Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Dec 14, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 29 by Sam

Around the second week of December, Todd started to get nervous about finals. These counted as most of the grade for his courses, so passing them was important for him to advance. He spent most of his free time in his books studying. I left him be for the most part. This did cause me to enter a dry spell as he was too focused on his studying to think about making love to me. Also, with his rules I couldn't jerk off to relieve my own tension. I knew it was important to him so I sucked it up and let him be.

When I came home after Todd's last final exam he met me at the door and dragged me to the bedroom. When we got in there he wasted no time in stripping my clothes off of me and shoving his cock inside me. We were still standing up and he bent me over and fucked me hard. It had been so long I was blowing my first load in under 2 minutes. Todd was really worked up and grabbed my shoulder and started slamming his cock into me as hard as he could. This really increased my pleasure and I blew my next load in 5 minutes. Todd didn't give me any time to recover as he picked me up and pushed me onto the bed on my stomach as he got on top of me and started thrusting his heavy cock into me as he laid on my back. The extra contact with him as he fucked me had me shooting another load after only 10 minutes. Todd didn't give me any time and picked up my hips and wrapped his arms around them and slammed into me doggystyle. He was going as fast as he could. I was worried he might throw a hip out at this speed but it felt fantastic and I was cumming again in another 10 minutes. This finally pushed Todd over the edge as he thrust all the way in me and grunted loud as he pumped a huge load inside me. After we came down he pulled out of me and I cleaned us up and we got dressed again so we could go to dinner.

After dinner, Todd was still worked up, so we went back to the bedroom and he stripped me naked again but this time he wanted to be gentle so he laid me on my back and after rimming me for 5 minutes he got on top of me and made love to me. After my second cum he straightened up and grabbed onto my legs for leverage and started pounding into me hard. This really increased my stimulation and I came again. Todd wasn't done with me yet and picked me up and started bouncing me on his cock as he stood up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck and held on as he basically used my whole body to jack himself off. After my next cum he pulled out of me and set me down. He hadn't cum yet but took us to the shower. He started the shower but kept the spray away from us and pushed me against the wall and pushed himself up behind me and I felt his cock enter me. He thrust in and out of me hard as he pinned me to the shower wall. Being unable to move I felt his dominance of me and it felt good. He continued to thrust in and out of me until my orgasm pushed him over the edge and he pumped his load inside me as I blew my load on the shower wall. After we came down he pulled out of me and gently pulled me away from the wall. He then turned the spray on us and we got cleaned up as well as cleaning off the wall. When we went back to the room I needed to change our sheets as they were covered in my cum. Once that was done I cuddled up to Todd and went to sleep with a huge smile on my face.

When I woke up the next morning. Todd was already awake and looking at me as he held me. I just pushed into him. He held me tighter. When it was time to get up we took a shower. I know we took one last night, but I like to shower just before work so I know I'm clean. When we got out we got dressed and went to breakfast. Todd said he was taking his mom up to the prison to see Derek. I thought that would be nice as Christmas is Tuesday and there really won't be much time this weekend. I headed to work. Since this is the last open day for the call center before Christmas, it was mad busy. But I got through it.

When I got home Todd grabbed me and put me in his lap and held me. I asked him why and he said it was Friday, and since we are always busy Friday, he wanted to hold me so I would feel better. Well it was making me feel better. I asked him how it went at the prison and he said good. After dinner we watched some TV before turning in. Todd made love to me before we cuddled up and went to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Todd was still asleep so I cuddled up to him more and just laid there listening to his breathing. When he woke up I crawled on top of him and lubed him up and sat on him. I bounced up and down on him. After my first cum he rolled us over and he started fucking me hard as he looked into my eyes. When he had pumped his cum inside me he pulled out and we got up to take a shower. We then headed to breakfast. We didn't have much to do so we watched some TV until it was time to go to my company's Christmas, I mean, Holiday party. When we got there we got some punch and mingled with my coworkers. Those that he hadn't met I introduced Todd to. It was a good party and after we got home Todd made love to me before we cuddled up and went to sleep.

On Sunday, Laura started baking cookies. I didn't know how to do that and she allowed me to watch her do it. She was using a recipe book and measuring stuff out. I think I was getting in her way, but she never complained. When she had the first batch made I put them on a plate and took them to Todd, who was in the living room playing his Switch. I then went back and continued to watch Laura make cookies. For the third batch, Laura told me to just come over and she showed me how to roll and cut the cookies. I enjoyed doing it and finished out the rest of the batches.

After all the cookies were done I helped her clean up the kitchen then she started making the pies for Christmas. I stayed in the kitchen and Laura called me over and turned to the apple pie recipe then she helped me move through the recipe as I made the pie. After it came out of the oven and looked like an apple pie I was so happy. I made something new. We set it to cool and she had me do the rest of the pies. When they were all done and cooling we cleaned up the kitchen and went to join Todd.

