Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Dec 9, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 26 by Sam

When I woke up I was experiencing this wonderful feeling. I opened my eyes and Todd was between my legs and had my cock in his mouth. It felt so good. I've never done oral before. It felt amazing. I've been fucked and I've jerked them off and jerked myself off while being fucked, but never oral as once any of my boyfriends saw my ass, that is all they wanted. But Todd was sucking me off and it felt fantastic. There was no way I was going to fit Todd's monster in my mouth. It was just way too big, but he was having no difficulty at all fitting all of me in his. I couldn't hold off anymore and I shot my load into his mouth. Todd swallowed all of it before letting my cock slip out of his mouth.

"Did you like that babe?"

"Wow Todd, it was amazing. I'm sorry, but I can't do that to you. You are too big."

"I know babe. But I wanted to do that to you. I don't want my injury to mean you have to miss out on what I owe you."

"You don't owe me anything Todd."

"Yes I do babe. I owe you everything. You have done nothing but be there for me ever since I met you. And I'm going to pay you back in cums, no matter how long it takes."

"Todd, we are married now. It is my job to be there for you. It is something I want to do. You don't owe me for that."

"Then as my wife, it is my job to give you as many orgasms as I can. And my injury isn't going to stop me."

Todd bent down and took me into his mouth again. He started sucking me as he moved his mouth up and down on my pole. It feels so good. It didn't take long and I was cumming in his mouth again.

"Oh my God, Todd, how did you get so good at that."

"Um, I'm in college."

"Oh, so you experimented?"

"Kinda. Promise you won't leave me?"

"I would never leave you Todd. I love you and we are married."

"Ok, well my freshman year I was rooming with this guy. He liked to be naked and I was always looking. Well, he caught me one day and told me if I wanted it, to just get on my knees. Well, I did and he put it in my mouth. I had never sucked one before so he kept telling me stuff to change and then he shot in my mouth. He told me to swallow and I did. His stuff didn't taste bad. Well, every day the rest of that year he had me on my knees sucking him off. We didn't room together after that year."

"Did you keep in touch?"

"No. I'm the one that requested not to room with him. He had a nice cock, but he was just using me to get off and I didn't want that. I wanted what we have, but I wasn't going to get it from him. You don't think less of me now do you?"

"Of course not. That's in the past and we've all done stuff in the past we aren't exactly proud of. But we are together now so it doesn't matter. You are my husband now Todd, and there is only one cock you will ever have to suck from now on. And if anyone tells you otherwise, let me know and I'll explain it to them in a way they will understand."

"You know babe, you are scary sometimes."

"It's ok Todd. You are safe from me. You may one day be the only one that is."

"Ok babe, we should shower so you can get to work."

"Yes Todd."

We got up and took a shower, then got dressed and went to breakfast. After breakfast I headed to work. When I got off work, Todd was at the desk working on his homework. I went up and gave him a hug.

"How was school today?"

"Well, they had classes, but most were only half full. I guess people are staying away from campus right now."

"I guess that makes sense."

"How was work."

"Horrible. It's the last Friday of the month so everyone was calling. But I got through it and now it is the weekend."

"I'm sorry babe, come here."

Todd pulled me into his lap and held me tight. This always seems to make me feel better. After we ate we turned in and Todd sucked me off then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

When I woke up I was feeling a very familiar sensation. I was on my back and my legs were in the air and Todd was between them running his tongue around my hole. It was so good. Todd is the fucking sex master.

"Todd... oh... uh... I... oh... thought... you.... Oh God... couldn't... oh yes... fuck... oh"

Todd got up to talk. "Oh, I can't babe, but that doesn't mean I need to neglect your butt."


"Sorry babe."

Todd got back down and continued to rim me. It felt so good having his tongue move around and then in and out of my hole. It was especially good seeing I haven't been fucked for most of the week now. My hole was aching for attention. Sadly though, Todd's tongue did eventually give out. He got up and put my legs down then sucked me off. I stroked his cock until he sprayed his cum on us. We then got up and took a shower.

At 6pm we ate then put on our costumes. Todd looks good in a suit. I put on the wig, and with me being so short I did kinda look like a girl. We headed to the party. It was a nice place. It was at one of the frat houses and they had a large room that the party was in. They had beer, but me and Todd stuck to punch. Todd kept running into old friends and would introduce me as he did. It was great seeing all the different costumes. Some were store-bought like ours, but some looked like they were home-made and a lot of work went into them. About 8 Todd stops dead in his tracks. I bumped into him as I was not expecting it.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh, sorry babe. I just saw someone I didn't want to see."


"Ty, my first roommate."

"Oh, well just ignore him and enjoy yourself."

Well that would have been a great idea, but alas, didn't work.

"Todd, long time no see."

"Hey Ty."

"I missed you last year. I can't understand why they didn't room us together again."

"Yeah, weird."

"Todd, don't you want to introduce me to your friend?"

"Sorry babe, this is Ty, Ty, this is my wife Sam." Ty was about the same build as Todd, maybe an inch taller. He had red hair and brown eyes and seemed friendly enough. He also seemed young, but probably has the same problem as me.

"Pleasure to meet you young lady. So got yourself married eh Todd? Didn't see that coming."


"Well, how about we catch up on old times and have you suck me off."

"Ty, why would you say that in public and with my wife here."

"What? She doesn't know her husband is the best cock sucker around?"

"Wow, the best you say. That's impressive Todd." I was having fun now.

"Darn right, the best. So, will ya do it?"

"No Ty. I'm married now."

"Well then how about your little wife then?"

"Ty, that is enough."

"Hang on Todd. I'm your wife and it is my duty to service you. I'll do your friends too if you like."

"That's more like it. Listen to your wife Todd. Ok honey, get on your knees."

I got down on my knees in front of Ty.

"Just so I understand what you want. You are going to put your cock in my mouth and I can do whatever I want with it?"

"That's right. Anything. Suck, lick, I can even face fuck you if you want."

I opened my mouth and Ty took out his cock. It was nice looking. He put it in my mouth and I took it in my hand as I started to suck on it. Ty moaned a bit so it seems he liked it. At first all I got was the head in my mouth, but I started to move my head up and down on it as I tried to get more into my mouth. After a while it went quiet. I looked around and the party seemed to be going strong and I looked up and Ty had his eyes closed and mouth open. But I heard nothing. I guess blowing Ty is considered me having sex and Todd's no voice but his rule applies. I got more and more into my mouth as I slowly sucked him. I wanted this to feel really good for him. For now at least. But I couldn't hear him anymore so I wasn't sure if it was. When I had about half of him inside my mouth I clamped my jaw down hard. When my hearing came back, Ty was screaming in pain as my teeth dug into his sensitive flesh. I held on as long as I could before releasing him. The expletives coming out of Ty would make anyone blush. I guess he wasn't expecting that.

"What's wrong Ty? You said I could do anything."

"I didn't mean bite it off bitch."

"Well I always chew my food. Nothing has ever gone in my mouth and not been chewed properly."

"God Todd, she bite you like that too?"

"No way Ty, she's never blown me. She says I'm too big to fit in her mouth."

"Yeah, Todd only fucks me."

"Damn, I gotta go put something on this. Todd, just keep her away from me."

"I'll try Ty, bye now."

Todd helped me back up and we continued to enjoy the party. When we got home we took off our costumes and Todd sucked me off then I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 27

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