Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Dec 18, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 31 by Sam

On Friday, Todd went to pick up his books. Monday it was back to school for him. When I got home from work he was at the desk doing his homework. I hugged him and asked how his classes went. He said they were good, except one. He had a class with Ty.

"Oh man babe, is he still pissed off at you for biting his cock."

"Well, he did ask you to suck him in the middle of a crowd of people. So it is on him. From your description of what went on, I don't like him."

"Well, he isn't a bad guy really. Yeah, he had me suck him every day, but if you could get off every day wouldn't you? We really got along and he wasn't mean to me, but I just didn't want to have sex anymore with someone that would never love me. Other than the blowjobs, we hung out a lot and he took me to parties and introduced me to guys he thought were also gay to try and help me out."

"He asked you to suck him in a crowd."

"Yeah, he apologized for that. Apparently his girlfriend dumped him a month before and he hadn't gotten any since and he was so horny he wasn't thinking straight. He said if he had to do it over he would have asked in private."

"Well, I guess that would have been better."

"Um, he said he would like to hang out on Friday if we were available. There is this new movie out."

"Do you want to?"

"Well, I'd love to see the movie. And like I said, Ty and I have always got along. But what about you?"

"Well, if you want, then we can go."

After dinner we made love and then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

On Friday, when I got off work I changed clothes then Todd took me over to the campus. Ty was waiting for us.

"Ty, you remember my wife Sam."

Ty put his hand over his crotch. "Yeah, hi Sam."

"Ty, I'm sorry for biting you, but I didn't like how you spoke to Todd."

"Yes, I'm very sorry for that. If I was thinking I would not have done it in such a public place."

"Ok then. Todd says you were friends before so why don't we leave things in the past and see if we can be friends too?"

"Yeah, I'd like to try that. If you managed to drag Todd down the aisle then you must be a great person. And I'd like the opportunity to get to know you."

We got in the truck and drove over to the mall. The movie was, well, boring. For me anyway. It was another superhero movie and Todd and Ty loved it. At least they had fun. After the movie we went out to eat. We all chatted while we ate. Ty and Todd talked about old times, non sexual, and it seems they did have a lot of fun together. Maybe I judged him too soon.

After dinner we took Ty home then we went home and Todd made love to me. After we cleaned up I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

The next day, Ty texted Todd and wanted to hang out. We went to the campus and they were having a snowball fight in front of the dorm. Ty asked if we'd like to join. So we picked a team and got started. It was a lot of fun and I nailed some freshman right in the ear. I apologized for it as I know that can hurt a lot, but afterward I laughed. Being short helped as I was able to hide behind stuff taller guys couldn't. When it finally broke up we went over to the bowling alley.

Ty is a very good bowler. He actually beat me. When we finished our game we took a break in the snack bar. After that they went to the arcade and Todd showed him what all his practice at home had got him. Ty couldn't get close to Todd's scores. It was a lot of fun watching. At dinnertime we hit up a steakhouse and they continued to reminisce about old times. After we finished our meal we took Ty back to campus and headed home.

We spent several weekends hanging out with Ty. Todd and him really connected. I was glad Todd had his friend back.

One Saturday we were hanging out with Ty when he whispered that he really would like to get that blowjob we didn't finish. I smiled. I finished it, he just didn't enjoy the ending. Todd said we should go back to our place. I wondered why but we did. When we did, Todd said we should go to the bedroom. So we did. When we were in there, Todd pulled out his huge monster and I looked at him. What were we going to do with Ty in the room? Todd grabbed my head and put my mouth on his cock then told me to suck off Ty. I took my mouth off of Todd and went to Ty and got on my knees.

Ty took his cock out and I put it in my mouth and started to suck. He really has a nice cock. It isn't nearly as big as Todd's, but it is still a good cock. Maybe 8 inches (20.3 cm) and normal thickness. I can easily get my hand around it. A good cock for sucking. Good for fucking too as it is about the same size as Chris was and he made me moan. I worked Ty's cock in my mouth. Moving up and down on it as I ran my tongue along the underside and around the head. He was moaning at first but now I couldn't hear him but hopefully he is enjoying it still. I continued to work on it then got off of him and licked around his balls taking each one in my mouth. Then I licked my way back up his shaft before putting it back in my mouth. I continued to suck on him giving him the best blowjob I could. Todd told me Ty was close so I started to go up and down on him faster. Sucking as hard as I could until I felt his cum flooding my mouth. I swallowed as he pumped his load into my mouth. When he was empty I pulled off of him and my hearing returned.

"That was the best blowjob I've ever had. You're even better than Todd."


"And that ass of yours looks amazing too."

"Oh it is. But I can't let you fuck my wife."

"Oh I understand. Letting me have such a great blow job from him was more than generous."

We got dressed and took Ty back to his dorm.

The next Saturday we went back to our place again and Todd again used his cock in my mouth to tell me to suck off Ty. I got in front of him on my knees and put his cock in my mouth. I sucked it as I worked my head up and down on it. I sucked him really slow so he would enjoy it. If I'm going to suck a cock, I'm going to do it right. Eventually he started pumping his load into my mouth. I swallowed it down then got off him when he was empty. Now I could hear him again.

