Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Nov 25, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 17 by Sam

In the morning, Todd put me on my back in the middle of the bed and got on top of me and made love to me. We then went to take a shower and Todd changed my head bandages. We then went to eat breakfast. When that was done I started packing up Todd's room. Once I had it all packed up he took it to the truck. Laura directed us to other things she wanted to keep and after lunch we had it all done. I told her to go through the entire house again and make sure everything she wanted was out as anything left behind would be sold. After she did that, Todd set the destination to home and we were on our way. We had dinner along the way.

When we got home we took the boxes that had the stuff she needed, like clothing, to her room so she could unpack. The other boxes we stored in the storage shed in the backyard. Once we had it all done, we said goodnight to Laura and went to bed.

When we woke up, Todd made love to me. After we came we took a shower and got dressed. Todd then changed my head bandages and we went to breakfast. Laura had it on the table. After we ate, she gave me some sandwiches for lunch and I headed to work.

When I got home from work, Laura was working on dinner and Todd was playing his Switch. The house looked very clean. When we ate Laura said she talked to Derek and he had accepted a plea deal. He would get 5 years. That's a long time for losing your cool, but I guess the alternative of me dead would be worse. I asked Laura if she wanted to go ahead and sell the contents of her house now. She said might as well. After dinner I helped to clean up and Todd took me into the bedroom. Todd laid me down and got on top of me and I felt him enter me. He thrust hard in and out of me. It was wonderful and I came 3 times before he pumped his load inside me. After we came down I cleaned us up then I cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

When I woke up, Todd was already awake looking at me. I looked at him then pushed myself into him. He pulled me to him with his arm.

"What time is it?"


"Why do you keep waking up so early?"

"So I can watch you sleep. You are so beautiful when you are asleep."

"Oh? Only when I'm asleep?"

"No, not only. But especially when you are asleep cuddled up to me. You are beautiful all the time babe."

I held on to Todd. It was early enough that we didn't need to get moving yet. Eventually, Todd rolled me onto my back and got on top of me. He looked into my eyes as I looked into his beautiful green eyes. He bent down and kissed me and I felt him enter me. Once he was all the way in he started thrusting in and out. I was moaning into his mouth as he continued to kiss me. After 10 minutes I was brought to my first orgasm as my body stiffened and I fired my load between us. Todd continued to thrust in and out of me in a slow, steady rhythm. After another 15 minutes he gave me my second orgasm. I didn't want to, but I had to break the kiss as I was breathing so heavy that I needed more air. After I caught my breath I pulled him back down to me and continued kissing him. After 10 minutes, Todd started to thrust into me harder. 5 minute later I get my third orgasm as I blow my load on us. Todd continues to thrust in and out of me. I break the kiss again and look at him. His eyes are closed tight like he is in pain.

"Todd, what's wrong?"

Todd opens his eyes and looks at me. "Nothing babe, just trying to hold back."

"Hold back what?"

"My cum. I've been close for so long and your ass keeps sending me closer to the edge."

"Then why don't you cum?"

"I want to fuck you forever, but if I cum it will be over. Plus I like giving you as many cums as I can."

"Todd, I love you fucking me and never want it to stop either, but I do have to work today so I need you to cum... As soon as I do."

I was so close myself. 3 minutes later and I blew my load over us and that pushed Todd over the edge and he pumped his load inside me. After we came down he pulled out of me. We took a shower and he changed my head bandages before we went to breakfast. After breakfast I went to work.

During my lunch break I looked up ways to sell off Laura's things she didn't want. There was an auction company that worked all over the state doing estate sales. I gave them a call and they said they could come by tonight to iron out the details.

When I got home, dinner was almost ready. I told Laura I had someone coming to talk to her about selling off her stuff tonight. After we ate I helped clean up. About 8pm a guy came by. He explained to Laura how it worked. They would advertise the auction then conduct it and for payment they would take a percentage of the sales. That worked. Laura didn't need to do any work and wouldn't have to pay them as they would take their money before giving her the rest. They gave her a contract and asked if there was anything there that was not for sale. She told them the house and fridge were owned by the landlord but everything else could go. She signed the contract and gave them the keys. They said they would schedule the sale for Saturday as more people would be able to make it then.

After he left Todd and me said goodnight to Laura and went to our room. After we stripped I told Todd I wanted to see how long he could last now that we had nothing forcing us to stop. He came up and kissed me then laid me on the bed. He got on top of me and propped himself up and stared into my eyes. His eyes are so beautiful I can't keep my eyes off of them. I felt him enter me. He never broke eye contact with me as he started thrusting in and out of me. I couldn't help it and started moaning. The amount of control he has over me when his cock is inside me is amazing. I love Todd and always want to do what I can for him. But when in this position with him thrusting in and out of me, my whole world revolves around him and only him and I only want to make him as happy as I can. My first five orgasms came strong. We were nearing an hour now. Every time I came he squeezed his eyes shut. As I was firing my eighth load between us Todd grunted loudly as he shoved his cock deep in me and coated my insides with his massive load.

"Sorry babe, I couldn't hold off anymore."

"OMG Todd, you have nothing to be sorry for when it comes to that fuck. I've never felt so good."

"But I wanted to go all night."

"Todd, I love you, but be reasonable. Nobody can hold off a cum that long. You did really well." I looked at the clock. "You lasted an hour and 45 minutes. That is very good. And you made me cum so much. You should be happy."

"I'm happy if you are babe. But I'll do better next time. I think I need a shower."

He did and so did I. He was sweating a lot and we were both covered in my cum. We got up and took a shower. He was careful not to get my head wet. When we got out we cuddled up together and I fell asleep right away.

I woke up to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and it was Todd.

"Morning babe, you need to get up."

"Hmm. What time is it?" I said drowsily.


"What!? Why are you getting me up so late?"

"I'm sorry babe, but I wanted to let you sleep. I think I wore you out last night."

"Yeah, and it was wonderful too. But now I have to hurry to get ready or I'll be late."

"Don't worry babe, I'll help."

We got up and took a shower. Todd changed the bandages on my head and we went to breakfast. I then headed to work. I made it just on time.

When I got home we sat down and had dinner. I swear I haven't eaten this good in so long. I hope I'll get a chance to have Laura show me how to make some of these great dishes. After dinner was over we watched some TV, then me and Todd headed to bed. Todd said he wanted to make it up to me for getting me up late this morning. He got on top of me and made love to me. He didn't try to hold back this time and I only came three times before he filled my insides. But it was still very good. After we cleaned up I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

On Sunday I was getting antsy. Our wedding was this coming Saturday. I really couldn't wait but also was so worried I was going to forget something. I was making lists and constantly checking them. Yesterday the auction people called Laura and told her how much they got for everything, minus their commission, and said they would send her a check once all the payments from the buyers cleared.

On Monday I took the afternoon off so me and Todd could go rent our tuxes. I offered to pay for a new dress for Laura, but she declined and said she already had a nice dress she would wear. After we got them I put them in the hanging bags and put them with our other luggage I already packed.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 18

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