Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Nov 26, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 18 by Sam

Friday morning and I'm going nuts. We fly out today and I am constantly checking and rechecking everything. I want my wedding perfect. I'm not sure why as the chapel is taking care of almost everything, but I can't help it. Todd manages to get me to get in the truck so we can go to the airport. Laura is taking her car as she will be coming back early. We get to the airport and through security then wait to board. When we board, I take the middle seat as I'm the smallest. Todd takes the aisle seat so he can stretch his legs out. Laura takes the window seat. When we start to take off I hold Todd's hand. I'm not scared of flying, per se, but this first part is where shit can go really wrong and have bad consequences so that is when I need the most support.

When we land in Las Vegas we get our bags then grab a taxi. We check into the hotel and go to our rooms. I immediately take the tuxes out of the bags and send them to be dry cleaned and pressed and pay for the same day service. We then let Laura know we are going to the courthouse to get the marriage license. She says she will finish unpacking then check out the casino.

We get to the courthouse and get in line. There is a line specifically for marriage licenses. Well, Vegas is a love filled town. You can tell because of all the pictures of half naked girls on little cards all over the sidewalks. After we get the license it is time for dinner. We head up to our room so I can lock the license up, then call Laura so we can meet for dinner. We decided to go to the buffet. Todd kept getting up to get different things. That was fine as it is all you can eat and it is good to sample new stuff. When we were done we walked through the casino (it is very hard to not walk through a casino here, it takes up the entire ground floor). Todd really wanted to try a slot machine. I told him he is still too young, but he wanted the thrill of possibly winning. I told him he couldn't, but I would if he wanted. I pulled a quarter out of my pocket and put it in a machine and pressed the button. In seconds it was over and we lost. I was not surprised. We continued to head back to our room through the casino and I was stopped and asked for ID as I used a machine. Fine. I wonder if when I'm 60 I'll still look 12? I show him my ID and then we continue on. Once we get in the room, we get undressed and Todd takes me to the bed and makes love to me.

In the morning I woke up cuddled up to Todd. It is our last morning as single people. This afternoon we become one. We have no reason to hurry. I just enjoy my closeness to Todd and he pulls me tight to him. Eventually there is a knock on the door and Todd gets up and puts on a robe to answer it. It is our tuxes, clean and pressed. He hangs them in the closet then removes his robe and gets back in bed. He gets on top of me and starts kissing me. As we are making out I feel his cock enter me. He begins thrusting in and out of me as he makes love to me. After he fills my insides with his load we get up and take a shower. Todd then changes my head bandages and we get dressed. We meet up with Laura and have a late breakfast. Lunch will be provided as part of the wedding reception after the ceremony. It was the most expensive part of the package.

After we ate Todd took me to the CVS and got a case of Gatorade, some energy drinks and a few large bags of chips then took them up to the room and put some Gatorade and energy drinks in the tiny fridge. Then we went to the Marvel Avengers Station in the hotel as Todd loves superhero stuff. He was loving it. I was bored out of my mind. But this was for Todd so I sucked it up and let him have his fun as he went to all the different movie props. When Todd had had all the fun I could stand we left to get ready for the wedding. We took our tuxes and the license and met up with Laura who was in a very beautiful dress. We got a cab to the chapel and checked in and gave them the license. They showed us to the dressing rooms, one for each of us, that so wasn't happening. I followed Todd into his dressing room. Once Todd was naked I just stared at him. Brown hair, green eyes, handsome face and a large cock that hung heavy between his legs. Soon, this would be mine forever. Todd noticed me watching him and continued to stand naked in front of me. After a few minutes, but not nearly long enough for me, Todd cleared his throat.

"Can I get dressed now babe, or do you want me to wait?"

"Wait." I really wanted to keep looking at him. But we had a wedding to go to, and it was ours so we couldn't just skip it.

Todd started getting dressed and so did I. When we were ready I checked to make sure he looked perfect and I checked the mirror to make sure I was too. As I was looking in the mirror making sure my tux was right, Todd came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Look at them babe. Those two are perfect together."

We did look good together. His tall body behind my short one with his arms around me. His brown hair contrasting my blond. We made a great pair.

There was a knock on the door and Todd broke our hug to answer it. It was the usher letting us know everyone had arrived and they were ready to begin. We thanked him and he left.

"Are you ready babe?"

"Um... yeah, are you?" I was so nervous.

"Yeah. Come on. I'm right here and will be with you every step of the way."