For dinner, after we ate, Laura brought out my apple pie and cut it and we had it for dessert. It tasted perfect. Todd also liked it and that made me happy. When we were finished we watched a Christmas movie on TV and then turned in.

Christmas morning I wake up cuddled up to Todd. He's asleep so I shake him to wake him up.

"Morning babe."

"Morning Santa. Why don't you take your candy cane and cum down my chimney?"

I move over and lay on my stomach and put my butt in the air. Todd moves on top of me and starts kissing my neck. He then moves down kissing down my back until he gets to my butt. He pulls apart my cheeks and runs his tongue around my hole for a few minutes and then starts thrusting it in and out of me. I'm moaning it feels so good. When his tongue gets tired he moves back up me and lubes up then I feel him enter me. He lays on my back as he thrusts in and out of me, kissing the back of my neck as he does. Todd is the master of pleasuring me and I get four cums before he thrust hard into me as he pumps his load inside me. After we both come down he pulls out of me and gets off of me so I can get up. We take a shower before getting dressed.

We then go out to breakfast and I help Laura with Christmas dinner. She has me peel potatoes for mashed potatoes. I'm confused by this, as mashed potatoes come out of a box, but I do it. When I have them peeled she has me put them in a pot with water and boil them. While they do that she has me put the stuffing she already made up and the ham in the oven. Then she shows me how to make gravy. I start stirring it and she tells me not to stop until it is done. When I asked how long, she said until it is thick enough. So I'm stirring it constantly wondering if it is thick enough. I don't want to screw this up. It is my first Christmas with Todd and I want his meal perfect. When I think it is, I ask Laura and she checks it and agrees and we take it off the heat and put it in the boat. The potatoes are done so I pour out the water and she takes out a strange device and hands it to me. She adds milk to the potatoes and tells me to mash away. I use the device and mash up the potatoes as best I can. When I'm done she adds more milk and stirs it and has me mash more. I do and then she says it is good and it goes in the bowl. I take the ham and stuffing out of the oven and she checks the temperature and has me take them out to the table. I then put in the rolls. As they cook we get everything on the table and when they come out they go on too. We sit down and Laura hands a long knife and fork to Todd. He takes them and starts to carve the ham. When he has enough cut up we start to eat. It all came out great. And the mashed potatoes are the best I've ever had.

After we eat I help Laura put everything away and clean up. We then go to the living room to open presents. After that we watch some Christmas movies. We have ham sandwiches for dinner and at bedtime I cuddle up to Todd and go to sleep.

On New Year's Eve when I got home from work I sat next to Todd on the couch as he played his Switch. After dinner we stayed up to watch the ball drop. Laura turned in early as she didn't care much about that. We watched the TV as the ball dropped in Times Square and when it signaled midnight we kissed. We then went to bed. I told Todd to make love to me as I wanted the first cock in me this year to be his.

Todd got on top of me and I felt him enter me. He started thrusting hard and I was moaning. My first orgasm of the year came 5 minutes later. It was feeling so good.

"Yes Todd fuck me."

"Yeah babe."

"God you cock feels so good in me. Fuck me harder."

"Yeah babe, take it."

"Oh Todd, I love your cock, fuck me."

"Yeah, you love this cock. Gonna fuck you for the rest of your life with this cock. Take my cock."

"Yes Todd."


Todd stopped thrusting in me and pulled out. He then sat down on the bed.

"What's wrong Todd, why'd you stop?"

"I have to cancel that programming babe."

My heart rate was dropping and I was coming down. I was a little sad because Todd had me so close before he pulled out.

"What was the programming?"

"Um, you love my cock, I'm going to fuck you for the rest of my life and take my cock."

"Oh. But we are married and I hope you do fuck me for the rest of my life. And I do love that cock."

"Yeah, I know, but I want you to stay with me for the rest of your life on your terms, not because I programmed you."

"You are a good man Todd. How long should we wait before continuing. You had me close."

"Let's wait 10 minutes to be sure."

After 10 minutes he got back on top of me and entered me again. He started thrusting hard. He soon had me moaning again.

"Yes, fuck me Todd, give me that big cock of yours."

"Yeah babe."

"Oh God you feel so good. Harder Todd."

"Yeah babe."

"Todd, you know I love you dominating me right?"

"Yeah babe, but only a little, nothing too extreme."

"Yeah. I like you forcing me to have sex and stuff."

"Yeah babe."

"Todd, guess who's voice I can hear right now besides yours."

"Who's babe?"

"Mine. When Todd's cock is inside me I will do whatever he says no matter what unless it will cause harm to Todd or myself."


"OH YES" I came hard all over us.

"Fuck babe, did you just program yourself?"

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 30

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