Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Nov 21, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 15 by Sam

"Babe... um... My mom wants to come up to see my dad in jail. But because she doesn't work and he is in jail, they no longer have an income and money is getting tight. So she can't afford to get a hotel. I wanted to know if maybe it would be ok with you if she stayed here?"

"Of course she can. She's family, that's what family does. We will need to clean up and get stuff though."

"I can do that while you are at work tomorrow babe. Give me a list of what we need and tell me what needs done."

"Well, you'll need to clean one of the spare rooms. You know, dust, vacuum and change the bedding. You'll need to clean the guest bathroom and put some shampoo and body wash in there as well as fresh towels. I haven't been in that bathroom for years as we always use the master bath in our room so we might need other stuff, clean it and check what is there before going shopping."

"Not a problem, babe. I'll get it done."

"When is she coming?"

"I don't know. I'll check with her tomorrow."

Todd and I went to bed and he fucked me hard doggystyle before we cuddled up and went to sleep.

When we woke up, Todd made love to me then we showered and he changed the bandages on my head. After breakfast I headed to work. During my lunch break I looked at wedding chapels in Vegas with Elvis impersonators. There was one that was highly recommended on Tripadvisor. I called them and asked about booking a wedding for the first week of August. If I could get a Saturday it would be great as it would make it easier for our guests. They had an opening for that Saturday afternoon. I booked the opening and they told me to get the marriage license as soon as we got in. I then booked a room at Treasure Island for a week starting the Friday before the wedding. I also got a room for Todd's mom as I was sure she couldn't afford it, but only for a few days as she didn't need to stay a week. The rest of the week was going to be me and Todd's honeymoon. I then booked the flights for me, Todd and his mom as I didn't want to drive that far. After that I filled out the vacation request and then had to get back to work.

When I got home I made dinner. Todd told me he cleaned up the bathroom and spare room for his mom. She will be down tomorrow night. After I cleaned up I went to check the room and bathroom to make sure it was clean enough. After I had made sure it was to my standard, Todd picked me up and carried me to the bedroom and stripped me then pinned me to the bed and fucked me hard. After we cleaned up I cuddled up to Todd and went to sleep.

In the morning Todd got on top of me. I felt his cock enter me. Once he was all the way in he pulled out until just the head was in, then thrust back hard. He kept doing this and it was feeling amazing. I looked up into his eyes as they looked into mine. His cock hit my prostate hard on every thrust. Other than being trapped under Todd, his body was completely over me and he would have to get up for me to move, his cock was controlling me from the inside, making me moan with every thrust and not able to stop. Todd just kept going. Soon his cock pushed me over the edge and I screamed out as I came on us. This only made Todd more determined. He thrust harder into me. Still keeping the pace, slow out and hard in. I couldn't help it. Even though he had just made me cum, I was still moaning as he thrust into me. Todd was in control. He could do whatever he wanted and I had no way to stop him. He continued to thrust hard into me hitting my prostate. After we had been going for about half an hour I was pushed over the edge again as I screamed out again and came on us. Todd closed his eyes tight and seemed to be concentrating, but didn't stop and didn't cum. Now it isn't unusual for me to get 3 cums in a fuck, but usually the first one of the day is only two. But Todd kept going. After another 10 minutes, Todd started thrusting into me harder. He was really pounding me. It stimulated me so much that in 5 minutes I was screaming, "OH GOD YES, GIVE IT TO ME TODD!" A few minutes later I'm cumming again. This time it pushes Todd over the edge too and he gives a loud grunt as he pumps his load inside me.

"Did you like that babe?"

"Oh fuck Todd, you are getting so fucking good at that."

"Well if I'm going to be your husband I need to know how to keep you happy."

"Well just keep doing that and you won't hear any complaints from me."

Todd pulled out of me and helped me up so we could take our shower. Once we were clean and dressed, Todd changed my head bandages then I made our breakfast and lunches. I packed mine up and put Todd's in the fridge then we sat down and ate. After we ate I cleaned up then headed to work. At work I was told my vacation was approved. I sent out a wedding invite email to my friends then called Todd and told him when and where the wedding was so he could tell his friends.

