Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Dec 19, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 32 by Sam

In the morning I woke up cuddled up to Ty. When he woke up he rolled over on top of me and started to kiss me. I felt him enter me and he started to thrust in and out of me. He was hitting my prostate as he made love to me. After a few minutes I came on us as he pushed all the way inside me and pumped his load in me. When we came down we got up and went to shower.

"Ty where are all my clothes?"

"Oh, sorry baby. I think my roommate might have got rid of them. I'll get you more today."

I put on my clothes from yesterday and we went to the dining hall for breakfast. After that I headed to work. When I got off work Ty was at his desk doing his homework. I went over to him and hugged him.

"How was work, baby?"

"It was good, but I got so many missed calls from your friend Todd. Why is he trying to get a hold of me?"

"I don't know baby, give me your phone and I'll fix it."

I handed him my phone and he blocked Todd's number.

"There baby, now he can't bother you anymore."

We went to the dining hall for dinner then Ty made love to me before I cuddled up to him for bed.

When I woke up, Ty was still asleep. I removed the covers and he was hard. I lubed him up and straddled his waist and sat on it. I started bouncing up and down on it. Letting him almost get all the way out until pushing down all the way again. It felt so good. Ty woke up a few minutes before I pushed all the way down and came on him. He grabbed my hips and thrust into me a few times before pumping his load inside me. When I came down I got off of him and we took a shower. I put on some of the clothes Ty bought to replace the one's his roommate threw away. They fit pretty well. We then headed to breakfast then I went to work.

When I got home from work, Ty had me get on the bed doggystyle and he held onto my hips as he fucked me hard from behind. Once we came we cleaned up and went to dinner. After dinner he had me get on all fours again and he entered me from behind. He pumped his cock in and out of my ass as he fucked me hard as he held onto my hips. Soon I was cumming on the bed as he thrust into me filling me up. After we cleaned up I cuddled up to him and we went to sleep.

When we woke up, Ty got on top of me and started to kiss me. He was being very passionate and I felt him enter me. He started to thrust in and out of me gently as he made love to me. He was going at a very slow pace and it felt good. My orgasm was coming on very strong today. After 30 minutes I scream out Ty's name as I cum on us and Ty thrusts hard into me as he fills my insides with is cum. When we calm down he pulls out and we go take a shower before going to breakfast. Then I head to work.

When I get home, Ty is working on homework. I give him a hug and kiss. He asks how work went and I tell him good, but very busy. He says he understands and asks if I want to make love. I do. He takes me to the bed and lays me on my back. He then gets on top of me and starts to kiss me. He is very passionate. I'm so glad I have such a passionate husband. I feel him enter me and start to thrust in and out slowly. It is very sensual. Ty continues to kiss me as he works his cock in and out of me. I feel a strong orgasm coming on and I eventually scream out as I cum on us. Ty thrust all the way in me as he pumps his load inside me. When we calm down he pulls out and I cuddle up to him. He asks if I liked that. I tell him I did and it has taken my mind off of work. After we have cuddled for a while we get cleaned up and go to dinner then turn in.

On Friday when I got off work Ty said he had a surprise for me. He introduced his friend Randy to me. He said Randy just got out of a bad relationship and needed some comfort and asked me to suck him off. I didn't want to, but he was Ty's friend and Ty wanted me to do it so I got on my knees in front of Randy. Randy took out his cock and it looked ok. About 5.5 inches (14 cm). I took it in my mouth and started to suck on it as I worked my tongue around it. He started to face fuck me and I held still so he could do it. After he filled my mouth with his load and I had sucked all there was out of him I stood up again. Randy was whispering to Ty.

"Baby, Randy said he would really be comforted if he could fuck you."

I got on the bed and Randy got behind me. His cock entered me and I felt it thrusting but that is all. Randy must be really bad at this as I felt no pleasure from this at all. Soon he was pumping his load inside me. After he left, Ty got behind me and pushed into me. He started to fuck me hard and it felt so good. I was moaning as he worked his wonderful cock in and out of me. After a few minutes I was cumming on the bed and Ty thrust hard into me and pumped his load in me. After we cleaned up we went to dinner then we went to bed and I cuddled up to Ty as I fell asleep.

The next day, Ty told me he had several other friends that needed comforting, but they were shy and didn't want him around so he told me to stay in the room and he would send them in one at a time and I should do what they want.

Ty left the room and I stayed in bed. The first guy came in and when he saw me he told me to get on all fours. He got behind me and I felt him enter me. He fucked me for a few minutes before leaving his load in me. He then left and another guy came in. This one was fat. He also had me get on all fours then he fucked me from behind for a few minutes before pumping in me.

When he left another guy came in. This one was short, but taller than me, and had brown hair. He had me on my back. He got on top of me and fucked me while looking down at me. He took longer but was eventually depositing his load in me. After he left another guy came in. This went on for a while. There were maybe 20 guys. But I felt nothing when they fucked me. I found this odd. When the chain of guys was over I had cum leaking out of my ass. Ty came in and helped me to clean up but not before putting his load in there too. This time it felt really good and I came too.

"Ty, you have a lot of friends that need help. But I didn't feel anything when they were fucking me."

"Yeah baby, it has been a rough week for my friends. I guess that means you love me if other guys can't turn you on."

