the floor and the guy inside me was pumping his load inside me.

"The guys in line weren't happy but I told them it was either 15 minutes or we stopped for today."

"Good job. Ok Ty. I want to know about this setup."

"Ok, well it started with Robbie. He was going through some stuff and I wanted to cheer him up so I had you suck him off. Well after you did that he offered me money to fuck you. Well, I'm broke so I figured what the heck and took it. Well after that I got a lot of texts from my other friends offering the same and soon it was people I didn't know. When it got so big I was starting to worry about having them come to our room as what if you were alone and one of them showed up and did something. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. So I remembered this adult bookstore and the booths from last year. I was here a lot then. I talked to the guy and he rented me the booths and the sling for the month. He only rents by the month so you will have to rent again a week before the new month."

"Ok Ty I don't think you are a bad guy. I think you just let your cock rule you sometimes and it gets you in trouble. Here's the deal. Me and Todd no nothing about this stuff. Well, I know how to be fucked, but other than that I know nothing. So we could use your help. What would you say to managing this stuff for us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, renting the booths and this thing. Making sure no one gets out of line. Helping me in and out of this. And being responsible for cleaning up."

"What do I get if I do?"

"Your dick still attached to your body."

"Ok, I'll do it."

"We will also pay you and you can fuck me twice on that day. But only on Saturday as I won't feel it any other day and no programming."

"Deal. When do I start?"

"After you fuck me. You didn't get to finish your turn. Todd take him back over and let him in first then remove the sign."

Todd took Ty back out and I felt a cock enter me. He started thrusting in and out of me. He soon had me moaning as I enjoyed the feelings. After a few minutes I was cumming and he thrust in me and pumped his load inside. I felt the cock withdraw and another took its place. It started thrusting in and out of me. Ty returned to our booth and said something. I looked over to Todd.

"He asked what you wanted him to do first."

"Clean this cum off my legs. It's been leaking out of me for a while."

Ty got a wet towel and started to clean off my legs. When the cock that was fucking me pumped his load inside me and pulled out, Ty ran the towel over my ass. Ty continued to wipe the cum off my legs every hour as it leaked out. When the day came to an end Ty and Todd unlocked the sling from the wall and Ty unfastened me and they helped me out of it. When I got straightened up I asked Ty where he wanted the second fuck. Here or at home. Ty said at home as he wanted me comfortable and I've been stuck in the sling all day and needed to stretch. I got dressed and Ty made sure everything was cleaned up then we headed out after I collected my money.

When we got back home I took Ty to the bedroom and had Todd go to the desk to start to count the money. When we got in the bedroom I undressed and so did Ty. I asked how he wanted it and he said on my back. Ty got on top of me and started to kiss me. I felt him enter me and he started thrusting in and out of me. He does have a nice cock, it just gets him in too much trouble. Ty broke the kiss and his mouth moved.

"Ty I can't hear you. You'll have to wait until we finish."

Ty nodded and continued to kiss me as he made love to me. He worked his cock in and out of me at a very slow and gentle pace for a good half hour before I was pushed over the edge and came on us and he thrust in me and pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me.

"Can you hear me now baby?"

"I can hear you."

"Ok, I was just saying how much I missed that. Sam, I really do like you. I know you love Todd but I hope we can be friends again."

"I would like that Ty."

"Um Sam, can I fuck you again? I'm really horny."

"Yeah, I would really like that."

Ty started to kiss me again and I felt him enter me. He started thrusting slow and gentle. He was making love to me for 45 minutes before we had our cums. He continued to kiss me as we came down. He then pulled out.

"Did you like that baby?"

"Yeah Ty, it was good."

"Good, I like making my baby feel good."

"And yourself. Don't try and tell me you didn't enjoy my ass."

"Never baby. I love your ass. It is wonderful."

"Come on Ty, Todd is waiting."

We cleaned up then got dressed. We went out and Todd was waiting. Todd told us how much we brought in and I gave Ty $300. We then chatted about how to handle Saturdays while we had dinner then Ty left and we took a shower then Todd made love to me. I then cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 35

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