Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Dec 12, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 28 by Sam

The next day Todd and Laura head to the prison to visit Derek. I'm pretty sure Todd is only going for his mom, but his dad will like to see him, especially around a family holiday like Thanksgiving. I'm staying home, as when he was convicted he was ordered to stay away from me. I'm not sure how family reunions are going to work when he gets out as I'm married to his son, but I'll have a lawyer look in on that to see if it can be changed. So while they head up there I'm just sitting at home watching TV.

There was a knock at the door. I go and answer it, planning to give a piece of my mind to a door to door salesman bothering people on Thanksgiving weekend, when I see David there.

"What are you doing here David?"

"Hey baby, I missed you so much."

"I ain't your baby no more. Remember, you dumped me to run off with Trevor."

"Oh, come on baby, that was just a misunderstanding. I just went on a little vacation."

"You've been gone for a year."

"Yeah, a long vacation. But I'm back baby and I missed you."

"Well, I've moved on. I'm married now, so you can buzz off back to Trevor."

"Oh come on baby. Just dump him and come back to me. You know I'm the best you've ever had."

"Were. Not no more."

"I think you are just getting forgetful. Let me remind you of what it is like."

He pushed me inside and took me to the bedroom. I didn't have a choice. All my boyfriends have been bigger and stronger than me. That is just my type, but it does put me at a disadvantage. He takes my clothes off and his and lubes up and pushes inside me. He starts to fuck me hard. I feel nothing. Well, that is Todd's rule doing that, but I'm not sure I would feel much without that rule. Now David isn't small. He is 7.5 inches (19 cm) and average thickness, but that is nothing compared to Todd's monster. Well, I guess not too many men could compare to Todd. But having Todd for months has got me accustomed to his size so now David is small to me. His mouth is moving but I can't hear anything. Todd's rule is in effect. I can't overpower him so I just lay back and wait for him to finish. I don't feel anything so no programming can happen. So now I lay here in silence as David fucks me but I feel nothing. David is trying to jack me off as he fucks me but I'm limp. I'm not sure what he is saying or trying to get me to do, but it won't work now. Todd has protected me, and he isn't even here.

I'm not sure how long David has been drilling my ass but it is so quiet that I'm getting sleepy. I hear Todd shouting. That brings me back from almost sleep. I look and Todd and Laura are in the room. Todd is yelling at David to get off of his wife and is pulling on him. Laura is saying something too as well as David.

"Hi Laura, I can't hear you right now. You will have to wait for my ex to stop fucking me first."

Laura looks at me confused but nods. David is still trying to fuck me and his mouth is moving. Todd is shouting for him to get off me and is pulling on him.

"David, how much longer until you cum?"

He mouths something.

"Todd, what did he say?"

"Um, he said he can last forever until you cum. I'm not sure he is telling the truth."

"Fuck, he has never lasted forever. Hang on, I'll finish him." I squeezed my ass muscles tight. The extra stimulation pushed David over the edge and he came inside me. Todd then pulled him off of me and pushed him against the wall.

"Hold him there Todd, I need to empty out. I don't want his stuff in me." I went to the bathroom and flushed David's seed out of my ass. When I was empty I went back into the bedroom. Todd still had David pinned to the wall.

"David, what the fuck do you think you were doing?"

"Letting you know I will always be the best by giving you a great fuck."

"You failed. Todd what was he saying when he was inside me?"

"He was saying that he was the best you've ever had and you will dump your husband and take him back and pay for him to live here but not care that he is fucking other guys."

"Wow, one heck of a laundry list of demands David. Did you think I would do that? Dump my husband and take you back so I can support you while you bang other guys? Why would you think I would do that?"

"Um, I just thought you would want to after I showed you how good I was."

"Interesting. Or you thought you could program me to do that while fucking me. Well that doesn't work anymore David so you can leave."

Todd let David go and he left. I told Laura we would discuss this in the living room when I got dressed. She and Todd left and I put on some clothes and went in to join them.

"Ok, just so you know, that was my ex David."

"Why was he here babe?"

"He wanted to get back with me. I guess his young twink got tired of his shit."

"Sam, why was he having sex with you? And why couldn't you hear me?"

"Well, those questions are one in the same Laura. Apparently all of my boyfriends figured out something about me and have all used it to their advantage. So, when I'm being fucked, I am open to suggestion. So, they would have sex with me then ask for what they want during it, and I would give it to them. I have no memory of them asking, but will do it as if I wanted to in the first place. I only know about it, because Todd figured it out too."

"Toddy, how could you?"

"Now hang on Laura, Todd is a good guy in this. Todd found out by accident and when he discovered it, he attempted to fix it but couldn't. When he couldn't fix it he was upset and told me to leave him. When I wouldn't, he told me what happened."

"What did he do?"

"He made me take his last name."

"So your last name is Anderson, because Toddy told you to?"

"Yes. It was an accident. We had discussed my coworker asking if I was going to take his name and I was considering it but hadn't made my mind up. When we made love, Todd told me he wanted me to do it. When we finished, he found out that I believed that I always was going to do it and didn't remember my coworker discussing it that day at all. He tried to fix it, but you can't give back a choice when someone already thinks they made it. This upset him so much he cried for a few days and eventually tried to get me to leave him. When that didn't work he told me what happened. After thinking about it, since Todd was the only one to tell me about this and didn't use it to his advantage as I'm sure my other boyfriends did, I trusted him. I know he will never program me against my will."

"So, you still took his name after finding that out?"

"Yes. I still believed I wanted it, so I took it. Who knows, I may have decided to do that anyway."

"But what about not hearing me?"

"Ok, well one day I woke up and Todd was on his phone watching... um... porn."

"It's ok, I know all guys watch that, it doesn't shock me at all."

"Ok, well he was and I decided to have sex with him. When I started, he put his phone down but forgot to hit pause on the video and it kept playing. When that one ended, another, worse video started and I heard it and took the programming. Todd figured it out and stopped the video, but the damage was done and he needed to reprogram me to remove it. He got it done, but decided to go one step farther. He made a rule that I can only hear him during sex. Also, sex with someone other than him will feel like nothing. So when David was fucking me I could only hear Todd. This stopped David from being able to program me to leave Todd. Both are good rules and I approved."

"Toddy, you can't do that stuff to Sam. It isn't right to control someone."

"I know Mom, and I don't. There was just the one time when I didn't even know it was possible and fixing what the porn did. Those are the only times. Sam is my wife and I would never try to control him like that."

"Nor would you have to Todd, I'm more than happy to give you what you want if you just ask."

"I know babe."

"Wait, you didn't get that truck out of him this way did you?"

"No, he didn't, but David did. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have allowed someone with no income to get a new truck he didn't need. But I got it for him. Luckily, Todd removed that truck from our lives."

"That was not my fault babe. She ran me off the road."

"I know, and I'm glad you came out alright."

"Ok, so with Toddy's rules, what David was doing to you felt..."

"Like nothing. In fact it had been so silent due to his other rule I was falling asleep until y'all came in."

We continued to chat and they told me about their visit with Derek. We then had dinner and me and Todd turned in. I told him to make love to me as I wanted the last cock in me before I went to sleep to be his. He made love to me and after he pumped his load inside me I cuddled up to him and we went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 29

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