"Of course I love you."

We went and took a shower. Ty fucked me in the shower too after he removed his friends' loads from my ass. After we were cleaned up I went and did our laundry. When I got back to our room Ty had me lay on the bed and he got on top of me and made love to me. After we had our cums we just laid there and cuddled.

The week went by like normal. When we woke up Ty would kiss me as we made love, then we would shower and go to breakfast before I headed to work. When I got home, Ty would be there doing his homework and we'd make love before going to dinner then I would sleep cuddled up to him. It is really nice having a husband like Ty to come home to after hard day of working. I'm glad he married me, though I have difficulty remembering the wedding. I guess it is just my bad memory. I also can't remember why we live in his dorm room when I have a full time job. I would think we would rent a place off campus, but maybe we have money issues. Also, it took me half an hour to find the laundry room in the dorm Saturday when I do the laundry every week. I don't want to bring my memory loss up to Ty. He'll think he married some blond airhead and not want me anymore. No, I'll keep my memory loss secret.

The next Friday after work, Ty said he had more friends in need. He left the room and they started to arrive. All of them wanted to fuck me. Each one only lasted a few minutes though. There were about 15 tonight. After the last one, Ty came and we took a shower. After all his friends' loads had been removed from my ass, he got behind me and I felt him enter me. His cock felt so good inside me. He thrust in and out of me and I came all over the wall as he pumped his load inside me. After our shower we went to dinner then I cuddled up to him to go to sleep.

The next day, Ty took me out of town to an adult bookshop. It was weird. I'm not big into porn or sex aides so I've never been to one. Ty took me to the back of the store where they had viewing booths. He took me into one and there was a strange contraption in it. Ty said it was for me. He helped me into it and it held my legs apart but I was lying on my stomach and my arms were dangling free. He moved it so my butt was over a hole in the wall. My butt fit in the hole just right so I guess that is what it is for. Ty locked the contraption against the wall. He turned on the TV and asked if I was comfortable. I said I was but this was a strange way to watch TV. I then felt something big enter my ass.

"Ty, there is a cock in me."

"Yes baby, I have some friends that are very shy and don't want to be seen but need help too, so they will be in the other booth and will fuck you through the wall."

The cock inside me started thrusting in and out of me. I couldn't feel any pleasure from it so I watched the TV. But I couldn't hear the TV so it wasn't very entertaining. When the cock inside me pumped his load in me it pulled out. A minute later another one replaced it. After a couple of hours, Ty got a towel and wiped the cum that was dripping down my legs off but we stayed. After 4 hours I was hungry and Ty gave me a sandwich. We were there all day. I don't have any idea how many of Ty's friends I helped but he had to wipe the cum off me every few hours as it started to drip down my legs.

Ty helped me out of the contraption and I got dressed and we headed out. Before we left, Ty went into the booth next to ours that the guys were using and then came back out. We went to dinner then took a shower. Ty fucked me in the shower after we emptied out his friends' cum. After I finally got to cum, Ty pumped his load inside me. After I cleaned us off we cuddled up together. I felt sad. I wasn't sure why. I was next to my husband Ty and we just had great sex, but I was sad. I started to cry. Ty saw this and asked what was wrong. I told him I was sad, but couldn't explain it. I just cried on Ty's chest as I fell asleep.

The next morning, I was feeling better so Ty made love to me when we got up. I then did our laundry and when I got back he took me to the bed and got behind me and he fucked me hard holding my hips. It felt so good having a cock that I could feel pleasure from. It must be that I love Ty and that is why other cocks do nothing for me. Soon I was pushed over the edge and came and Ty pumped his load inside me.

The week went on. I enjoy waking up next to my husband Ty and having him make love to me before breakfast. It starts my day on a good note. Then when I get off work, I get to come home to him and have him make love to me and take my mind off of all the stuff I put up with during the day. Then I get to cuddle up to him as I go to sleep. Sometimes I am sad for no reason and cry, but most of the time I don't. I really wouldn't change anything except where we live as I hate that his roommate is in the next bed. Hopefully I can get a raise and we can move out of the dorms someday.

The next Friday after work I again had some of Ty's friends come to our room and fuck me. These were mostly new ones but some from last week were here too. Ty has so many friends. I had so much cum in me when they were done, my legs were covered in it as we walked to the shower. Ty cleaned it all out then got behind me and entered me. He had me against the shower wall and worked his cock in and out of me. It feels so good when he is inside me. He fucked me long and hard and after many minutes finally gave me an orgasm. I came on the shower wall as he pumped his load inside me. We then headed to dinner at the dining hall. We then went back to the room and I cuddled up to him. I wasn't sad today and went right to sleep.

The next day after breakfast we went back to the adult bookstore. We went to the same booth as last week and he put me in the contraption. After I was secured and he asked if I was comfortable he locked it to the wall and turned on the TV. It was only minutes before the first cock entered my ass. It started thrusting in and out of me. A few minutes later and it was pumping its load inside me. When it pulled out another replaced it. This continued all morning. Ty gave me a sandwich for lunch and continued to wipe the cum off my legs as needed. About 3pm I felt a very large cock enter me. It felt so good. It was hitting my prostate and I was loving it.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 33

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