Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Dec 16, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 30 by Sam

"What do you mean Todd?"

"What did you just say before you came?"

"I don't remember saying anything."

"Shit you did."

Todd continued fucking me until he pumped his load inside me. After we cleaned up I got in bed and cuddled up to him.

When I woke up the next morning Todd was awake but looked concerned.

"Morning Todd, what's wrong?"

"Morning babe. Well, you programmed yourself last night and I can't figure out what to do about it."

"I programmed myself? Is that possible?"

"I don't know but you said a command to yourself right before you came."

"Have you checked to see if it worked?"


"Well what did I say?"

"You said that as long as my cock was inside you, you would do whatever I said unless it would cause harm to you or me."

"Why the fuck would I say that?"

"You said you liked being dominated."

"Oh... ok... yeah I do. So let's check it."

Todd got on top of me and I felt him enter me.

"Ok, tell me to do something."

"Um, like what babe? I'm kinda uncomfortable giving you orders."

"Ok, something simple, but something I wouldn't do normally. Um, tell me to piss myself."

"Are you sure babe, that might ruin the bed."

"Yeah, so I wouldn't want to do it unless I had no choice."

"Ok, Sam, piss yourself."

I started to pee on myself.

"Ok stop." I stopped peeing.

"Wow, cool, I couldn't stop myself from doing that. I've given you a lot of power Todd. Please use it to make me feel good."

"Oh, ok, Sam cum."

"OH GOD" I came hard and shot my load all over us.

"Sam, cum again."

"OH YES TODD" I came hard again and shot another load on us.

"Wow. Um babe. There is something I've always wanted, but nobody has ever given me. Even you. But you gave me this power and I want one so I'm going to ask you for it and you will have no choice but to give it to me. I hope you don't hate me afterward. Sam, suck me off."

Todd pulled out of me and cleaned himself off then I got down and took his cock in my mouth. I only got the head in and used my hand to stroke him as I sucked on the head. I ran my tongue around his head and used my other hand to massage his balls. I worked on his cock for twenty minutes before he blew his load in my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could but some slipped out of my mouth. After he was drained I pulled him out and wiped my mouth. I looked up at Todd.

"Thank you Todd."

"You're thanking me babe?"

"Yes. This is what I want. To be dominated and used sexually. I know you won't abuse it and will keep it from going too far. But this turns me on to be used this way. I'm not going to call you names or ask permission to do stuff, but I want you to order me around and I have no choice but to do it."

"Ok babe. Um, you may not be thanking me later. I've been reading some weird sex stuff online and I think if you are giving me this power, I'm gonna try them with you."

Todd stuck his cock in my mouth. "Drink my pee." He started pissing in my mouth and I started to swallow. I drank it all until his bladder was empty. When he was done he pulled his cock out of my mouth.

"Thank you Todd."

"Hang on babe."

Todd stuck his cock in my mouth again. "Sam, open your mouth wide, and take my cock down your throat without gagging."

I opened my mouth as wide as I could and Todd started to thrust into my mouth. It took time but soon he was face fucking me and his cock was going down my throat. He was moaning as he pumped in and out of my mouth. It took time and I breathed when his cock was out of my throat before it was shoved back in again. Eventually he was pumping his load directly into my stomach. He pulled out of my mouth and I stayed on my knees.

When Todd came down from his orgasm high he came over in front of me and got on his knees too.

"Are you ok babe? I didn't hurt you did I?"

"No, I'm ok. I'm just concerned."

"About what babe?"

"Well, I'm not accusing you or anything, this is my doing. But I gave you some major power. When you told me I did it I thought it would be a thrill to have to obey you. It would make you so dominant. But, now I'm worried. I couldn't stop you, or myself, from running that down my throat. What if you told me to do something gross? Or illegal? I couldn't stop you and I would be forced to do it."

"I wouldn't do that babe."

"I know you wouldn't. But what if the porn thing worked here too?"

"Well, let's see if it does."

Todd looked through his phone. When he found it he stood up and put his cock in my mouth. He then pressed his phone and I heard, "Fuck me harder!" and he paused it. I took his cock out of my mouth and pushed him onto the bed. I lubed up my cock and lifted his legs and I pushed into him. I then started rocking my hips in and out of him hard. It felt really good. I didn't last long before I was shooting my load inside him. When I came down I looked at him.

"Oh fuck Todd. What are we going to do?"

"Well babe, first, can you pull your cock out of me?"

