Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Nov 23, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 16 by Sam

The next night when I got home from work, Laura was working on dinner. I went in to see if I could help and she said she had it covered. I went in and sat next to Todd. He was playing on his Switch, but when I sat next to him he pulled me into his lap and pulled his arms around me so he could continue playing. I just rested against him, happy to be close to him. Fridays are always the worst and I was really tired. I was almost asleep when Laura came in and announced dinner was ready. We went over and sat and ate. She is really good at cooking. I'm an ok cook, but I had to teach myself as my mom wouldn't teach anyone, anything unless she was being paid, so I never learned from her. So it has been a long time since I've eaten this good. After dinner, Laura said she was going to go grocery shopping. I said we could go with her, but she said she wanted to go by herself. Shopping relaxes her, or so she said, and she prefers to do it alone. I've never been relaxed while shopping, but to each their own. I insisted she use Todd's card to pay for it though. When he handed it to her, she asked how he got a Discover card and he explained that it was really mine, but with his name on it so he could use it. I told her household expenses would be paid for by me and I wasn't accepting any arguments or I was doing the shopping myself. She agreed and took his card and headed out.

"Babe, can we talk?"

"Of course Todd, did I do something wrong?"

"No babe, nothing like that. It is about my mom. You see, since my dad is definitely going to be in jail for years and she's never worked in her life as he wouldn't let her, I don't know what to do. She has no income and the bills are going to start piling up."

"Well, what do you suggest?"

"Um, well, would it be possible for her to move in here? I know we are about to get married and it is weird doing it with her here, but I don't know what else to do. I don't want her to be homeless."

"Todd, you know I would have no problem with that. She is family, and I've always liked her. But do you know her financial situation?"

"Not really. I know they rent the house but other than that I have no idea."

"Well, this is her decision to make and if she agrees, then we will sit down to figure out how to keep her afloat while your dad is locked up."

"Thanks babe, this is a real load off my mind. Oh god I need you right now."

He picked me up and took me to the bedroom. He pulled off my clothes and his and lubed up, then grabbed me and bent me over the bed. I felt his cock enter me and he started pounding me hard. I was moaning as he was really hitting my prostate. It felt so good. He grunted with every thrust. It only took 10 minutes before my first orgasm overtook me and I came on the bed as Todd continued to pound me hard. After another 5 minutes he picked up his pace and was really giving it to my ass. I couldn't help it and came again. He just kept going for another 20 minutes and my fourth orgasm finally took him over the edge and he thrust hard into me as he pumped his load inside me. It took awhile for us to come down as it was so intense. When we did, he pulled out of me and I cleaned us and the bed up then we got dressed again and went out and Laura was back from the store and was putting stuff away. I went to help her.

Once we had everything put away, Todd asked her to sit down.

"Mom, with dad in jail and you not working, your bills are going to start piling up."

"I know Toddy, but I'll just have to get a job."

"But you have never worked. It is hard to find a job with no experience."

"I know. I've been looking ever since Derek was arrested."

"Well, me and Sam have been talking and we want to offer to have you move in with us."

"Toddy, that is sweet, but I don't want to cramp your style. I know what it is like being young and in love and having your mom in the house would put a damper on that. Well it would me, but from what I hear, it hasn't seemed to stop you."

"I'm sorry if that bothers you Laura. And no, you being here will not stop that."

"Oh it doesn't bother me at all Sam. I'm a modern woman after all. Sex is a part of life, especially at your ages, so it is fine with me. I just don't want to make Toddy uncomfortable."

"I'm fine mom. When I'm with Sam, all I think about is him and me, so I don't even realize you are here until we are done."

"Well that's settled then. So what do you say Laura? Do you want to move in here, just until Derek gets out or you can stand on your own feet. You are family, so as long as you need, it isn't a problem."

"Sam, you are so kind, Toddy found him a good one. Ok. But what about the house and things? I don't need them, but it will cost money to store them for who knows how long."

"Ok, I need to know your financial situation to come up with a plan."

We talked for a long time. She rents the house and the next payment isn't due until the first, the car is paid for as well as everything in the house. I suggested we go down tomorrow and get everything she wants to keep, then sell the rest and turn in her keys so she won't owe any more rent. Luckily she didn't have any credit cards to pay off so whatever we get for her stuff she can hold on to.

