Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Nov 30, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 21 by Sam

I woke up in the morning, still on the bathroom floor. I was stiff from sleeping on the floor. I got in the shower and kept running what Todd said to me over and over. It didn't make sense. He was making love to me, but telling me to kick him out. He's been acting so strange lately. Is it the stress of the marriage? Going back to school? Both together? I'm going to have to take time to sit down with him to figure this out. But when? I work today and I don't even know what time it is. I might already be late for work. I finished my shower and got out. I went into the bedroom. Todd was there in bed. I checked the time, it was only 6:45 am. Well, we had time now, but not sure if it was enough.

I went over and shook Todd to wake him up. When he opened his eyes and looked at me he looked away.

"Todd, we need to talk."

"I'm so sorry babe."

"You should be. Why would you say those things while making love to me?"

"Because you do what I say when I'm making love to you and I wanted you to kick me out."

"What are you talking about?"

"Ok, I'll tell you. But I need you to not interrupt and just listen. What I'm going to tell you is true."


"On Monday you came home from work and after dinner we came in here to talk in private. You told me that Stuart asked you if you were going to take my name and you asked for my opinion about it. I know. You think you already decided on that a long time ago, but listen. You didn't, you asked my opinion about it Monday and didn't know yourself. I didn't know at the time. So we then started making love. As we were getting into it I thought about it and wanted for you to take my name so I told you to. You just said 'Yes Todd.' and that was that. I also told you that you were my wife, not my husband and you said yes Todd to that too. Well, when we came and were just cuddling you told me you were my wife and always was and that you decided on taking my name a long time ago. I eventually let us sleep and I thought about it. I figured I could just have sex again and fix it by telling you to go back to what it was. Well in the morning I made love to you and fixed the wife thing but couldn't fix the name one as it involved you making a choice of your own and you kept telling me you chose a long time ago. So, I took that choice from you and can never give it back. You will always think that you decided to take my name even though I made you do it. I can't live with taking something from you and messing with your mind so I wanted you to dump me. I can live with you kicking me out with what I did to you, even if you will never remember it."

"Is that true? Can you make me think anything just by telling me during sex?"

"So far it worked until last night. Nothing I said you agreed with."

"How many times have you done it?"

"I swear Monday was the first. I didn't know it would work, and when I found out, I tried to fix it. But the damage is done. I will never know if taking my name is something you really wanted or if it was just me telling you to."

"This is messed up Todd. Playing with someone's mind is evil stuff."

"I know babe. I swear I was just messing around and thought you were playing along. I didn't know it was real. I'm so sorry, but there is nothing I can do."

"You can't do this ever again."

"I would never babe. But what about what I already did? How can I look at you be called Sam Anderson and know I took that choice of your own name from you? I can't live with that."

"You are going to have to. Because I am taking your name. For whatever reason, it is what I want. And you are not leaving, we are together forever."

"Even with what I did to you?"

"It's done. Nothing we can do about it now. But don't ever do it again."

"I would never babe. I love you."

"I love you too. Now help me with my head wraps."

After we got dressed we went out to breakfast then I headed to work. At lunch I talked to Stuart and asked him if we had talked about me changing my name to Todd's last name. He confirmed Todd's story and told me at that time I didn't know but would get back to him. I started thinking about this. If Todd has the power to make me think anything, and have me believe that I have always thought it, what else could he have done? Seriously, I believe that I have always wanted to change my name to his. No matter how much I tell myself that it was planted by Todd, I still believe it was my idea. I don't even remember Todd talking during sex Monday night. So do I really love Todd, or was that also planted by him during sex? What about our marriage, was that my idea? Now every single decision I've made and everything I've felt since I've met Todd comes into question.

After work we had dinner then we turned in.


"Yeah babe?"

"I talked to Stuart today. He confirmed what you told me. He says on Monday I really didn't know whether I was going to take your name or not."


"Todd... I'm scared... This means you have a power over me that I don't want anyone to have. How can I trust anything I believe when it could just be you telling me I believe it? How do I know anything I feel is true and not just something you told me to feel?"

"Babe, seriously, you have to believe me. The only thing I did was what I told you this morning."

"But how do I know that is true? I really don't remember you saying anything during sex Monday, but you say you did. I didn't remember Stuart talking to me about it Monday, but he did. You could plant anything in my head and I would never know it was planted. Our entire relationship could be a plant by you. I really don't know what to believe Todd."

"Believe this babe. I love you and you love me. I couldn't even convince you otherwise last night. We are married and you asked me to marry you when you were in the hospital, you can ask the nurse if you don't believe me. And I will never do anything like that again. It is killing me inside that I took that choice from you and there is nothing I can do to fix it, but that is now my burden to bare forever."

"What would you say if I wanted you to leave?"

"If that is what you want, I understand. I did wrong to you and I probably deserve it. I'll get my things packed up and tell my mom. Can we at least stay the night?"


"I understand, I'll get started."




"I don't understand. No what Sam?"




"Sam please look at me." He grabbed my shoulders so I was looking at him. "No what?"


"Sam can you tell me what you want?"


"Do you want me to leave?"


"Do you want me to stay?"


Todd picked me up and put me in his lap and held me tight. We stayed like that, me saying 'no' every now and then until I fell asleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 22

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