I took his hand and he led me to the main hall. Music started and everyone stood as we walked hand in hand up to the front where Elvis stood. When we got there, he told us to stand facing each other. It was so much fun when he started the ceremony. I completely forgot my nerves and enjoyed the heck out of it. After the 'I dos' Todd placed a ring on my finger. It was magical. That little ring made me his forever. Then it was my turn to stake my claim and I put my ring on his finger. Then Elvis proclaimed us partners for life and told us to kiss. Todd bent down and gave me my first kiss as my husband. When we broke the kiss we turned to everyone and went to the reception hall. It was a great party with food and dancing. Me and Todd cut the cake together and it wasn't bad. I only had a small piece as I was still full from lunch. When it wrapped up we headed back to the hotel with Laura. When we got there, Todd told her not to expect to see us again until we got back home. Laura laughed and Todd picked me up and carried me to our hotel room.

When we got to the room I used my key as Todd's hands were full and he carried me inside. He put me on the bed and went to put on the 'do not disturb' sign and lock the door. I got undressed and laid in the middle of the bed to wait for Todd. Todd got an energy drink from the fridge and drank it. He then got undressed and got in bed with me. He kissed me and asked how I wanted my first one. I told him I wanted our first time as a married couple to be making love. He went down and rimmed me for 10 minutes then lubed up and got on top of me. I felt him enter me and he started thrusting in and out of me at a gentle pace. He was putting his all into this one. I could feel the love he was giving me. After I came he asked me if I wanted him to cum. I told him I did. I wanted our first orgasms to be this way. When I had my next cum Todd thrust all the way in me and pumped his first load as my husband inside me.

"I love you Todd"

"I love you too babe."

After we came down he pulled out of me and got a Gatorade and drank it. I stayed in bed.

"How do you want your next one babe?"

"Husband's choice."

He smiled and picked me up and put me on all fours. He grabbed my hips and pushed himself inside me. Once he was all the way in he repositioned himself so his hands were on my shoulders. He then pulled out and pushed in really hard using his hands to pull me back into him. He kept thrusting into me super hard. It felt really good. It took awhile but I came on the bed as Todd continued pushing my body into his impaling me on his spear. Once I had come down Todd stopped. I wondered if he had cum too, but I didn't feel him cumming. He pulled out and flipped me over on my back with my ass hanging off the side of the bed. He then pushed back into me and grabbed my sides and started thrusting into me hard. After I came he stayed inside me and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He took me over to the wall and put me against it. He then held me in place on the wall and thrust up into me. I was having so much fun. Todd was in control and was taking me on a sex trip.

When dinner time came around, after one of my cums, Todd called room service, then he continued thrusting into me. When the food arrived, Todd pulled out of me and put on a robe and got the tray. I was on my back in the bed, a little wiped out from all the fucking. Todd brought me my food and after I ate he put everything back on the tray and put it back outside, then drank an energy drink and took his robe off. Then got on top of me and entered me again and began thrusting hard into me.

When it was late, after a cum, Todd pulled out of me and picked me up and put me in the bath. He got in with me and we took a bath to clean up. I really do not have any idea how many times I have cum since we got back from the wedding, but Todd has only cum 3 times. I don't know how he holds out. When we were clean he got in bed on the clean side and I cuddled up to my new husband.

When we woke up the next Saturday, after a week of almost nonstop newlywed sex, I cuddled up to Todd.

"Babe, we have to get on a plane today, we can't stay in bed."

"So you will let me out of bed now?"

"You could get out of bed anytime you wanted."

"Why would I want to? I was feeling so good."

"Ok, but we have to get out of bed today."

"OK daddy."

"I can't believe you started calling me that 4 days ago."

"Well you were the one spanking me."

"Well, you were being a bad little boy."

"Yeah I was daddy. And you loved me calling you daddy, because that was the biggest load I've ever felt you pump into me."

"Yeah, ok babe, get up, we gotta get stuff packed and go."

Todd had to help me up as I was shaky on my legs. We managed to get everything packed and headed downstairs to check out. I checked the bill and the room service I knew about, but there were two movies on it. I don't remember them.

"I watched that one Monday, and that one Wednesday."

"How? I've been with you the whole time."

"Um... you were out cold."

"Oh... did you do anything to me while I was out?"

"No... when I do that, I want you to know it... and feel it... and enjoy it."

I paid the bill and we headed for the airport. When we got back into town we dropped off the tuxes at the rental shop then headed home. When we got home Todd picked me up at the door and carried me inside. He closed the door with his foot and I locked it and he carried me to our bed. He closed the door and got undressed. So did I and he got on top of me and made love to me. When he came we took a shower then he changed the bandages on my head. When we got back to the rest of the house, Laura was making dinner. I asked if she needed any help, but she said she had it under control so I just sat on the couch. I'm still a little tired from this week.

At dinner, Laura said she got her house cleaned up and returned the key to the landlord. So she's homeless now. I giggled and said she can live here as long as she needs to. I guess she noticed how tired I was, as after dinner she told Todd to take me to bed and let me sleep. And she emphasized the word sleep. He took me to our room and we got undressed and he got in bed and I cuddled up to him. He wrapped his arm around me and held me tight. I fell asleep quickly.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 19

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