After our talk it was late so me and Todd said goodnight to her as we went to our room. After the amazing fuck he gave me earlier, I was ready to sleep, so we undressed then I cuddled up to him and he wrapped his arm around me and held me to him tight. I was asleep quickly.

When I woke up, Todd was awake and looking down at me.

"Good morning."

"Good morning babe. Did you sleep ok?"

"Yeah, I slept really good. What time is it?"


"Wow, why are you up so early?"

"Because I want to make you feel really good today before we have to leave."

He started kissing me and rolled us so he was on top of me. He worked down my body and I lifted my legs as he went down to rim me. I was squirming as he ran his tongue around my hole. When he got tired he moved back up and kissed me some more as I felt his cock enter me. After he got all the way in he started to pull out until just the head was in then thrust hard back in. He kept hitting my prostate. It had me moaning in his mouth as he kissed me. He kept kissing me as he thrust in and out of me hard. After 10 minutes I stiffened up and blew my first load between us as Todd kept up his assault on my ass. He never slowed as I blew my second load 15 minutes later. After I had come down while he continued to pound into me he snaked his arms under and around me and pulled me up to him. He then stood up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and kept my arms around his neck as he bounced me up and down on his cock as he stood. He walked over to the wall and put my back on it and held me there as he began to thrust up into me. This was amazing and I couldn't do or say anything as his cock kept forcing moans out of me. I was putty and my brain was so full of lust all I could think about was letting Todd do with me whatever he wanted as long as the feeling his cock was giving me continued. I came 10 minutes later on us and Todd kept going. I'm not sure how he keeps from cumming but my pleasure never stops. He pulled me to him and bounced me on his cock as he went back to the bed. He laid me down with my ass hanging off the edge of the bed. Todd stood up straight and grabbed my hips then started pounding me as hard as he could. I was lost in these feelings. Soon I was brought over the edge again and that took Todd over and he pushed hard in me as he grunted hard as I felt his cock pump his load inside me.

After about 10 minutes we finally came down from our orgasm high. Todd pulled out of me and helped me up and we went in to shower. After we were clean and put on clothes, Todd changed my head bandages then we went out to breakfast. It was already on the table and we sat down with Laura and ate. I helped her clean up afterward then I made sure everything was locked up and we went to go to her house. We were going in Todd's truck so we could just put all she wanted to keep in the back. Todd got in the driver's seat and Laura got in the passenger seat. I got in the back seat. There isn't much leg room back here, but more than enough for my short legs. Todd started to program the destination into the navigation system.

"Wow Toddy, this is a nice truck. When did you get it?"

"It's Sam's. He got it for me when I totaled his other truck."

"Wait, you were in an accident? Why didn't you tell me? Were you hurt?"

"This is why I didn't tell you. I fractured my knee, but was fine other than that. But Sam's truck was destroyed."

"Todd! You didn't tell your mom about your accident? That's not right. I don't know how I would feel if you got hurt and didn't tell me."

"I'm sorry babe. I'm sorry mom. I'll do better."

"So Sam lets you drive his truck?"

"He got it for me. He drives his car."

"I didn't want him riding his bike to school."

"But how can you afford it?"

"I was already making payments on the other truck, and the payments on this one are a little less."

"Well, you are too good Sam. Toddy, you treat him right."

"Of course I will mom. We're getting married, I'm going to keep him happy for the rest of his life."

"See that you do."

The drive was long and boring. I fell asleep because Todd wore me out this morning. Todd woke me up when we were at a diner to get lunch. After we ate we headed over to Laura's house. Todd had gotten some boxes from his old job and they were in the back of the truck. We grabbed them so Laura could tell us what she wanted to keep and we could box them up. We worked on it for a few hours, then we stopped for the day and Laura made dinner.

After we ate we chatted for a bit then Todd took me to his old room. He had posters on the wall of cute celebrities and a model train. His bed was a twin size. It had the feel of a high school kid's room, but I guess I should have expected that. We got undressed and got in bed. It was a tight fit for both of us, but I managed to get cuddled up to him.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 17

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