"That was the best yet."

Todd was hard as a rock. I guess watching me suck his friend got him going. He came over to me and put his cock at my mouth.

"I wish you would..." Todd pushed his cock in my mouth. "let me fuck him."

I took Todd's cock out of my mouth and got undressed then got on my hands and knees in front of Ty. He was shocked but pushed his cock into my hole. He started to thrust in and out hard. I couldn't feel it. Todd was laying there. I think he was upset Ty was fucking me. I put my hand to his to comfort him. When I touched his hand I could suddenly feel Ty inside me hitting my prostate on every thrust. It felt so good I was moaning. It wasn't as big as Todd's but he was working it pretty good. Todd and Ty were having a conversation but I could only hear Todd.

"Yeah, he likes it hard." Well at least he isn't lying to his friend.

Ty pumped his cock in and out of me, working it around my hole getting all the pleasure points. Soon I was cumming on the bed and Ty pushed all the way in as he pumped his load inside me.

After we got dressed we took Ty back to the campus. When we got home, Todd made love to me until he pumped his load inside me as well.

"Sorry babe, I should have canceled that, but he was already inside you before I figured it out."

"It's ok Todd, it was really good. Not as good as you though."

Next Saturday we hang out with Ty. After some bowling we head to our house. We head into the bedroom. When we get there we get undressed and Ty gets behind me. I feel Ty enter me and I put my hand on Todd so I can feel it. This is so awkward to do. I think I can fix this myself without them knowing. I whisper to myself so only I can hear. "If Ty's cock is inside me, I can feel it and have an orgasm." Ty continued to fuck me using a lot of skill working his cock in and out of me. In a few minutes I'm cumming as Ty fills my insides.

After we clean up we head out. Laura asks what is going on. Todd said we were having fun together. She asks if this is about that sex programming thing. Todd tells her no. We take Ty back to campus.

On Sunday, Todd takes Laura up to the prison to see Derek. I'm sitting in the living room watching TV when I get a text from Ty. He says he needs help at his dorm and asks if we can come now. I text back that Todd's not available. He texts and asks if I can come. I say ok and head to campus. He meets me by his dorm and we head inside. When we get to the room I ask what is so urgent. He grabs a pair of handcuffs and cuffs me to his bed.

"Sam, what was that yesterday about sex programming?"

"Um... let me go Ty."

"I will. I just want to know what she was talking about. I'm not going to hurt you Sam. You are my best friend's wife."

"Well. When I have sex I'm open to programming. Whatever someone says while I'm having sex I will do, think or feel."

"So if I have sex with you I could tell you that you are married to me and you would believe that?"

"Well, yes, but not you. I can't hear you during sex. Only Todd can program me as he is all I can hear."

"Oh, that was smart. Did you tell Todd you were coming here?"


"Get naked Sam." I wanted to protest, but I was handcuffed and these were not like Todd's, these needed a key. I used my free hand to try and pull off my shirt. "Leave the shirt, just need the pants off." I removed my pants. Ty picked me up and set me in the doggystyle position with my hand still handcuffed to his bed. He got undressed and lubed up. I felt him enter me. It felt good and he was hitting my prostate so I was moaning. He had his phone to his ear but I couldn't hear anything. After about 5 minutes he put the phone to my ear.

"Hey babe, are you ok?"

"Yeah, but he has me handcuffed and is fucking me."

"He said he would release you if I repeated something to you. I don't want to, but I have to. Are you feeling it?"

"Yeah. Sorry Todd I think I might have screwed that up, but he was your friend so I didn't see the harm."

"It's ok babe. But now I really don't want to say this. Here it goes. Ty is your boyfriend. When he contacts you, you will go to him and let him have his way with you, then return to me, your husband. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

"I am your husband and you will always return to me no matter what. You will love me forever and if it is a choice between me or Ty, you will choose me. What I say goes and Ty can not say otherwise. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

"It will be ok Sam."

"Ok. OH FUCK!" I came and shot my load on Ty's bed as he slammed into me and pumped his seed inside me.

"How was that baby?"

"It was wonderful Ty. Why am I handcuffed?"

"Oh sorry baby, it was a silly prank." Ty uncuffed me. "Now give your boyfriend a kiss." I gave Ty a kiss. "Now go back to Todd. But I want you to return after dinner."

I got dressed and went to my car and drove home. Todd took me into the bedroom and made love to me. He told me Ty was not my boyfriend and I was not to go to him if he contacted me. He also said that I would love him forever and I would always let him have sex with me. After we came we got dressed and went to dinner. After dinner I left and drove over to the campus. Ty let me in and I got on the bed. He lubed up and entered me. Once he was going he pressed a button on his laptop. The phone call from earlier played, but edited.

"Ty is your husband. You will love him forever. If the choice is between me or Ty, you will choose Ty. What Ty says goes and I can not say otherwise. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

Ty stopped his laptop and continued to fuck me. When I came he pushed all the way in me and pumped his load inside me. When we came down he pulled out of me and I cuddled up to him.

"Hey baby, I'm having a bit of a falling out with Todd, can you not answer any calls or texts from him?"

"Sure Ty." We cuddled up and went to sleep. My phone rang and it was Todd so I ignored it.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 32

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