Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Dec 7, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 25 by Sam

The week before Halloween I was having a great two weeks. No bad calls, nobody screaming at me. It was wonderful. Todd was having a good time too. He got invited to a Halloween party by one of his friends and we were planning on going. He wanted to go as Mulder and Scully from his X-Files show, but I told him Mulder isn't that much shorter than Scully. He informed me we were going the other way around.

"Why do I have to be Scully?"

"Um... well babe... you see... uh... you are... well..." I was having fun watching him sweat this one. I wanted to see if he would ever say it. But knowing Todd, he wouldn't.

"Is it because you think of me as the girl?"

"Well, um, yeah."

"Ok then. All I ask is honesty Todd. I'll go as Scully to your Mulder. Besides, Scully is the smart one so I easily fit that role."

"Of course babe."

Anyway, back to work and I'm having a great week. I love weeks like this. Yes we are getting lots of calls, but everyone seems to understand we aren't robots and are treating us like humans. Rare, but nice. I'm on the finishing speech for a call. I ask if there is anything else I can help them with and get the usual no and I'm pushing the button to disconnect when Dan comes into my cubicle. He presses F10 and puts in his supervisor code to lock me out of the call rotation. I'm confused but he tells me to follow him. I take off my headset and get up and follow him.

On the way to his office I'm trying to figure out what I'm about to be written up for. I haven't had a bad call all week. Nobody has screamed at me and I managed to handle all calls without having to escalate. I'm hoping this isn't a call quality write up. I hate that bullshit. It is always, "you didn't sound nice enough" type of crap. What does that even mean? Well it means they found no faults with my calls and needed to say something to justify their paychecks.

When we get to Dan's office he tells me to sit down. He picks up the remote and turns his TV on. It is a breaking news broadcast.

"... and we are here outside the university. They have it on lockdown so we are unable to get any closer but reports are coming in. I repeat from earlier, there was a gunman on the university campus and 5 are reported dead and several are injured. The identity of the shooter has not been released but we are told he has been killed as well."

I stopped watching and ran to my cubicle. I take my phone out of my drawer and call Todd's number. It goes straight to voicemail. I'm freaking out and call Laura. I ask if she has heard from Todd. She says no and why do I ask. I tell her to turn on the TV to the local station and she does. I hear her gasp and say she will try to get a hold of him. Dan comes back to my cubicle as I'm trying to call Todd again, but it goes to voicemail. Dan tells me to go home. I do.

When I get home, Laura is there looking as panicked as I am. We sit and watch the news and I call Todd's phone often, always going straight to voicemail. I know it is slim that of the 5 dead that one of them is Todd, considering the amount of people that go to the university, but that doesn't mean anything to me. A 1 in a million chance that Todd is dead is too high of an odds to me.

It is getting late. I ask Laura what time Todd usually gets home and she says an hour ago. That doesn't help my nerves one bit. The news is saying that they released the lockdown but are still not releasing the name of the shooter or victims.

My phone rang. It was an unknown number. I answered it and it was Todd. He was borrowing someone's phone.

"Hey babe, I don't want you to freak out but I need a new phone."

"Why Todd?"

"Mine has a bullet hole in it."

"Oh my God Todd, are you ok? What happened? The news isn't giving us any information."

"Well, there was a gunman and I was in the dining hall when he came in and I got shot. The doctor said I'll be ok when it heals. My phone stopped most of the bullet's force so it didn't do much damage and they got it out. But you aren't going to be happy where I got hit."

"Where is that Todd?"

"Well, you know I keep my phone in my front pants pocket."

"Oh no, is it ok?"

"It is, but I can't put pressure on my wound for a few weeks so that means no, well, you know."

"Oh. That is ok, as long as you are safe. When are you coming home?"

"Well, I need you to pick me up from the hospital."

I went to get Todd. I took Laura with me and dropped her at the university so she could drive Todd's truck back home and I went to the hospital. Todd was walking on his own power without crutches this time. He got in and we drove home. When we got there we sat and ate dinner while Todd told us all what happened in the dining hall.