"Oh!" I pulled out of him. "You have to come up with a fix. But I don't want to be deaf the rest of my life."

"I could cancel the whole thing."

"Well... no... I do like it. But you have to keep me from obeying bad stuff. Like what if your cock is in me and someone says to go have the middle school football team fuck me? I could go to jail. We need to make rules on it."

"Ok, do you have any suggestions?"

"Ok, how about this. First, nothing illegal. Then, whatever is said will last only the thirty minutes after it is said. That way there is no permanent programming being done. Also, you can cancel any command even if your cock is no longer in me. That way if I start to walk off to do something you can stop me without shoving your cock in me."

"Seems good babe. Wanna go now?"

"Yeah, before I do something bad."

I got in bed and Todd got on top of me. He entered me and started to Thrust in and out hard. I soon was moaning. He kept it up for several minutes before he began.

"Babe. When my cock is inside you, the command you gave yourself to do anything I said is changed. You may not do anything illegal. Whatever is said will only affect the thirty minutes after it is said and will be canceled after that. I can cancel any command, even if my cock is no longer inside you and the rule about nothing that can harm you or me still applies. Do you understand?"

"Yes Todd."

"Good, now cum"

I screamed out as I shot my load all over us. Todd stopped thrusting and pulled out.

"Why'd you stop?"

"I just needed to program you, I already came twice in the last two hours."

I got a very serious expression on my face. "You programmed me?"

"By your orders babe, I swear. God, I forget you forget everything when you are programmed. I'm videoing you telling me next time. But yes, you told me to fix a programming that you did on yourself last night."

"What did you do?"

"Fuck. Ok, you told yourself that when my cock is inside you to do whatever I say. That is because you said you like to be dominated. Well, we found a flaw and you told me to change it to not allow you to do anything illegal, like have the middle school fuck you, or have anything last more than 30 minutes so nothing permanent can happen and let me cancel anything even if I'm not in you anymore."

"Why the fuck did I do that? Ok yes, I like you dominating me. But that is a lot of power."

"I offered to cancel the whole thing, but you said you enjoyed it."

"Oh, we already did stuff with it?"


"What did you have me do?"


"Todd, tell me what I did."

"You drank my piss and deep throated me."

"I can't do that, you are too big, it would never fit."

"Well, when I order you to do it, it does, and you did, and it was great."

"Glad you liked it I guess. What else?"

"Well, I can make you cum whenever I want."


Todd put the tip of his cock in my hole.


"OH FUCK!" I shot my load all over myself. When I came down I spoke, "Holy crap Todd. That was amazing. But I'm really tired."

"Sorry babe, we've had a lot of sex this morning. Let's clean up and get something to eat."

"Yeah, I need a shower. I smell like piss."

"Oh yeah, I made you pee yourself."

"You got weird taste Todd, but can't wait to see what you force me to do next."

We got a shower and got dressed then went out and had lunch as it was very late. After we ate I sat next to Todd as he played his Switch. After a few hours, Laura was in her room and Todd unzipped his pants and took out his cock. I was confused why he was doing it until he grabbed my head and forced my mouth onto it. "Drink my pee." is all he said before he started pissing into my mouth. I swallowed it down until his bladder was empty then he pulled me off of him and put it back in his pants. I just sat and watched him continue to play his game.

After dinner we turned in. I laid cuddled up to Todd.

"Babe, do you ever wish you were taller?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I was thinking. With this power you gave me, I can make you cum even though you aren't being stimulated at all. I was wondering what else I could have your body do. Maybe change your hair to be brown or red. Change your eyes to be green or pink. Make you 6 feet tall even."

"Is that what you want? Do you want me to have brown hair or green eyes like yours? Do you want me to be tall like you?"

Todd let go of me and turned so we were facing each other. "Babe, I wouldn't change anything about you. I love your blond hair and blue eyes. And I even love that you are short. I was thinking about you. Being short is a disadvantage for you. Would you like to be tall?"

"No Todd, I wouldn't. Does my height make things difficult for me sometimes? Yes. But I don't care. I got you because I was short. You wouldn't have helped me get stuff if I didn't need help. So no, I want to stay short. God made me short for a reason Todd, and I'm looking at it. So, don't mess with the way I look."

"Ok babe. Let's get some sleep. You work tomorrow."

That week I drank a lot of piss. I had to eventually tell Todd to stop having me drink his pee. Not that I had a problem with it, but it was starting to make me sick.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 31

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