Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Dec 4, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 23 by Sam

Sunday morning I wake up and Todd is already awake. He is looking at his phone and he is hard. I move so I can see what he is looking at and he is watching porn.

"Do I not excite you enough Todd?"

"Oh, babe, no, it's not that. I swear, you are plenty exciting. I just woke up horny and before you I would always just look at porn and jack off so I guess I just did it on instinct. But I really like having sex with you. But some of these positions look like fun."

"Well, what positions? We can always try them if you want. After all, what good is being married if you jack off all the time? I don't mind trying new stuff if it will keep you happy."

"Well there is this one."

Todd showed me a video on his phone. A guy was riding another guy's cock but instead of being laid flat on the bed, the top was sitting with his back against the headboard and the bottom was riding him while having his arms around the top's neck. The top was holding the sides of the bottom.

"Ok, sit with you back on the headboard."

Todd got in position. I lubed him up and straddled him and lowered myself onto his heavy spear. Once I was all the way down, I put my arms around his neck. Like this our eyes were almost at the same level, but his were just slightly above mine still. Todd placed his hands on my sides just above my hips. I started moving up and down on him. This was slightly better than a cowboy as I could look into Todd's eyes as I rode him and I was able to balance myself as I was holding onto him. Todd also seemed to be enjoying it. I rode him like that for two cums but soon my legs were tired so Todd laid me on my back and fucked me until he was pumping his load inside me.

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Yeah babe. Did you?"

"Yeah. We can always do new stuff Todd, all you have to do is ask. You are my husband after all, I want to please you. You just have to let me know how."

"I promise babe."

We got up and took a shower then had breakfast after he changed my bandages. After breakfast Todd got all his school stuff ready for tomorrow and then played on his Switch.

Monday morning Todd made love to me then we got a shower. He changed my bandages then we had breakfast. After we ate I gave him a hug and kiss and told him to have fun at school then headed to work.

During my lunch break I got a notification from Discover that my card was used at the Burger King on campus. I thought about it, then realized I forgot to put money in Todd's dining hall account. I was going to do it, but with the drama around him messing with my mind I forgot. I called the school and was transferred to the people that handle the accounts and I gave them Todd's student number and had them add $200 to his dining hall account and gave them my bank info to pay for it. The account can be used other places on campus and for more than food, but it is the only way you can pay in the dining halls as they don't take anything else. I also set up for them to email me if it got low so I could put more on it. Once I got that fixed I went back to work.

When I got home, Todd was at my desk working on his homework. I went over to him and gave him a hug.

"I'm so sorry. I forgot to put money in your dining hall account. I've failed you as your wife."

"Don't worry babe. I got Burger King. But I had to use your card. I'm sorry I didn't ask, but I didn't know if you would be working or not and didn't want to bother you if you were."

"That's your card now Todd, we are married, remember. What's mine is yours. But I put money in the account so you can eat in the dining hall tomorrow. And I want you to, as it is better than eating that fast food."

"Ok babe. Now come here."

Todd grabbed me and pulled me into his lap.

"How was work babe? I know I don't ask that enough, but as you are the only one of us making money I should take more interest in it."

"It was good. Mondays aren't usually very busy. How was school?"

"Great. The classes are getting more focused on my major rather than the basics so it is getting more interesting."

"Good. I want to see straight A's on your report card."

"We don't get graded until after the final, but sure, you got it."

Todd held me until Laura announced dinner was ready. After we ate Todd went back to his homework. When he was done we turned in and I cuddled up to him as I fell asleep.

When we woke up, Todd made love to me then we took a shower. After he changed my head bandages we went to breakfast then I headed to work. After work, Todd was at my desk doing his homework. I went up to him and hugged him from behind.

"Did you eat at the dining hall today?"

"Yeah babe, the card worked."

"Good. I don't like you eating that fast food. It isn't good for you."

"I know babe, but it tastes good."

"How were your classes?"

"Really good. How was work?"

"Slow. But Tuesdays are always the calm before the storm of Wednesdays."

Todd pulled me into his lap. "I'm going to work hard and get a good job as a hotel manager and get you out of that place."

"It's not all bad Todd. I like the people I work with."

"Well still. I want to earn enough to take care of my family and let my wife stay at home."

"I'd like that. But until you do, I'll support you."

After dinner, Todd continued to work on his homework and then we turned in.

When I got home from work Friday, I was tired. Fridays are always rough. Todd was at the desk doing his homework. I went up and hugged him from behind.

"You look tired babe."

"I am, I hate Fridays."

"Come here babe."

Todd grabbed me and put me in his lap and held me tight. It felt nice being held by Todd. I closed my eyes and laid my head against his chest. I must have been really tired as I was woken up when Laura announced dinner was ready. After we ate, Todd took me to the bedroom and put me to bed then went to finish his homework. I guess I fell asleep and I woke up the next morning cuddled up to Todd.

He was already awake and looking at his phone. My guess is more porn.

"Looking for more positions?"

"Oh, babe, uh, good morning." Todd put his phone down on the nightstand face down. "Did you sleep ok?"

"Yeah. But now I want this."

I pulled down the covers and lubed up his cock and straddled him and sat down on it. Once I was all the way down I started to bounce up and down on him. Oh it feels so good having his big cock inside me. I was really feeling it. I was moaning as his cock hit my prostate every time I went down on it.

"Yeah, it feels so good."

"What babe?"

"Yeah daddy."


"Oh yeah daddy."

Todd was looking at me oddly.

"Please let me take your load daddy. I promise I'll always ask."

"Oh shit."

Todd grabbed for his phone.

"Fill me up daddy... Yeah daddy."

Todd pressed pause on his phone.

"Babe, listen..."

"Oh Daddy!" I started cumming all over Todd.


Once I came down from my orgasm I was still riding daddy as he hadn't cum yet.

"Babe, listen, forget everything you just heard, do not do what you were told."

"What do you mean daddy? You haven't told me anything."

"Fuck! It is when you cum. That's when it locks."

"What are you talking about daddy? Did I do something wrong?"

"No babe, all good, make daddy happy."

"Yes daddy."

Twenty minutes later and I came for my third time and daddy filled my insides with his load. When we came down I asked permission to get up and daddy said I could, then took me into the shower. I waited for permission to wash him and he gave it when I asked. When we were done we got out and he let me get dressed and then changed my head bandages. We went to breakfast and daddy said I could eat then he took me back to the bedroom. He told me to get in bed and I did.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 24

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