"Well, I was standing in the line to get my food when there was shouting. I turned to see what was going on and then bullets started flying. He had one of those military looking rifles. I got hit before I could react but went down after that. He was going for about 5 minutes before he left. I heard campus police killed him outside Drake Hall. My phone was destroyed so I couldn't call you. But it slowed down the bullet so it didn't do much damage. I'll show you the wound when we go to bed. Sorry mom, but I can't show you that area."

"I understand Toddy. I'm just glad you are ok."

After we ate we turned in. Todd showed me the wound in his leg. A few inches to the left and he would be less of a man.

"I'm sorry babe, but we can't have sex until it heals."

"It is ok Todd, we'll survive. I'm just glad you are alive."

"I wish I hadn't programmed you to only like sex with me now. You could have gotten someone to help you during this."

"What do you mean? And I don't want anyone else. I love you Todd, I can wait for you."

"Well, you remember when that porn messed with your mind?"


"Oh, it is weird how that works. Ok well we were having sex and a porn was playing on my phone and you heard it and it messed with your mind. Don't worry, I got everything fixed. But while I was fixing it, I kinda put some rules on you to keep it from happening again."

"What rules?"

"Well, I made it so when you are having sex the only voice you can hear is mine. That way when we are having sex and you are open to programming, no matter what anyone else says you can only hear my voice so you can't accidentally be messed with."

"That makes sense and a good idea, but you said I couldn't have sex with anyone else."

"Yeah, well, I found out that the programming locks and takes effect only when you cum so I told you that only I could make you cum and having sex with anyone else wouldn't feel like anything."

"So you made me dependent on you for the rest of my life? What if something happens to you?"

"Oh, I thought of that and said if I die you are released from that rule."

"Ok. I guess that is ok. Wait, what if I want to jack off?"

"I don't know. I didn't think about that as I was planning to always be able to have sex with you and give you your multiple cums."

"Well let's find out."

I got naked. So did Todd as that is how we sleep. I started to rub myself. I felt the rubbing, but nothing else. Todd reached over and rubbed me and I got hard. He then took his hand back and I grabbed my stiff member and started to stroke up and down. I felt the motion, but no pleasure. I continued to stroke for a few minutes but still felt nothing. I looked over at Todd. He looked sad. He reached over and started stroking me and it felt great. In a few minutes I was cumming all over myself.

"I'm so sorry babe, I didn't think about you not being able to please yourself. I'll fix it as soon as we can have sex again."

"No you won't Todd."

"What babe?"

"I don't want you to try and fix this. You did it to protect me. Yes I'm dependent on you for my orgasms now, but that is a small price to pay to never be programmed by anyone else ever again. I trust you Todd and you always look out for my best interest, so I want it to stay this way. You will just have to jack me off a lot until you can fuck me again."

"Just say the word babe."

I cleaned up then cuddled up to Todd and went to sleep.

When I woke up, Todd was still asleep. We were naked as always. I thought about what Todd told me last night. I started to hump into Todd. It felt good. I guess as long as Todd is in the equation somewhere, I can feel pleasure. I continued to hump him and soon I was shooting my cum between us. I rolled onto my back and took my cum slicked cock in my hand and started to stroke up and down. Nothing. No pleasure at all. I hope Todd isn't going to be one of those managers that take long business trips, as that will be rough. But I don't want him to fix this. He did it to protect me and I can deal with needing him. I took his hand and put it around my cock and started moving it up and down. Wow this feels good. I continued until I came again all over his hand.

"Morning babe, do you need another?"

"Morning Todd, no, that was two so I'm good."

We got up and got a shower. We then went to breakfast and I headed to work. Dan asked about Todd and I told him he was injured, but was ok and would heal in time. Dan told me I could take a sick day if I wanted, but I told him it was ok and I wanted to work today.

During my lunch break I ordered Todd a new phone. They asked why I was replacing it this soon but when I told them they didn't offer to put it through insurance so I had to pay full price. When I got home, Todd was there but wasn't doing homework.

"All classes were canceled. I did the homework from yesterday's classes earlier. How was work?"

"It was ok. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine."

After dinner we turned in. I cuddled up to him and reached over and started stroking his big cock. It took thirty minutes for him to spray his seed over us. After he came down he reached over and stroked me off. I came on his hand then we cleaned up and I cuddled up to him to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 26

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