When I got home, Todd was playing on his Switch on the TV. I went in and started dinner. While I was working on the meal, there was a knock on the door. Todd answered it.

"Mom, come in, how was the trip?"

"Hi Toddy, it was good."

I went out into the living room.

"Laura, it's good to see you again."

"You too Sam, thanks for agreeing to put me up."

"It isn't a problem, that is what family is for. Todd, show your mom to her room and show her the bathroom she will be using and where the extra towels are. Laura, dinner will be ready in about 15 minutes."

"Thanks Sam." Todd showed his mom to the spare room. I went back to cooking.

When it was done we all sat down to eat. While we ate we chatted. I told them that I had called the DA to try to get the charges dropped, but he wouldn't do it. Todd told me I shouldn't have done that as he nearly killed me and if the cop wasn't here, he would have. Todd said his father deserved to rot in jail for almost taking me away from him. I told him his father had changed and to give him another chance. We also talked about our wedding. I told Laura I had already purchased tickets and a hotel room for her so she needn't worry about money. She protested that I didn't need to pay for her, but I told her that tradition dictated that the bride's family pay for the wedding, and as the bottom I feel I fit that role, and I included the main wedding party in that tradition. Besides, we needed a family member to witness the wedding and my mom sure as hell wasn't going to do it.

After dinner I cleaned up the dishes and we sat and chatted until it was time to turn in. Todd and I said goodnight to Laura and went to our room. We stripped and got in bed. I wanted Todd to do what he did this morning, so I started stroking his big, heavy cock to get it hard.

"But babe, my mom is in the next room."

"I don't care, I want this in me."

"But you were loud this morning."

"And I want you to make me louder now."

"I don't know babe."

I pulled him on top of me and started kissing him. He was getting into it and I felt him enter me. He started thrusting hard and was hitting my button every time. I was in heaven and moaning. Todd kept it up and soon I screamed as my cum shot out of me all over us. Todd kept going and started thrusting harder. I was moaning louder and soon I screamed as I came again. Todd closed his eyes and kept thrusting. After a while he started really pounding my ass as hard as he could. This was so good. I couldn't help it and screamed out, "FUCK YES TODD, FUCK ME HARDER!" It didn't take long before I came again. This finally took Todd over the edge and he grunted as he came inside me.

"I think my mom may have heard us."

"Well, if she is going to stay here, she will need to get used to it as I'm not letting you not fuck me just because she is here."

"Ok babe, I understand."

Todd pulled out of me and I cleaned us up, then we cuddled up with my head on his chest and his arm around me and I fell asleep.

When we woke up, Todd made love to me then we took a shower and he changed my head bandages. After we got dressed we came out of the bedroom. Laura was already up and making breakfast.

"You don't have to make breakfast Laura, I can do it."

"It's no problem Sam and I like to cook. Also, I'll feel like a freeloader if I don't do something to help out."

"Don't think that way. You are family and are always welcome. No payment required. But if it makes you feel better, then it is fine with me. Let me just make my lunch for work."

I made up some sandwiches to take to work and then we all sat down to eat. After we were finished, Laura took care of the dishes. She said she would head over to the jail to see Derek today. I told her to take Todd with her. He protested, but I put my foot down. He relented and I headed for work.

When I got home, Laura was making dinner. Todd was playing his Switch so I just went over to the couch and sat next to him as he played. When dinner was ready we all sat and ate. Laura discussed the trip to the jail. She said Derek apologized to Todd about the last few months letting him know that he was stupid and Todd and me should be happy together, instead of putting up with him. He hoped Todd would forgive him. Todd said he hasn't done so. She also said Derek's lawyer advised him to take a plea deal as with the video evidence, Derek doesn't stand a chance in court. He's thinking about it. After dinner Laura insisted on cleaning up and then we all watched TV. At bedtime we said goodnight to Laura and went to our room. Todd made love to me, then we cleaned up and I cuddled up to him and went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 16

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